Day: April 25, 2013

Research Excellence Fund Awards

ResearchThe vice president for research is pleased to announce this year’s recipients of the Research Excellence Fund Awards, and would like to thank all of the review committee members for participating in this important internal award process. Recipients in the College of Sciences and Arts include:

Infrastructure Enhancement Grants
Will Cantrell, EPSSI/Physics
Michael Gretz, Bio Sci

Scholarship and Creativity Grants
Ramon Fonkoue, HU
Kalen Larson, VPA
Emma Norman, SS
Steven Walton, SS

Mentoring Grants
Stefka Hristova, HU
Rebecca Schmitz, Math

Research Seed Grants
John Durocher, KIP
Adam Wellstead, SS

Technology Commercialization Grants
Lanrong Bi, Chem

Creative Canvas Course Contest (C-4) Results

Creative Canvas CourseThe Center for Teaching and Learning’s first Creative Canvas Course Contest (C-4) saw students nominate more than 100 different courses from almost every department. In the College of Sciences and Arts, the creative faculty recognized were:

Karin Schlenker (HU3280), Lecturer, Humanities
Richelle Winkler (SS3315), Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
Brigitte Zielinksi (BL2920) Instructor, Biological Sciences
Claire Zuraw (ESL0330), Instructor, ESL

View their video course tours.

From Tech Today.
