Randall (Randy) Isaacson took a BS in Biological Sciences (’86) and an MS in Rhetoric and Technical Communications (’88) from Michigan Tech and turned them into a successful health care marketing and advertising career. On March 1 and 2, he will return to campus as the third speaker in the Scott Pattullo Visiting Executive Series… [read more]
Air Force ROTC took the overall crown at the Winter Carnival awards ceremony Saturday night. It had been a decade since the Air Force ROTC won, said Jayna Weingarden, Winter Carnival chair for the Air Force ROTC. “We put in a lot of hard work…” [read more]
The Graduate School has announced the recipient of a Graduate Student Government (GSG) Outstanding Service Award is PhD Candidate Shreya Kumar. Shreya is a graduate Teaching Assistant in the Computer Science Department. GSG as a liaison between the administration and grad students at Michigan Tech… [read more]
The Michigan Tech chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) has been selected as one of the 2011 Outstanding SPS Chapters. This is the second year in a row that the local chapter has earned such a distinction from the Zone Councilors and Associate Zone Councilors. “This chapter makes a great push to keep alumni involved…” [read more]
The GSG held its annual research colloquium on February 2-3, 2012. The 1st place award for a research presentation went to Huan Yang, Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Science. 2nd place went to Valoree Gagnon, Department of Social Sciences… [read more]
Professor of Physics Miguel Levy was recognized for outstanding and fundamental contributions in the areas of magneto-optic and opto-electronic films, and extensions of the theory and applications of magneto-optic photonic crystals. Election to the rank of Fellow is based on outstanding contributions to optics… [read more]
Syd Johnson, assistant professor of philosophy and adjunct professor of kinesiology and integrative physiology, has studied the impact of concussions and is joining those who urge revolutionary changes in hockey and football. Johnson promotes no body checking until elite level programs… [read more]
Two of the nominees are in the College of Sciences and Arts. Sarah Mets is majoring in biological sciences. She is studying centrosome assembly in the nematode C. elegans, investigating the genes involved in centrosome duplication and how they are related. Physics major Ben Malec tracks particles in a turbulent fluid in which gravitational settling also plays a role… [read more]
The drawdown of America’s military force means less opportunity and more competition in ROTC programs nationwide. But Michigan Tech is expected to weather that storm in good shape. “We will buck the trend,” says Col. Michmtuael Brothers, commander of the Air Force ROTC program. Adds, Col. James Spence, commander of the Army ROTC program, “Michigan Tech will need to grow, not shrink…” [read more]
Scholarship amounts have increased for science, math, and engineering majors who wish to become K-12 teachers. The Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, Division of Teacher Education, is holding information sessions for undergraduate and graduate students wishing to apply to this NSF-supported program… [read more]