Adam Welstead recently published Policy Innovation Labs in Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham.
Chelsea Schelly was the featured speaker of the Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition’s “This is it!” livestream. Topic- Intentional Communities: Living Sustainably with a Shared Purpose. The talk can be viewed on YouTube.
Kathleen Brosemer, EEP Ph.D. student, Chelsea Schelly (SS), Val Gagnon (GLRC), and Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE), with colleagues from Michigan State — Kristin L. Arola, Douglas Bessette, and Laura Schmitt Olabisi —published “The energy crises revealed by COVID: Intersections of Indigeneity, inequity, and health” in Energy Research and Social Sciences.
by Angie Carter, Social Sciences
Growing from the Heart is a new grassroots initiative working to increase access to fresh, local, and nourishing food in Western UP communities this summer. Individual gardeners, groups, and organizations may sign up to be partners in this collective effort by growing food, making land available for food growing, or being a site for food redistribution.
“This program is a beautiful way to share good energy with our community as we grow things from the heart and put that energy into that good food,” explained Kathleen Smith, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) enrolled member, Habitat Specialist at KBIC Natural Resources Department, and Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College Board Member.
The Down to Earth Gardening Collective, a new food growing movement started by Michigan Tech students, believes that because food is a basic human need, the commodification and privatization of food leads to the commodification of human life. It hopes to challenge that notion and create a more communal food system by pooling our land, labor and love.
Information about how to sign up to grow and share food, or how to sign up to be a site for food redistribution, can be found on the Western UP Food Systems Council website. The Western UP Food Systems Council is a regional initiative supporting strengthened food systems in our region. We invite community members and organizations to join in this work of reconnection to our food, one another, and our home. As we grow and redistribute food, we work together toward food sovereignty for all. Questions can be emailed to
Erin Burkett (EEP PhD Alum) and Angie Carter recently published “It’s Not about the Fish: Women’s Experiences in a Gendered Recreation Landscape” in the journal Leisure Sciences.
This project was funded by the Michigan Sea Grant under Federal Grant Number NA18OAR4170102; Project Number Index: R/CBD-2; PO Number: 3004932532.
Postdoctoral researcher Dan Trepal (SS/GLRC) and Don Lafreniere (SS/GLRC) recently published an article titled “Historical Spatial-Data Infrastructures for Archaeology: Towards a Spatiotemporal Big-Data Approach to Studying the Postindustrial City” in the journal Historical Archaeology
The article outlines how spatiotemporal big-data approaches combined with geospatial technologies can expand the way archaeologists study postindustrial cities.
Chelsea Schelly (SS), Kathleen Brosemer (SS Ph.D. student), Valoree Gagnon (CFRES/GLRC), Andrew Fiss (HU), Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE), and Kathy Halvorsen (SS/CFRES/AVPRD) of Michigan Tech, and Douglas Bessette and Kristin Arola of Michigan State University authored a paper titled, “Energy Policy for Energy Sovereignty: Can Policy Tools Enhance Energy Sovereignty?” published in Solar Energy.
Co-authors include
A presentation by LouAnn Wurst was the subject of the article “Presentation shone a light on fascinating local history,” in the Marquette Mining Journal.
Adewale Adesanya (EEP Ph.D. candidate), Roman Sidortsov, Chelsea Schelly have published “Act locally, transition globally: Grassroots resilience, local politics, and five municipalities in the United States with 100% renewable electricity” in Energy Research & Social Science.
Erin Pischke (EEP PhD alum) and Adam Wellstead authored the article Reimagining instrument constituencies: the case of conservation policy in Mexico in Policy Sciences (2020).
We examine Mexican instrument constituencies that have promoted use of a payments for ecosystem services (PES) program, the payments for hydrological services (PHS) program. Instrument constituencies are groups of policy actors who are bound by an interest in a particular policy instrument or solution.