Don Lafreniere (SS), Dan Trepal (IHA PhD candidate-SS), Sarah Fayen Scarlett (SS), John Arnold (SS), Robert Pastel (CS), and Ryan Williams (GRF), along with Luke Weidner (Colorado School of Mines) recently published “Public participatory historical GIS” in Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History. In this article the authors call for a new approach to historical geographic information system (HGIS) study that includes public partnership to build HGIS datasets.
Kari Henquinet (SS and Pavlis Honors College) recently published the article “American World Visions of Vulnerabilty: The Sacred, the Secular, and Roots of Evangelical American Aid” in Research in Economic Anthropology, Volume 38, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.199 – 222. In this article, Henquinet analyzes “constructions of and responses to vulnerability in the US government and the evangelical aid organization, World Vision, during the 1950s and 1960s in Korea and Vietnam.”
Emily Prehoda (EEP PhD candidate-SS), Joshua Pearce (MSE, ECE), and Chelsea Schelly (SS) recently published “Policies to Overcome Barriers for Renewable Energy Distributed Generation: A Case Study of Utility Structure and Regulatory Regimes in Michigan” in Energies 2019, 12(4), 674.
Richelle Winkler and EEP PhD student, Erin Burkett’s research was highlighted in the article “More women are fishin’–but not enough to offset the drop in men” published in Great Lakes Echo.
Roman Sidortsov co-authored an article Sustainable Cybersecurity? Rethinking Approaches to Protecting Energy Infrastructure in the European High North published in Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 51, pp. 129-133.
Shan Zhou recently co-authored the article Understanding Renewable Energy Policy Adoption and Evolution in Europe: The Impact of Coercion, Normative Emulation, Competition, and Learning published in Energy Research & Social Science Vol. 51, pp. 1-11.
Students from Angie Carter’s Communities and Research class (SS4700) presented their semester research project at the Social Sciences Brown Bag. The project looked at food access in Houghton, Hancock, and Michigan Tech. An article on the presentation was featured in the Daily Mining Gazette.
Erin Pischke (PhD EEP alumnus), Barry Solomon (Professor Emeritus) , and Adam Wellstead (SS) along with Alberto Acevedo, Amarella Eastmond, Fernando De Oliveira, Suani Coelho, Oswaldo Lucon recently published an article From Kyoto to Paris: Measuring Renewable Energy Policy Regimes in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and the United States in Energy Research & Social Science journal where they investigate the central research question: How do we measure the national and subnational policy output of existing renewable energy policies in order to assess how they broadly address climate change?
Laura Walikainen Rouleau was quoted in the article The Glamorous, Sexist History of the Women’s Restroom Lounge in The Atlantic’s CityLab.
Richelle Winkler (SS) was quoted in the story “Deer hunter decline could cause issues for DNR funding,” on WLUC TV6.