Schelly Co-PI on the Project “Reducing Household Food, Energy and Water Consumption: A Quantitative Analysis of Interventions and Impacts of Conservation”

Chelsea Schelly
Chelsea Schelly

Dave Watkins is the principal investigator on a research and development project that has received a $1,477,068 grant from the National Science Foundation. Buyung Agusdinata, Chelsea Schelly, Rachael Shwom and Jenni-Louise Evans are co-PIs on the project, “Reducing Household Food, Energy and Water Consumption: A Quantitative Analysis of Interventions and Impacts of Conservation.”

This project starts on Oct. 1 and is scheduled to finish in 2021.

From Tech Today.


Vaidya Published on the Sustainability of Woody Biomass

Ashma Vaidya

Ashma Vaidya, who graduated in summer 2016 with a PhD in Environmental and Energy Policy, has published three papers on the sustainability of woody biomass in the UP for bioenergy:

Vaidya A and AL Mayer. 2014. Use of the participatory approach to develop sustainability assessments for natural resource management. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 21(4):369-379.

Vaidya A and AL Mayer. 2016. Use of multiple criteria analysis to develop a regional assessment tool for bioenergy production. Biomass and Bioenergy 94:1-11.

Vaidya A and AL Mayer. In press. Criteria and indicators for a bioenergy production industry via stakeholder participation. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. DOI:10.1080/13504509.2015.1135830

Contact Audrey Mayer for reprints.

From Tech Today.

Rahman Publishes on the Shipbreaking Industry in Bangladesh

Mizanur RahmanS.M. Mizan Rahman, who graduated in spring 2016 with a PhD in Environmental and Energy Policy, has published three papers on the shipbreaking industry in Bangladesh:

Rahman SMM and AL Mayer. 2015. How social ties influence metal resource flows in the Bangladesh ship recycling industry. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 104(A):254-264.

Rahman SMM, R Handler, AL Mayer. 2016. Life Cycle Assessment of steel in the ship recycling industry in Bangladesh. Journal of Cleaner Production 135:963-971.

Rahman SMM and AL Mayer. 2016. Policy compliance recommendations for international shipbreaking treaties for Bangladesh. Marine Policy 73:122-129.

Contact Audrey Mayer for reprints.

From Tech Today.

Local High School Students Learn Historical GIS with the Keweenaw Time Traveler Team

TimetravelerCareers that incorporate geospatial technologies are among the fastest-growing nationwide. That’s why Michigan Tech and Eastern Michigan University have teamed up on the NSF-funded GRACE Project to introduce high school students to GIS techniques and tools that can be used to tackle community issues.

This summer, eleven students from CLK and Houghton high schools are working as paid interns with researchers in the Department of Social Sciences and the Great Lakes Research Center to help build the Keweenaw Time Traveler, an NEH-funded project directed by Assistant Professor Don Lafreniere (SS). This innovative online historical atlas will allow users to pinpoint data about changes in the built, social, and natural environments of the Copper Country. The students have joined our team of “Time Travelers,” which includes graduate students in the Industrial Heritage and Archaeology program as well as undergraduates from departments across Michigan Tech. Together, they are learning to use GIS to identify, digitize, and follow changes in thousands of buildings and features from 1888-1950.


During the six week program, students are exploring the many exciting opportunities provided by mobile geospatial technologies by participating in interactive hands-on field trips, including an afternoon in Lake Linden with Carol MacLennan (SS) exploring the vast milling and processing systems that once studded the western shore of Torch Lake, a related trip on the Agassiz Research Vessel learning about the changing shoreline and water quality, and a day conducting active data collection with mobile tablets and GPS in Calumet to capture the students’ perspectives on how to improve non-motorized transportation in conjunction with the Keweenaw National Historical Park’s Complete Streets initiative. The student interns, who are paid through the GRACE project, will present their work in a final celebration on August 11th in GLRC 2020.  Details forthcoming.  The Keweenaw Time Traveler is co-directed by Sarah Fayen Scarlett (SS) and John Arnold (SS)

Lafreniere, Scarlett, Arnold Bring GIS Education and Research to Copper Country High School Students


Don Lafreniere (SS/GLRC) is the principal investigator on a project that is providing paid GIS internship opportunities to local high school students this summer.  Students are learning geospatial technologies and working with MTU Social Science Researchers and NPS Staff from the Keweenaw National Historical Park to built components of the Keweenaw Time Traveler. The project is supported through a $16,772 contract from the Institute for Geospatial Research and Education/NSF.  Sarah Scarlett (SS) and John Arnold (SS) are Co-PIs on the project entitled  “GRACE (GIS Resources and Applications for Career Education) Project Student Interns.”