Learning the Terminology

Refer to this glossary of terminology, sorted alphabetically to learn more about an unfamiliar word.


404: An error message displayed by a browser indicating that an Internet address cannot be found, i.e. that there is no page at the specified URL.


Absolute Link: A link that is written as a full URL address (e.g. https://www.mtu.edu/).

Access Rights: The ability to edit a web page or part of a web page.

Accessibility Check: Validation available to ensure web accessibility compliance.

Alt Text: Text within the HTML code to describe the appearance and function of an image on a page.

Approver: A user that has been assigned to approve pages for another user.

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications): Defines a way to make web content and applications more accessible to people with disabilities.

Asset: A reusable piece of content (text, code, or form) that can be placed on many pages. When an asset is edited and published, all subscribing pages are automatically published with the changes.

Auto Draft: A feature of the editor that locally saves a draft of the content you are editing.


Breadcrumbs: A navigational technique displaying all visited pages leading from the home page to the currently viewed page. All pages are linked for easy backwards navigation. Breadcrumbs are typically placed near the top of a web page.

Broken Page: A page containing one or more links that no longer exist that need to be corrected.


Cache: To reduce load times, browsers store copies of pages and files that they use when revisiting the site (instead of downloading all content from scratch). This storage is called a cache.

Clearing the Cache: A common remedy for web page problems, such as images not updating properly. Each browser has its own instructions for how to clear cache.

CSS (cascading style sheet): A specification of the formatting style for various elements of a web page.


Dashboard: Area in Modern Campus CMS that includes Workflow, Current Projects, Broken Pages, and Settings/Preferences (for a user).

Dependency Manager (DM): An Modern Campus CMS feature that manages links.

DirectEdit™: The ability to access the web CMS editor from a hidden link on any web page and immediately edit the page without requiring users to find their pages in the web CMS directory.


Editable Regions: Sub-parts of a web page that are accessible and editable. Our Editable Regions include Intro Content, Main Content, Additional Content, Left Sidebar Content, and Right Sidebar Content.

External Link: A link on your site that points to a page on another website.


File: An uploaded document including pdf, Word, Excel, etc.

File Management: The ability to perform standard file functions within the CMS such as copy, move, rename, delete, etc.


Gadget: Programs that provide additional functionality and access in Modern Campus CMS.

Global Navigation Bar: Found at the top of the screen, the primary way to navigate through Modern Campus CMS.


In-Context Editing: The ability to edit a web page as it would appear on the web. The actual web page is displayed during editing as opposed to a lesser text field element.

Interior Page: Any page within a site that is not the main homepage for that site.

Internal Link: A link on your site that points to another page or file within the CMS.

Insert Media: The CMS capability to insert graphics, audio, video, and other multimedia types.


Log: List of actions with person, date, and time noted.


Multi-Browser Preview: The ability to display a preview of a web page in different browsers and different platforms before publishing.

MultiEdit Content: A way to quickly enter information for several fields. At Michigan Tech this is used for header images at the top of a page.


NavigationThe menu at the top and left of Michigan Tech webpages used to access other pages on the site.


Pages List View: Screen that shows the listing of the contents of the section. Used to navigate to certain pages and perform certain actions to the content.


RedirectA function that sends a user from one URL to a different one. Used to eliminate 404 errors for pages or files that have been recycled or moved or to provide shortened vanity URLs for print materials.

Revert: The ability of the CMS to roll back the pages to be displayed to a previous version.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The practice of increasing the quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

Section: A section is a folder within a site that includes navigation, properties, and an Interior Page.

Settings/Preferences: Settings/Preferences allows users to see the current configuration of their user information.

Snippet: Item that is inserted into an Editable Region that creates and formats specific widgets and styles on a page.


TinyMCE: The name of the third-party editor interface that is used when editing content.


Version Control: The ability of the CMS to store different versions of a website at given times.


Workflow: A CMS requirement that allows certain tasks to be done in a specified manner, subject to certain approvals.

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get): An editing approach that enables the user to view and edit content in a visual manner.

Check out the Glossary from Modern Campus CMS for even more!