Tag: admin

Posting Events to the University Calendar

The University Events Calendar is for attendable events—not deadlines, dates to remember, private departmental retreats, etc. There are two ways to post events to our Events Calendar:

General Campus Community

Calendar Admins

  1. Login to the calendar using the link in the header.
  2. Once logged in, click the “Calendar Admin” shortcut in the header.
  3. Click the “Add an Event” button in the Events menu.
  4. Follow the steps below to fill out all of the event information.

Please note that calendar admins have access to additional fields that do not exist on the public event submission webpage and skip the approval queue.

If you are a calendar admin, please use the event submission form available through your Admin login, as specified above. If you do not have admin access, but often add events for your department, please request access by sending your name, user ID, and department(s) to webmaster@mtu.edu.

Instructions for Event Information for Admins

The following is a step-by-step guide for event admins filling out event information through the admin dashboard. It is important to use the fields correctly as there is additional code set up to provide specific information to Google in order to display events in search results.