Upcoming How-to Event: Business Attire

Image from Tarleton State University

MTU’s Kappa Sigma Iota (KSI) Accounting Club is hosting a professional development event on Wednesday, March 26th from 6:00 – 7:00 pm.  The event will be held in Ballroom B3 of the Memorial Union Building (MUB).

Information will be presented on proper business dress for formal and casual situations, with hands-on training for ironing dress clothes and tying ties.  Irons will be provided, but participants are encouraged to bring their own ties, slacks, and/or shirts.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact James Mills at jpmills@mtu.edu.

Visiting Women & Minority Scholar/Lecturer Series: Mitzi Montoya

As part of Michigan Tech’s Visiting Women and Minority Scholar/Lecturer Series, SBE welcomes Dr. Mitzi Montoya to campus April 3-4, 2014.  The campus community is invited to attend an open presentation titled, “University as Entrepreneur: The Role of the Institution in Driving Innovation.”

Join us for the lecture on Wednesday, April 3, 2014 at 2:00 pm in EERC 100!

SBE Senior Opens Own Business

Scott Ramage has just a few months left until he graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Operations and Systems Management from the School of Business and Economics, but that didn’t stop him from celebrating the opening of his new business on February 5.  This unique venture is called 906 Vapor, and is an electronic cigarette lounge and vapor bar.

What is an electronic cigarette?  Often referred to as an e-cigarette, this personal vaporizer often looks much like an “old-fashioned” cigarette with an LED light on the end.  Using one of these satisfies nicotine cravings without most of the chemicals and carcinogens known to typical tobacco products.

Where did Scott find the inspiration to become an entrepreneur before even graduating?  He says that he owes some of his success to his dedicated personality, persistence, and of course, the classes he’s taken as part of his undergraduate career at Michigan Tech!  The idea for 906 Vapor originally began as a homework assignment for Scott’s Management of Technology and Innovation (MGT 4600) course.  His professor, Andre Laplume, encouraged him to keep thinking about ways to make the business into a reality.  Scott also drew inspiration from Michele Loughead’s business courses, as well as BUS 2300: Quantitative Problem Solving, taught by Roger Woods.

After graduation, Scott plans to continue his success with 906 Vapor while furthering his education.  Perhaps he may even be interested in pursuing his MBA through the School of Business and Economics!

For all of SBE’s young entrepreneurs, Scott offers some advice: “If you have an idea and you believe it will work, take the chance and give it all you have.  Even if you fail, keep trying.  The experience and knowledge gained can never be taken away from you.  It can only benefit you in your future endeavors.”

Do you have an idea for a new business venture?  Or have you recently started your own business?  Tell us all about it in the comments!