Category: Registration

Which ENT course number do I register for?

Which ENT project course number should you register in?

This is based on the number of semesters you have remaining on campus:
# of semesters left — Take:
           1                  ENT 4960 (must have completed ENT 4950, Project Approval required)
           2                  ENT 4950 (must have completed at least one of the below, above ENT1960, & be Senior Design Ready – on track with core course prereqs for CM 4861)
           3                  ENT 3960
           4                  ENT 3950
           5                  ENT 2960
           6                  ENT 2950
           7                  ENT 1960 (free electives only)

Most students who choose enterprise, begin in the 2nd or 3rd year. ENT 3980 may be taken before ENT4950 if you’re not yet “Senior Design Ready”.

Which Enterprise should you join? Read here to start. Here is a list of all Enterprise groups at Tech.

The Form to use to request registration in ENT 4950 is found here (Part A). Under Forms, Select “ENT4950 Registration Form (ALL Majors)”. The Emails you receive from must be kept! One will contain instructions and a very important (unique to you) LINK to submit your Project Summary Form. (Part B)

If you have questions or would like help planning enterprise project work into your semesters, meet with your academic advisor.

Many enterprises require Instructor Permission (=Special Approval) using the common Approval/Waiver Form to register every semester.

Most ENT Course numbers are restricted by Class Standing, depending on the level 1000-4999. If you are ahead/behind on credits and get a Class Restriction Error for the correct ENT# based on semesters left, use the Approval/Waiver Form (or email) to seek a Class Restriction waiver. (ENT instructor)

If you are unsure which ENT project work course number you need, check with your academic advisor.

I’m a new student. When can I register for classes?

If you are a new first-year student or transfer student coming in with less than 30 credits then the Registrar’s Office will enroll you in your first semester classes. Your schedule will be based on your math placement and you will be placed into a cohort of 20-24 students who are taking the same classes. Fall schedules are usually ready by early August. If needed, we will be able to make adjustments before the semester starts.

If you are a new transfer student coming in with more than 30 credits then you will be able to register yourself on Banweb. You can find your registration time by logging into Banweb and going to the Students menu, Registration tab, then Check Your Registration Status page. If you don’t have a registration time yet, then contact your Admissions representative for assistance. Contact your academic advisor once you’ve enrolled to have your schedule reviewed or if you need help choosing classes.

How do I register for ENT 4950?

ENT 4950 and ENT 4960 are for students using Enterprise for their senior capstone design experience.  

You need permission to enroll in ENT 4950 and your project will need to be approved. We will allow you to enroll in ENT 4950 prior to having your project approved so that you can get your schedule and financial aid settled before the semester starts.

You must be senior design ready and currently enrolled in Enterprise in order to take ENT 4950.  You are senior design ready when you are able to enroll in CM 4855 Process Analysis and Design I. You’ll need to be enrolled in both CM 4855 and ENT 4950 next semester.

For permission to enroll in ENT 4950 go to the Enterprise Student Resources page, go to the Forms section, and complete the ENT 4950 Registration Form (ALL Majors).

This approval/registration process is paperless and uses a series of Google forms and system-generated emails sent from Watch for these emails and save them because they contain the link you need to submit your project for approval.

See related:  How do I get a project approved for senior design?

Do I have to register for the co-op class or can I just skip it?

It depends.  Enrolling in the co-op class allows you to retain your student status while you are gone.  This can help you keep your financial aid, scholarships, and health insurance.  You can also use the credits towards your degree requirements as technical electives or free electives.  

Your next step is to check with Financial Aid to see how the co-op will impact your situation. They can help you determine if you should be taking the co-op class and if you should take it for one or two credits for financial aid purposes.  In most situations one credit will give you part time status and two credits will give you full time status.

If you are here on an F-1 visa then Career Services recommends you register for co-op credits during the summer as well.  By registering as a co-op student you are considered a full-time student and will not be utilizing your practical training time.

How do I find which gen ed/HASS classes are being offered next semester?

This will save you time when looking for general education elective classes: 

  1. In Banweb go to “Look-Up Classes to Add” and select “Advanced Search” at the bottom of the page.  
  2. In the Subject box use the shift key to select all the subject areas.  
  3. In the Attribute Type box select what you are looking for.

Attributes are defined as follows: 

  • Critical/Creative Think’g CORE:  These are courses on the Critical & Creative Thinking core list.
  • Soc Resp/Ethical Reason CORE:  These are courses on the Social Responsibility & Ethical Reasoning core list.
  • Composition or Communication:  These are courses on the HASS Communication and Composition list.
  • Humanities & Fine Arts:  These are courses on the HASS Humanities and Fine Arts list.
  • Social & Behavioral Science:  These are courses on the HASS Social and Behavioral Sciences list.
  • HASS Restricted:  These are courses on the HASS Restricted list.
  • Co-Curricular Phys Activity: These are courses on the co-curricular activities list.

IMPORTANT!  Run your online degree audit on Banweb after enrolling to make sure classes are counting where you expect them to.  Contact your advisor if you have questions.

I’m a new student. When can I make changes to my schedule?

New first-year students and new transfer students coming in with less than 30 credits can make changes to their schedule after consultation with their academic advisor. Schedule changes can also be made by contacting the Registrar’s Office at 906-487-2319 or There will be time during Orientation to enroll yourself in co-curricular courses and other courses if your schedule isn’t yet full.

New transfer students coming in with more than 30 credits may make changes to their schedule themselves on Banweb at any time throughout the summer.

It’s best to have your schedule settled before tuition bills are due, which is the Wednesday before classes start, because schedule changes can impact your financial aid in some circumstances. The last day to add a class without instructor permission is Friday of the first week of classes.

How can I get approval for a time conflict waiver if I’m not on campus?

To get approval for a time conflict waiver, you will need to get permission from instructors of both classes and then this needs to go to the Registrar’s Office.  To do this all via email, do the following:

  1. Write an email requesting a time conflict waiver.  Include:
    1. Which class you will be missing and how you will make up the time.  
    2. The waiver form, filled out with your information, and course and instructor information.
  2. Send the email to the instructor whose class you will be missing, requesting permission.
  3. After you get a reply, send the entire email thread to the second instructor whose class you will not be missing, requesting permission.
  4. If both instructors agree then send it to the Registrar’s Office requesting the waiver be put in place.

May I take both CM 3410 and HU 3120?

No, that is not permitted.  CM 3410 is required for graduation with a degree in chemical engineering from Michigan Tech.  You may take HU 3120 as a substitute course for CM 3410.  Because HU 3120 functions as an equivalent course to CM 3410, you may not take them both.


CM 3410 – Technical Communication for Chemical Engineering
Study of the purposes, genres, and applications of technical communication in chemical engineering professions, including written, oral, visual, and graphic communication. Assignments may include memos, progress reports, procedures, memo and formal reports, research citations, and job-seeking requirements. Emphasizes organization, support, coherence, usefulness, ethics, and professionalism.
Credits: 3.0
Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman, Sophomore, Senior
Pre-Requisite(s): UN 1015


HU 3120 – Technical and Professional Communication
A study of written and oral communication in technical and scientific environments; emphasizes audience, writing processes, genres of scientific and technical discourse, visual communication, collaboration, professional responsibility, clear and correct expression. Students write and revise several documents and give oral report(s). Computer Intensive.
Credits: 3.0
Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman, Sophomore
Pre-Requisite(s): UN 1015 and (UN 1025 or Modern Language – 3000 level or higher)

Which Enterprise project work course should I take?

If you are a first-year chemical engineering student, you may take ENT 1960.

If you are a second-year student, you should take one or both of these classes:

  • ENT 2950 – Enterprise Project Work I, 1 cr (not open to freshmen)
  • ENT 2960 – Enterprise Project Work II, same as above

If you are junior, you should take one or both of these classes:

  • ENT 3950 – Enterprise Project Work III, 1 cr, must be junior or senior
  • ENT 3960 – Enterprise Project Work IV, same as above

If you are a junior who has taken both ENT 3950 and ENT 3960 and are not senior-design ready, but still want to do Enterprise, take this class:

  • ENT 3980 – Pre-Capstone Enterprise Project Work, 1 cr, repeatable up to 2cr (not open to freshmen, sophomores), Pre-Requisite(s): ENT 3950 and ENT 3960. You’ll need permission from your academic advisor to enroll in this class.

If you are a senior doing Enterprise for senior design, you should take both of these classes:

  • ENT 4950 – Enterprise Project Work V Capstone, 2cr, must be engineering senior design ready
  • ENT 4960 – Enterprise Project Work VI Capstone, 2cr, must be senior, pre-requisite ENT 4950

If you complete ENT 4950 and ENT4960 and wish to take another Enterprise project class, you may take this one:

  • ENT 4961 – Enterprise Project Work VII, 1cr, pre-requisites: ENT 3950, 3960, 4950, 4960

There are two other Enterprise project classes, but no chemical engineering major can take these courses; they are for non-engineers:

  • ENT 4900 – Senior Enterprise Project Work V Non-Capstone, 2cr, must be senior, must NOT be College of Engineering
  • ENT 4910 – Senior Enterprise Project Work VI Non-Capstone, same as above

I ran my degree audit and now at the last minute I need extra courses! What do I do?

Hold on, don’t panic.  Maybe everything is ok.

You may have made the common error of running a “what-if” audit.  Here’s how it happens.

The degree audit page has a drop down list to choose your degree program. There are directions on the page that tell you to *only* choose your degree program
if you are changing majors but this is frequently missed. So what happens is, a student will pick their major from the drop down list and instead of running
the audit with their correct catalog term, and they accidentally run a “what-if”audit that uses the newest catalog term.  The newest catalog term includes changes made to the chem eng degree  since you started, and you do not usually want to use the newest catalog term.

If you run your degree audit with the correct catalog term, labeled as “latest” perhaps (most likely) everything is ok.  If you run the “latest” audit and still have classes missing, these are classes you need, and you may need to come see an advisor.