Category: Psychology

Brittany Turner, Psychology, participates in Undergrad Research Symposium

IMG_2510Brittany Turner’s research, Assessing the Impact of Age-Related Declines in Implicit Memory Processes on Motor Learning, was presented at Michigan Tech’s 2017 Undergraduate Research Symposium this past week. With the assistance of Dr. Kevin Trewartha, Turner investigated whether scores on an implicit memory test are correlated with the slow process and whether age-related declines in implicit memory are related to deficits in motor learning.

The Undergraduate Research Symposium highlights the amazing cutting-edge research being conducted on Michigan Tech’s campus by some of our best and brightest undergraduate students.

The students showcasing their work today have spent a significant portion of the past year working alongside Michigan Tech faculty and graduate students to explore, discover and create new knowledge. They’ve spent long hours in the lab or out in the field designing experiments, gathering data, creating new models and testing hypotheses. They’ve applied their classroom knowledge in new and sometimes unexpected ways, and developed new skills that will propel them forward in their careers.

Psychology Student Abigail Kuehne in Undergrad Research Symposium

IMG_20170317_135654105Abigail Kuehne’s research, Trust & Cognitive Abilities: Human Factors’ Impact on Cybersecurity Practices, was presented at Michigan Tech’s 2017 Undergraduate Research Symposium this past week.

With the assistance of Dr. Adam Feltz, Kuehne attempts to help understand the human factors that increase vulnerability to threats in their privacy and security through internet crime and identity theft. In particular, trust and cognitive abilities appear to be two major predictors of being susceptible to phishing attacks. By determining the connection that allows/prevents the end user to susceptibility of phishing, we can implement interventions to help people protect themselves.

The Undergraduate Research Symposium highlights the amazing cutting-edge research being conducted on Michigan Tech’s campus by some of our best and brightest undergraduate students.

The students showcasing their work today have spent a significant portion of the past year working alongside Michigan Tech faculty and graduate students to explore, discover and create new knowledge. They’ve spent long hours in the lab or out in the field designing experiments, gathering data, creating new models and testing hypotheses. They’ve applied their classroom knowledge in new and sometimes unexpected ways, and developed new skills that will propel them forward in their careers.

Dr. Jeon and Graduate Students Attend AutomotiveUI Conference

Philart and StudentsThis past week, Dr. Myoung “Philart” Jeon and seven of his students from CLS and CS attended the International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications at the University of Michigan.

Dr. Jeon and his team received a tremendously positive response to the tutorial they hosted titled “In-Vehicle Auditory Interactions: Design and Application of Auditory Displays, Speech, Sonification, & Music”.


Congratulations, Assistant Professor Jeon and Graduate Students!

Myounghoon "Philart" JeonMyounghoon “Philart” Jeon (CLS/CS) and his graduate students Jason Sterkenburg (CLS), Steven Landry (CLS) and Ridwan Khan (CS) presented five papers at the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) which was held at Australian National University in Canberra, Australia July 3 through July 7.

The graduate students earned the Best Student Paper Award at the conference. Sterkenburg and Khan’s research proposals were selected for the doctoral colloquium at the conference and their travel was partly supported by NSF.

The papers presented were “Tempo-fit heart rate app: Using heart rate sonification as exercise performance feedback”, “Musical robots for children with ASD using a client-server architecture”, “Listen to your drive: Sonification architecture and strategies for driver state performance”, “LifeMusic: Reflection of life memories by data sonification” and “Towards an in-vehicle sonically-enhanced gesture control interface: A pilot study.”

2016 REF Grants for Cognitive and Learning Sciences Faculty

The Vice President for Research Office announces the 2016 REF awards and thanks the review committees, the deans and department chairs for their time spent on this important internal research award process. Among the recipients are:

Research Seed (RS) Grants

Joshua Ellis, Cognitive & Learning Sciences (Co-PI); Cecile Piret, Mathematical Sciences (PI)

Portage Health Foundation (PHF) Research Seed (RS) Grants

Adam Feltz (PI), Cognitive and Learning Sciences; Selin Philips (Post-Doc), Cognitive and Learning Sciences

Scholarship and Creativity Grants

Amy Lark (PI), Cognitive and Learning Sciences

From Tech Today, by VPR

What Can You Do With a Bachelor’s In Psychology?

Krista Knight, Susie Amato-Henderson, and Corey LaBissoniere were interviewed for Michigan Tech Magazine.

Of the 72 undergraduate degree programs available at Michigan Tech, perhaps none is more misunderstood than Psychology. Susan Amato-Henderson, chair of the Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, says the problem begins with the definition of the subject itself. “People don’t know what psychology is,” Amato-Henderson says. “Educating our students, and others, is a battle.”

Amato-Henderson says one of those battles involves stereotypes. “When you say the word ‘psychology,’ people tend to conjure up images of patients on chaise lounges confessing feelings about their parents. But psychology is much broader than just therapy.”

Read more at Michigan Tech Magazine Fall 2015, by Mark Wilcox.

Michigan Technological University Ranked #6 Up and Coming Undergraduate Psychology Program In the Midwest

Michigan Technological University has been named as having the #6 up and coming undergraduate psychology program in the Midwest in a recent ranking by Best Psychology Degrees. The ranking considered the presence of graduate degree programs, innovative and cutting-edge methods and resources, recent facility updates, research opportunities, internships, student organizations and societies, and “wow” factor.

The editors noted psychology students at Michigan Technical University can specialize in areas such as Forensic Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Human Factors Psychology, and Educational Psychology, highlighting the flexibility of the program.

Best Psychology Degrees’ mission is to provide assistance to aspiring psychology professionals in selecting the best degree program for each individual.

Michigan Tech Psychology Program Ranks Highly

All psychology majors can participate in internships at local organizations and research opportunities are available in topics including Physical Ergonomics and Individual Differences in Human Performance.

Read more at The Keweenaw Report.
