World Water Day at Michigan Tech

Michigan Tech celebrated World Water Day on Thursday, March 22, with a poster session, a guest lecture and a reception.

Lana Pollack, U.S. delegate  of the International Joint Commission delivered the World Water Day Lecture: “Critical Issues for the Great Lakes.” The program is Co-sponsored by CWS and the Visiting Women & Minority Lecture Series. Lana Pollack, chair of the US Section of the International Joint Commission, discussed threats to the health of the Great Lakes and how research data-based policy-making can protect these unique natural resources. The International Joint Commission is an independent, binational organization that works to prevent and resolve boundary waters disputes for the common good of the US and Canada. Lana Pollack – bio

Before the lecture, the Michigan Tech Center for Water and Society (CWS) sponsored a graduate poster session and competition to highlight the ongoing interdisciplinary research on water at Michigan Tech, looking toward the opening of the Great Lakes Research Center this summer. The poster session was held in the front atrium of the Dow Building. Cash prizes were awarded in 2 Poster categories:
Original Research (presentation of thesis or project research)
Coursework/Informational (presentation of coursework or literature based research)

View the Photos of the Posters and Presenters on World Water Day at Michigan Tech Report

Green Film Series: Carbon Nation – Documentary about climate change SOLUTIONS

April 19 Carbon Nation – Documentary about climate change SOLUTIONS. The film is an optimistic, non-partisan film that shows tackling climate change boosts the economy, increases national & energy security and promotes health & a clean environment. (82 min.)
Discussion facilitator: Dr. Sarah Green, Michigan Tech Dept. of Chemistry Dr. Sarah A. Green earned her PhD in marine chemistry from the MIT/Woods Hole Joint Program. She currently works on the Great Lakes and is chair of the Department of Chemistry at Michigan Tech.
Location: Atrium & G002 Hesterberg Hall in the Michigan Tech Forestry Building
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm, movies will be followed by coffee, tea, dessert and facilitated discussion
Credit: Teachers may earn 0.6 SB-CEUs for attending 4 films
Cost: FREE! $3 Suggested Donation

About the Series

Enterprise Students Help Winterize Homes

Baby, it’s cold outside—but with help from a group of Michigan Technological University students, low-income and fixed-income households in nearby communities aren’t feeling the chill. With support from Range Valley State Bank and the Ford College Community Challenge grant, members of Michigan Tech’s Efficiency through Engineering and Construction Enterprise (ETEC) students are working with local service agencies on an energy-saving initiative to winterize homes in this cold and snowy community.

Read more. . .

Michigan Tech Students Head to Detroit for Alternative Spring Break

Members of Michigan Tech’s chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) are in Detroit to participate in an alternative spring break 2012 week. Eight members of the Michigan Tech student chapter of the NSBE will visit six middle schools and one high school to talk with students. They will also conduct Family Engineering events at three schools. Family Engineering includes fun, hands-on activities for the whole family, such as “Mining For Chocolate” and “Glue Is The Clue.” The program, developed at Michigan Tech and now available across Michigan and nationwide, is designed to engage and inspire young people and their families to consider careers in engineering and science. Read More about NSBE Family Engineering in Detroit

Railroad Night 2012 Features Federal Railroad Administration Engineer

The Rail Transportation Program (RTP) and the Rail Engineering and Activities Club (REAC)   held the 7th Annual Railroad Night, February 21, 2012 at the Shelden Grill in the Magnuson Hotel, Houghton. This year’s keynote speaker was Kevin Kesler, Chief of the Engineer and Operating Practice Division for the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA).  This was a  great opportunirty to meet rail industry people, see photos at the Rail Transportation Program link:   Railroad Night 2012 for more information.