Tag: Graduate School

Fall Graduates – January 11th deadline

To graduate in the fall semester 2009, graduate students must have all final paperwork submitted and approved no later than January 11th by 4pm.  All forms are online with a detailed list for each degree type.  Final items typically include:

  • A final thesis, report, or dissertation
  • Binding order form (TD-Bindery, theses and dissertations)
  • Life After Michigan Tech form
  • Report on Final Oral Examination (M6/D8)
  • Survey of Earned Doctorates (for PhD students only)

Students should contact Nancy Byers Sprague for questions related to degree auditing, and Debra Charlesworth for questions related to theses and dissertations.

Over 400 Students Graduating at Midyear Commencement

By Marcia Goodrich

Tech Today

December 3, 2009—

Michigan Technological University will honor the achievements of over 400 graduates at Midyear Commencement Saturday, Dec. 12.

A total of 308 bachelor’s, six associate, 91 master’s and 24 PhD degrees will be awarded.

George Butvilas, a member of the Board of Directors of Citizens Republic Bancorp Inc., will be the commencement speaker. At the ceremony, he will receive an Honorary Doctorate of Business.

Nominations open for The DeVlieg Foundation Graduate Fellowships

The Graduate School is accepting nominations for the 2010 DeVlieg Foundation Graduate Fellowships.  Applications are due in the Graduate School no later than 4 pm on February 4, 2010.

This year, The DeVlieg Foundation will provide $3,000 for up to four doctoral students and $1,500 for two master’s students in support of research in engineering or a closely related field. Only US citizens are eligible for the fellowships, which may be used to supplement other fellowships or assistantships.  Complete details on eligibility and review process can be found on our web page.

Each graduate program may nominate up to two doctoral students and one master’s student.

Nominees should provide the following information:

  • a completed application form
  • a curriculum vita
  • a brief description (no more than one page) of student’s research topic and intended use of the funds
  • a letter of support from advisor describing the merit of the candidate

Students will submit a completed application to their graduate program director.

Each graduate program may set their own internal deadline for review. Each graduate program will review their applicants, and may nominate up to two doctoral students and one master’s student. Graduate programs will deliver completed applications to the Graduate School in either paper or electronic format. If delivered as an electronic document, please e-mail a single PDF file to Debra Charlesworth.

Graduate School Holiday Closures

Due to University holidays and staff vacations, the Graduate School will be closed from December 24 – January 3.

The Graduate School will also be closed from 11:30am – 1:30pm on Friday, December 18th.

The Graduate School’s web page can provide assistance for many questions regarding:

Happy holidays and new year!

Facilitators sought for Graduate School Orientation

The Graduate School needs your help in welcoming our new graduate students and helping them successfully begin their career at Michigan Tech.  Faculty, staff and student volunteers are needed to facilitate discussion during orientation.  This is your opportunity to help enhance graduate education at Michigan Tech.

The training will help graduate students and advisors set expectations for graduate education and introduce students to basic concepts in responsible conduct for research.

Volunteers will help facilitate discussion at a table with six or seven new graduate students.  The discussion will center around two vignettes that depict typical graduate student and faculty interactions.  Volunteers will participate in one training sessions offered the week of January 4th.

Orientation begins at 9am on Friday, January 8th.

Please register online if you would like to volunteer.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with the locations for the training and orientation, along with reminders as we get closer to the event.

Please contact Debra Charlesworth with any questions about orientation.

Graduate School Orientation – January 8

Michigan Tech looks forward to welcoming our new graduate students for spring 2010. All new degree seeking students will be invited to orientation on January 8th beginning at 9am in the Memorial Union Ballroom. Registration and light snacks will be available beginning at 8:30am.

Please register so we can plan for your arrival!

In addition to the orientation session sponsored by the Graduate School, students may also be required to attend sessions sponsored by:

Questions about Graduate School orientation may be directed to Debra Charlesworth or Carol Wingerson.

Funding Opportunities in STEM Graduate Programs

Funding Opportunities in STEM Graduate Programs


programs offer minority students support in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.

• GK-12:

The NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) Program supports fellowships and training for graduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).


fellowship programs offer a $30,000 stipend plus tuition and fees. Over 100 programs nationwide emphasize interdisciplinary studies in science, technology, mathematics, and engineering.


The Minorities Striving and Pursuing Higher Degrees of Success (MSPHDS) in Earth System Science initiative was developed by and for underrepresented minorities with the overall purpose of facilitating increased participation in Earth system science.

• NSF Grad Research Fellowships:

provides students with three years of funding for research-focused Master’s and PhD degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.

For additional information please visit: http://www.pathwaystoscience.org/Grad.asp

New Form for all Graduate Students

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the introduction of the Degree completion form.  All graduate students will be required to complete this form in their final semester.  Effective immediately, this replaces the Life after Michigan Tech and TD-Bindery forms, which will reduce the number of forms most students complete.  The new form also incorporates dynamic features which will make it easier to complete, and reflects changes made by the bindery for charging of binding fees.

Additionally, we are pleased to announce that online payment of binding fees is now available.

In support of these procedural changes, we will host a seminar on November 17th at 4:05pm to introduce the form and online payment system to interested students, faculty, and staff.  Please register online so we can plan for your attendance.  Your confirmation e-mail will have the location of the seminar.

Nominations open for Spring 2010 Finishing Fellowship

The Graduate School is now accepting nominations for the spring 2010 Finishing Fellowship competition.  Complete applications are due to the Graduate School no later than 4pm on October 29, 2009.

See our web page for complete information about the application procedure. Contact Debra Charlesworth with any questions.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish during the semester supported as a finishing fellow.
  3. Must have submitted a Petition to Enter Full-Time Research Only Mode. No Finishing Fellowships will be awarded to students who fail to receive approval of their petition.