Tag: MyMichiganTech

Degree Progress Checklist – a Michigan Tech App

The Graduate School is pleased to announce a new Michigan Tech app, the Graduate Degree Progress Checklist.

The checklist contains a personalized list of all items students are required to complete for each graduate degree they are pursuing along with the date received. Please note that most forms are manually entered in banner, and may require up to five business days to show as received on the checklist.

The top of the list has overall requirements for students. Note that your list may not include all items, since coursework students are no longer required to complete Advanced RCR training.

The top of the Degree Progress Checklist indicating overall requirements for a graduate degree.
A screen shot of the top of the Degree Progress Checklist indicating overall requirements for a graduate degree.

Check if your Dissertation, Thesis or Report is Complete

Students can check whether their dissertation, thesis, or report submission is complete on our Michigan Tech app, the Graduate Degree Progress Checklist. Additional details about the submission process can be found online for dissertations, theses, and reports.

First, log into the Graduate Degree Progress Checklist using your Michigan Tech ID and password.

Defense scheduling moved to MyMichiganTech

The Graduate School is pleased to announce that final oral examinations (“defenses”) can now be scheduled on MyMichiganTech. This applies to students scheduling a defense of their dissertation, thesis, or report.  

Students will log into MyMichiganTech to complete a scheduling request, and their advisor will log into the Workflow system to review that request and make a decision. Email notifications will be sent throughout the process. A student tutorial and advisor tutorial with screenshots is available on our blog, as well as a presentation in our seminar archive. A complete overview of the process to complete a dissertation, thesis, or report is available online.

A few things to note:

  • Students who have already completed their defense or have a defense already scheduled with the Graduate School do not need to repeat this process on MyMichiganTech.
  • Faculty will need to log into the Workflow system to approve defenses. Please refer to our advisor tutorial.
  • The Graduate School will continue to accept PDF forms this semester if a student has already started that process with their advisor.
  • Please delete any PDF forms that have been saved to use later. Always go to our website for the most current information and forms.
  • This process applies to the final oral examination, and not to other examinations such as a qualifying examination or research proposal examination. 
  • Graduate programs should remove references and links to the “pre-defense form” from their website and handbooks, as this process replaces the form.

The Graduate School would like to thank our colleagues in EAS for their hard work on this project. For any questions, please contact the Graduate School.

Dissertation, Report, and Thesis Updates for Spring 2021

Graduate faculty, graduate students, and graduate program assistants are invited to attend a seminar that will present updates to the process to schedule a final oral examination (“defense”) effective spring 2021:

Beginning in mid-March, the process to schedule a defense will move online to MyMichiganTech. At the seminar, we will describe the process and be available to answer any questions you have. 

For those who cannot attend, a recording will be available on our seminar archive and a student tutorial and advisor tutorial with screenshots is available now on our blog. Please contact the Graduate School (gradschool@mtu.edu) with any questions.

Reviewing a scheduling request for a final oral examination

Students schedule their final oral examination (“defense”) by submitting information about their dissertation, thesis, or report and defense though their Degree Progress Checklist.

When a defense request is submitted by the student, the committee will be notified of the details and the advisor will also be notified to review the request in Workflow. If the advisor is missing the appropriate roles to review the workflow, the Graduate School will be notified immediately and will initiate updating the faculty record. Banner access for advisors is described on our web page. Please contact the Graduate School if there are any technical issues.

The advisor will log into Banner Workflow and select the scheduling request to review from their worklist. It is expected that faculty will review these requests within two business days.

Advisors will review the information provided by the student.

A portion of the form to show the scheduling information submitted by the student for the defense.

After reviewing the information, select “Approve” or “Reject” at the bottom of the page.

At the bottom of the scheduling request, select “Approve” or “Reject”

Return to the top of the form and select “Complete” to save the approval decision.

At the top of the form, select “Complete” to save the approval decision.

The committee, advisor, and student will be notified of the advisor’s decision. If the decision is to approve the defense scheduling, the graduate program director and assistant will also be notified. Committee members who are not Michigan Tech employees may not be notified; please confirm details with them individually.

If the committee does not receive the dissertation, thesis, or report with sufficient time for review prior to the defense, the advisor may request that the defense be rescheduled. Please contact the Graduate School to reschedule the defense.

Notifying the Graduate School of a final oral examination

A final oral examination (“defense”) is a milestone for students completing a dissertation, thesis, or report. To schedule a defense, students arrange a date, time and location for their committee to meet following the procedures in their graduate program. Once this has been determined, students must notify the Graduate School of their defense information on our Michigan Tech app, the Graduate Degree Progress Checklist.

Log into the Graduate Degree Progress Checklist.

Select the degree of interest by clicking on the arrow next to the degree in the list. If a degree is missing, please contact the Graduate School.

A screenshot of the degree progress checklist showing the list of degrees available for this student.
A screenshot of the degree progress checklist showing the list of degrees available for this student.

Introducing MyMichiganTech

MyMichiganTech is a personalized website that will allow students to quickly and easily see their current student status. You will also be able to get direct access to Gmail, Canvas, banweb and more from MyMichiganTech – think of this as the first place to go every morning! The Graduate School is pleased to introduce it to you and looks forward to receiving your feedback on how we can improve it in the future.

Navigate to MyMichiganTech.mtu.edu and log in with your Username and ISO Password (just like Canvas, e-mail, or any other campus service)

Picture of MMT log in
The login screen for MyMichiganTech

The homepage has news, events, and weather. Click on the “Current Students” tab (outlined in a red box below) to show information about your current status. Depending on the services you use at the University, such as financial aid, or campus housing, different options will appear.

MyMichiganTech welcome screen.
MyMichiganTech welcome screen.