Day: March 20, 2017

Jane Elliott: Social Justice Lecture Series – Wed, 3/22

Michigan Tech will celebrate Women’s History Month with a visit from an internationally-known teacher, lecturer and diversity trainer The address by National Mental Health Association Award for Excellence winner Jane Elliott is the final event in the Social Justice Lecture Series. She will speak at 5 p.m.  Wednesday, March 22 in Fisher Hall 135.

Elliot gained national prominence with her “Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes Experiment” where her blue-eyed students were treated better than brown-eyed students. She first conducted the famous exercise for her class the day after Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. Elliott’s exercise was filmed the third time she held it with her 1970 third-graders to become “The Eye of the Storm.”This in turn inspired a retrospective that reunited the 1970 class members with their teacher fifteen years later in A Class Divided.

Elliott will have copies of her book “A Collar In My Pocket” for purchase at her lecture, and will then be available to sign them after the talk.

Green Film Series Continues Thursday

The next offering in the Green Film Series is “Last Call at the Oasis,” a World Water Day film. The film will be shown at 7 p.m. Thursday (March 23) in the Michigan Tech Forestry Building’s Hesterberg Hall (G002).

The 2012 documentary on the world’s water crisis sheds light on the vital role water plays in our lives, exposes the defects in the current system, shows communites already struggling with its ill effects and introduces us to individuals who are championing revolutonary solutons.

There is no admission charged but a $3 donation is suggested.
