Category: CCM Faculty

World War I and the Copper Country

collins-sue-personnelThe World War I & the Copper Country collective, led by Sue Collins (HU) in collaboration with Patty Sotirin (HU), Stefka Hristova (HU), Steve Walton (SS), Elise Nelson (Carnegie Museum), and Hilary Virtanen (Finlandia), has been awarded a Michigan Humanities Council grant.

Conceived as a joint project between Michigan Technological University, the Carnegie Museum of the Keweenaw, and Finlandia University, the grant will support a series of events commemorating World War I to run in the fall of 2018 including historical exhibits, a symposium, a relief bazaar, and an immersive life-size trench installation with a Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) produced soundscape.

The project has received a $15,000 public service grant from the Michigan Humanities Council.

Slack publishes Cultural Studies 1983: A Theoretical History

Cultural Studies 1983Stuart Hall, one of the most prominent and influential scholars of cultural studies internationally, delivered eight foundational lectures on the theoretical history of cultural studies at the University of Illinois in 1983. After his death in 1914, Hall’s widow authorized publication of those lectures, which were recorded by Jennifer Daryl Slack (HU). 

Slack, along with Lawrence Grossberg from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, transcribed, edited and wrote an introduction to these lectures. The lectures have been published by Duke University Press under the title Cultural Studies 1983: A Theoretical History.

Star Power during World War

ICA pres2Sue Collins presented her poster, “Star Power & the Politics of Authority During World War” in June at the International Communication Association’s annual conference held in Fukuoka, Japan. Using two ipads, her poster included film footage of both wars’ bond drives featuring Hollywood stars. As a scholar interested in war, she also traveled to Nagasaki and Hiroshima where she visited each city’s war museum and memorials.