Amador to Talk About Study Abroad Faculty-Led Opportunities

Carlos Amador
Carlos Amador

International Studies Abroad (ISA) will host an information session discussing study abroad faculty-led opportunities. A faculty-led program is a unique study abroad program where Michigan Tech professors bring Michigan Tech students abroad to teach Michigan Tech courses.

Carlos Amador (HU) will be in attendance to discuss his Lima, Peru faculty-led program. The session will take place from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22 in the Wadsworth Cherry Room. This is a bring-your-own lunch session. Refreshments and dessert will be provided.

Email Vienna Chapin with questions.

(This article first appeared in Tech Today.)

French-Canadian Heritage Week in Michigan

In celebration of French-Canadian Heritage Week in Michigan, the following events are planned:

FC Heritage Week 2016

  • Preview Events—Saturday, Sept. 24, 11 am – 1:00 pm,  Lake Linden Park
  • Children’s Story Time—Saturday Sept 11am, Portage Lake District Library
  • Children’s Story Time—Wednesday, Sept 28, 10:15 am, Portage Lake District Library
  • Dance—Wednesday, Sept 28, 7-9 pm, Finnish American Heritage Center
  • Children’s Story Time—Thursday, Sept 29, 10:15 am, Portage Lake District Library
  • Performance—Thursday, Sept 29, 7-8 pm, Chassell Heritage Center
  • Organ Recital—Sunday, Oct. 2, 3 pm, St. Joseph’s Church

(For further  information, please click the image.)

Humanities Hosts Chris Breu

ProfessorBREU_AN-1The Humanities Department will be hosting a talk by Illinois State Professor Chris Breu on Friday at the Great Lakes Research Center, Rm 202: 5 – 6.30pm.  The talk is entitled “New/Marxist Materialisms: Theorizing Materiality in an Era of Finance Capitalism.” Brue will also be leading a seminar on Saturday morning, Sept 17th, from 9.00-12.00am in the Cherry Room of Wadsworth Hall — the readings for this will consist of selections from Jason Moore’s Capitalism and the Web of Life (2015).

Deering Named New Director of IESL Program

DeeringThe Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs announces that Ms. Heather Deering joined Michigan Tech as the new Director of the Intensive English as a Second Language (IESL) program Monday. In her new role, Deering will report directly to the Provost. She replaces former IESL Director, Dr. Beatrice Smith, who successfully led Michigan Tech’s IESL program through its inaugural and successful accreditation process.

(This article originally appeared in Tech Today.)

Van Kooy Attends NASSR Conference

Dana VanKooy
Dana VanKooy

Assistant Professor Dana Van Kooy (HU) recently attended the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism conference (NASSR) at UC-Berkeley where she presented her essay, “New World Discontent and the Aesthetics of Disappearance” on a panel entitled Black Romanticism. She also participated in a special seminar on “Worldnessness and Wordlessness.”


(This article originally appeared in Tech Today.)