Category: Research

Biocomputing and Digital Health Research Group to Host Lecture Series

The ICC’s Joint Center for Biocomputing and Digital Health will present a Monday afternoon lecture series beginning October 25, 2021, with a talk from Dr. Traci Yu (BME) who will present, “Optimization of Deep Brain Stimulation Therapy: Application of Neural Computing.” The lecture will take place in Rekhi Hall, Room 214.

Thomas Oommen is PI on $188K DoT Project

Thomas Oommen (GMES/MTTI/ICC-DataS) is the principal investigator (PI) on a project that has received a $188,433 research and development contract from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration.

The project is titled “An Integrated Automated Decision Support System for Ground Hazard Risk Mitigation for Railway using Remote Sensing and Traditional Condition Monitoring Data.”

Pasi Lautala and Melanie Kueber Watkins (CEE/MTTI) and Colin Brooks (MTRI/MTTI) are co-PIs on this potential three-year project.