Learn to Skate & Hockey Fundamentals Start February 14


The last spring session of Learn to Skate and Fundamentals of Hockey Skating will begin Saturday, February 14.

The Learn to Skate program offers fun, challenging, and rewarding beginning skating classes for all ages and abilities. Students learn at their own level with others in their age group; classes are available for preschool (3­–5 years, also known as the Snowplow Sam Program) and Basic Skills Levels 1–8 (6 years and up). Includes both a 25-minute lesson and up to 1.5 hours of practice.

Visit Learn to Skate for more information or to register.

In Fundamentals of Hockey Skating, skaters learn how to maneuver faster and be more agile on the ice. Proper skating techniques are the primary focus of the levels. All elements are taught without a puck. Skaters learn the necessary fundamentals to be successful in game situations. Open to skaters 3 and up, no skating experience necessary.

Visit Fundamentals of Hockey Skating for more information or to register.

Deadline to register for both classes is February 16.
