Due to weather conditions, Michigan Tech (including the SDC, Gates Tennis Center & the Tech Trails) will be closing today at 12pm. We will re-open Friday, November 29 at 9am. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hockey Goalie & Shooter Clinic
December 26-27
MacInnes Ice Arena
This 2-day session is a great way to get a refresher on basic skills midway through the season! Goalies will focus on crease movement, angles and rebound control. Shooters will focus on quick snap shots, wrist shots and backhands. Understanding goalie movement, where and when to shoot, following rebounds, and hitting the net.
- 10U/12U – Thursday & Friday, 8:15-9:30am
- Goalie instruction only session, 8:15-8:45am
- Goalie/Shooter instruction together, 8:45-9:30am
- 14U+ – Thursday & Friday, 9:30-10:45am
- Goalie instruction only, 9:30-10:00am
- Goalie/Shooter instruction together, 10:00-10:45am
Class size is limited.
Full equipment required. Bring your own water bottle.
Cost: $50/goalie, $25/shooter
Deadline to register: Friday, December 20
For more information or to register, visit Hockey Goalie & Shooter Clinic.
No HuskiesFit adult group fitness classes next week, November 24-30 (Thanksgiving Break)! Use this time to check out the rest of the SDC – work out in the Fitness Center, play some hoops, or do a few laps in the Pool! Happy Thanksgiving! #sdc #huskiesfit SDC Thanksgiving Break Building Hours

Open Swim scheduled for Friday, November 22, 4:30-9:00pm, has been cancelled. #openswim #sdc https://michigantechrec.prestosports.com/amenities/swimming-pool/2019-2020_Pool_Hours
The Michigan Tech Trails will remain closed today, Thursday, November 21. With continued temps above freezing & heavy rainfall we received, the staff feel it is in the best interest to remain closed for today. Visit https://michigantechrec.prestosports.com/trails/conditions/index for continued updates.
Due to current conditions, Michigan Tech Trails are closed to all users 9am today (11/20) thru 1 pm tomorrow (11/21). With colder weather & more snow in the 10-day forecast, we hope this will be the only closure of the season. See https://michigantechrec.prestosports.com/trails/conditions/index for continued updates.
Footage from the 2019 Fall Little Huskies Volleyball Club! http://ow.ly/mybc50xeOZA Be sure to check out the photo gallery as well! http://ow.ly/fs3G50xeOZD
POUND! ROCK out your workout with Rochelle Thursdays at 5:30pm in the SDC Studio! Weighted drumsticks help you become the music. Included in the Ultimate HuskiesFit Punch Card. Enrollment is rolling, walk-ins always welcome! #poundfitness #huskiesfit https://michigantechrec.prestosports.com/programs/adult/pound/index
Join Allison Sundays at 4pm in the SDC Studio for Zumba Gold! The Zumba party you love at a lower intensity. Come ready to sweat! Included in the Ultimate HuskiesFit punch card. Enrollment is rolling, walk-ins are always welcome! #zumbagold #huskiesfit https://www.michigantechrecreation.com/programs/adult/zumba-main/zumba-gold/index