Learn. Play. Grow with us. Michigan Tech Cross Country Running Camp August 1-3. Grades 9-12. Sign up today! http://ow.ly/HlD550tUJkf #crosscountryrunning #futurehuskies #mtuccnstf
Get excited to get TECHFIT this Summer with the Ultimate HuskiesFit punch card! 8-punch variety card for 15 different classes, May-August, at the SDC!! Yoga, Zumba, POUND, and MORE!! http://ow.ly/P5Bf50tBUuy #ultimate #huskiesfit
Attention Lifeguards! Need to get re-certified? Sign up now for the Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Renewal Course June 1-2 at the SDC Pool. This 2-day course includes Lifeguard & CPR re-certification & all training materials. Only $55! http://ow.ly/WlAk50tBKtJ #lifeguard #arc
The countdown is on! SUMMER DOLLAR DAYS ARE BACK May 13-18 at the SDC! All HuskiesFit classes only $2. Find your fit for summer at the SDC with the best variety of group fitness classes around! Zumba, Strong by Zumba, Aqua Zumba and Zumba Toning.. all at the SDC! Classes offered 6 days/week! http://ow.ly/3jA350tknG8 #dollardays #huskiesfit
It’s never too late to learn how to swim! Adult Swim lessons (age 13+) now available at the SDC pool! 6-wk program Tuesdays 5:30-6:20 pm, 5/14-6/18. (2) levels offered – Learning the Basics & Improving Skills/Swimming Strokes. http://ow.ly/bxWz50tk4xk #adultswimlessons #huskiesfit
Join Sarah & Allison for Zumba Toning Wednesdays 5:15pm in the SDC Studio. Combine maraca-like toning sticks & Zumba moves to create a fun calorie-burning, strength training experience! Open to the public, walk-ins always welcome! http://ow.ly/QmZz50tbt4J #zumbatoning #huskiesfit
Last chance to register, only a few spots remain! OAP After School Adventure Camp May 13-16 or May 20-23 from 4-6 pm. Awesome activities like log rolling, rock climbing, zip line and more! http://ow.ly/iwL350tb70x #afterschooladventure #futurehuskies #oap
Summer SDC Building Schedule Now Available! May 5 – August 25, check out the open recreation time scheduled for all areas of the complex. Open to the community, a variety of membership options (and day passes) are available. http://ow.ly/44Dq50shFQs #summerhours #sdc
Join Beth for Tone & Strength Yoga Saturdays at 10am in the SDC Studio. This multi level class focuses on core strength & toning while boosting metabolism. Open to the public, walk-ins are always welcome! http://ow.ly/CFor50shzIl #yogatonestrength #huskiesfit
*NEW* Lil’ Pups Hockey Skills for 8U (BY2010-2012) – Join us in August for this 5-week skills program coached by former & current Huskies players. Ice time covers age appropriate skating skills, stations & competitive games. http://ow.ly/D5s150shojQ #lilpups #hockey #futurehuskies