Category: Research

Appreciating Mine Waste

Mine WasteFourth Thursday in History

PhD student Sean Gohman spent months exploring over 300 poor rock, stamp sand tailings, and slag deposits across the Copper Country. Join him as he shares his thoughts about the value of this tangible evidence of mining on the landscape.

Event will be held at 7pm on Thursday, January 24, 2013, at the Keweenaw NHP Headquarters.
25970 Red Jacket Rd.
Calumet, Mi

For more information contact Keweenaw National Historical Park at (906) 337-3168 or by visit them on the web at

Wellstead on Climate Change and Policy in Canada

Review of Policy ResearchAssistant Professor Adam Wellstead (SS) has coauthored a paper, “Dispersed Capacity and Weak Coordination: The Challenge of Climate Change Adaptation in Canada’s Forest Policy Sector” in Review of Policy Research, Volume 30, Issue 1, pages 66–90, Jan. 2013.

From Tech Today.

Adam Wellstead (SS) cowrote the paper “Policy Capacity for Climate Change in Canada’s Transportation Sector” in Review of Policy Research. 2013 30:1. 19–41.

From Tech Today.

Sociology Students Analyze Suicide Risk

Assistant Professor Richelle Winkler (SS) involved her Introduction to Sociology students in a real-life sociology lesson. Working with Brian Rendel at Copper Country Mental Health, Winkler’s students analyzed various risk factors for suicide among young people in the Copper Country. They will present their findings and recommendations for managing suicide risk at a public program at 11 a.m., Thursday, Dec. 13, in GLRC 202.

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Industrial heritage congress kicks off in Taipei

The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage Congress kicked off Nov. 4 in Taipei City. During the event’s eight-day run, more than 80 papers will be presented by noteworthy international scholars, including TICCIH President Patrick Martin, Japan Industrial Archaeology Society President Takashi Itoh and Neil Cossons, pro-provost and chairman of the U.K.-based Council of the Royal College of Art.

Taiwan Today – Read More

Fine Food, Just Food: The Bay Area Food Revolution and What it Means for the Rest of Us

Is food democracy possible in the era of Big Food? Sally K. Fairfax says yes, and she will explain how in her talk “Fine Food, Just Food: California and Possibilities,” set for 4 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 6, in the East Reading Room of the Van Pelt and Opie Library. Fairfax, the lead author of “California Cuisine and Just Food” (MIT Press, 2012), is the Henry J. Vaux Distinguished Professor Emerita in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at the University of California, Berkeley. She will be joined by coauthorLouise Nelson Dyble, an assistant professor of history at Michigan Tech.

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