Schelly Launches Solar Energy Project on Campus

Solar energy for Greek houses

Dr. Chelsea Schelly is launching a new project in the next month that will give college students in the Houghton-Hancock area the opportunity to test out a small solar generator paired up with a large solar panel mounted directly to their house.

As a sociologist, Schelly is studying the way students think about solar energy once they have exposure to this solar technology.

Read more at the Michigan Tech Lode, by Lucas Wilder.

SS at Graduate Research Colloquium 2014

GRC2014 Graduate Research Colloquium
Memorial Union Building Ballroom

Wednesday, February 19th

Human Impact (A2)
Building Information Models: The 3D Digital Documentation of Heritage Resources – John Arnold, Social Sciences

1:00 PM – 2:20 PM: Environmental Studies and Advances in Environmental Protection – Upper Peninsula (B2)
1:20 PM – 1:40 PM: Assessing How Environmental Concerns Impact an Industrial Heritage Landscape – Emma Schwaiger, Social Sciences
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM: Prolonging Disaster (Un)Recovery: “Culturally-Irrelevant” Fish Consumption Advisories in the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community – Valoree Gagnon, Social Sciences

Thursday, February 20th
Environmental Studies and Advances in Environmental Protection (A2)
Social Influence of Family on Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowners’ Land Management Practices – Jennifer Riehl, Social Sciences
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Sustainability (B2)
12:00 PM – 12:20 PM: Forestry Certification Schemes and Biopower: Can SFI and FSC Ensure Sustainability of Woody Biomass Feedstocks? – Brad Barnett, Social Sciences

More Abstracts, Presenting Author

Building Information Models: The 3D Digital Documentation of Heritage Resources – John D. M. Arnold, Industrial Heritage and Archeology, Department of Social Sciences

View the Abstract Book | View the Photo Gallery | View the Results

John Arnold
John Arnold
Jennifer Riehl 2013 Poster
Social Influence of Family on Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowners’ Land Management Practices
Brad Barnett 2014 Poster
Brad Barnett

Global City 2014 Photo Contest

Global CityFourth Annual Global City Photo Competition

It’s time for the fourth Annual Global City Photo Competition. Deadline for submissions is Monday, March 3. Submit your photos to .

The categories are people, landscapes, sustainability and “glocal” (meaning anything that is a local image or an image of Michigan Tech-related activities).

Read more at Tech Today.

Associate Professor Audrey Mayer is one of the faculty advisors of the student organization Global City, which is dedicated to addressing critical, global issues, especially those that most directly impact developing countries.

Barry Solomon Publishes on Maize

CornProfessor Barry Solomon (SS) was the lead author of the first chapter in a new book titled “Compendium of Bioenergy Plants: Corn,” Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2014, pp. 1-32. The chapter is titled “Basic Information on Maize,” with co-authors James Birchler (University of Missouri), Stephen L. Goldman (University of Toledo), and Qiong Zhang (University of South Florida).

From Tech Today.

Michigan History Day Judges Sought for March 1

NHDThe Department of Social Sciences is pleased to be hosting the Michigan History Day District 1 competition on March 1 at the MUB. This year’s topic for National History Day is “Rights and Responsibilities” and the students’ projects will address this theme in some manner. Up to 200 primary and secondary students from schools in the western half of the UP will be visiting to showcase their papers, exhibits, performances, websites and video documentaries.

Because of the expected high turnout this year, we are looking for additional judges to help review the students’ contributions and provide constructive feedback on their projects. The competition takes place Saturday, March 1, from 9 to 1 p.m. (judges will be finished by noon), those judging paper submissions will have up to ten days beforehand to read and score them on provided rubric sheets, even if they are not able to be there that day. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Steve Walton in Social Sciences at or 978-3272.

From Tech Today.

SFRES Forum Friday with Richelle Winkler

The School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science will host a SFRES forum on Friday, Feb. 21, at 3 p.m., with a social to follow at 4 p.m. Richelle Winkler, assistant professor of sociology and demography (SS) will present “Demographic Change and Implications for Wildlife Management: Focus on Deer Hunters,” in room G002 Forestry Building with the social in the building’s atrium. All are invited to attend.

From Tech Today.

Seed Funding for Baird on Australian Heritage Project

Seed Funding GrantsMelissa Baird, assistant professor of anthropology, social sciences, is part of an international group of scholars who received the 2013 Perth USAsia Centre Seed Funding Research Grant. The grant, “Western Resource Frontiers: How Indigenous people, mining and heritage in Australia and the US shape our nations” analyzes issues of heritage, rights, and sustainability on the Australian and US Western ‘resource frontiers’ to broaden our understanding of global heritage and environmental politics. The project includes Jane Lydon (UWA) the PI, Aileen Walsh, UWA; Alistair Paterson, UWA; and Lynn Meskell, Stanford University.

From Tech Today.