Involvement Link has many great features to help your student organization be successful including the calendar. To feature your organization’s event on the calendar (and on the Michigan Tech Calendar!), just follow the steps below.
Note: Only primary contacts and positions with full access over Events can create events within an organization. If you do not have the proper permissions, you should first refer to your primary contact or your site administrators in order to request the required access.
Manage your organization by selecting Manage from the switchboard and choosing your organization. When you are at your organization’s page, use the top left-hand side menu. Choose Events in the organization tool menu and click on the blue Create Event button on the top right.
Completing Core Event Details
Enter an event title, theme, description, start and end time, and location into their respective boxes. You can also identify if the event will be co-hosted with other organizations. Required fields are marked by the red asterisk at their start.

You can add up to 18 different times/locations within one event submission. Upon approval, each instance of the event you created will become its own event that can be individually edited or changed. Click “Add Another Date” to create a recurring event.
You can also choose whether to include a helpful map, courtesy of Google Maps, to your event details page. Note that selecting the space will not reserve it. Your next couple of options are about event visibility and are outlined below.
Each field after this point is detailed below:
Field | Description |
Show-To | Determine whether the event should show to the public, authenticated users only, only members of hosting organizations (and cohosting organizations), or only to invited users |
Event Categories | Associate the event with one or more event categories |
Perks | Associate the event with one or more event perks (special benefits for your attendees) |
Additional Information | Complete any additional fields that may be required by your campus. Depending on your institution’s settings, your responses to these questions may show publicly on your published event page. |
Additional Pages and Event Questions
The next page allows you to customize your RSVP settings. Use this tool to collect information from your attendees before the event or to set a specific attendee limit.
The third page allows you to customize your event’s cover photo by clicking Choose File and adding an image that you feel will draw attention to your event. We recommend a photo that is 1024px by 600px or larger, under 10MB, and of one of the mentioned formats (JPG, JPEG, GIF, or PNG). The image will run through an image re-sizer, so the larger – the better! If you choose not to upload a photo, a default photo will be chosen for you based on the theme of your event. As this photo will be displayed alongside event details across Engage, it is best to choose a cover photo that is simply an image without text.
When you’re ready, advance using Next or Skip. Your organization’s branch may require each event submission to provide additional details that will be kept on the private record of the event submission. You will be prompted at this time to complete this information. Fill out the rest of the form and submit for campus administrative approval.