Month: August 2020

K-Day 2020 Registration – RSOs

As a registered student organization, you can register for both the virtual and the in-person K-Day. We recommend that at a minimum, you should register for the virtual K-Day. K-Day registration will close Friday, September 4 at noon.

For virtual registration:

  • Log in to Involvement Link
  • Select the organization you would like to register for virtual K-Day
  • Select “Manage Organization” from the top right corner
  • You should see “Upcoming Virtual Fair Events” with the K-Day information and a blue button that says “Sign Up”  Click that to complete your registration.

You will need a short description and a link for a Zoom (or virtual platform of choice) meeting.  The virtual meeting should be set up for Friday, September 11 from Noon – 5 PM.  Prospective members will be able to select “Meet Online” during that time for your organization and talk to officers/members that you have on the call.  If you cannot have someone on the virtual call for the entire 5 hours, please note the times you will be there in your description.  Students will only be directed to use the meeting link from Noon – 5 PM on that day.  

**You will not be able to edit your description, so please make sure it is what you want.  Also, it has a 200 character limit. 

For in-person registration:

You can register through Involvement Link.  Once you log in, the link will be on your homepage.  Some things to note:

  • Your organization will get to choose their top 3 dates/times, but you will only be able to have a table once. 
  • There is a limit on the number of organizations that can be approved, so your organization might not get a space.  
  • If your organization wants to bring food, it must be pre-packaged.
  • Minimal activities will be allowed.  They must be compliant with University policies, as well as local, state, and federal expectations in regards to COVID-19. 
  • You are allowed to have 1 or 2 people from your organization at your booth.  No more than 2 will be allowed at a time. 
  • Power is limited and we cannot guarantee it. 
  • Once your registration is confirmed, you will receive more information on expectations for the day of your event. 

Please send any questions to Rochelle at