Budget Hearings, Important Dates, and Financials, Oh My!

Happy January RSO Officers!

Welcome back for the spring semester! Please take note of the following important updates:

Updated Roster and Officers for Budget Hearings

As we gear up for budget hearings, it’s crucial to have your organization’s roster and officers up to date on Involvement Link. A current and accurate roster is essential for budget allocations and ensures that your organization is eligible for funding. Take a moment to review and update your roster and officers on Involvement Link. If you encounter any challenges or have questions, please contact our SLI team at activities@mtu.edu.

Key Dates for Student Organizations:

  • Spring Involvement Fair:
    • Date: Tuesday, January 21st, 6:30 – 9:30pm
    • Location: Memorial Union Building Commons, Ballroom, and MakerSpace
    • See Spring Involvement Fair Website for more info
  • RSO Budget and Hearing Sign Up Submission Deadline
    • Date: Sunday, January 26th at 11:59pm
    • See the SLI Blog with the info email for more info

Stay informed about other important dates for student organizations by visiting the following link: RSO Dates to Know. This page outlines crucial deadlines, events, and milestones to help your organization plan effectively. Be sure to mark these dates on your calendar to stay ahead of the curve.

Effective Financial Management:

  • HuskyLEAD: Creating An Effective Student Org Budget
    • Date: Thursday, January 30th, at 4pm
    • Location: Memorial Union Building Alumni Lounge A

Financial management and planning are vital to your RSO’s short and long-term success. Budgeting allows your organization to plan and program for the upcoming year more effectively allowing you to stress less. RSOs are required to keep track of organization finances and remain in good financial standing.

Here are some tips for effective financial management:

  • Budget Planning: Create a detailed budget that accounts for all expenses and income sources.
  • Record Keeping: Maintain accurate and organized financial records for transparency and accountability.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct periodic audits of your organization’s financial transactions to identify any discrepancies.
  • Funding Opportunities: Explore diverse funding opportunities, including grants, sponsorships, and fundraising events.

Budgeting Tools can be found at the bottom of RSO Finances on our website.

Your commitment to the success of your organization is truly commendable, and we appreciate the effort you put into creating a vibrant and engaging campus community. If you have any further questions or need additional support, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

Thank you for your attention to these matters, and we wish your organization continued success in the upcoming semester!

Have a fantastic semester,

Student Leadership and Involvement

RSO Budget Hearings with USG!

Hello RSO Treasurers and Presidents, 

December is the time to start thinking about budget hearings! This is the process we use to determine Student Activity Fee Budgets for the upcoming school year. Any RSO wanting to receive funds from the Student Activity Fee must participate in budget hearings.

Here is a full list of what you will need to do to participate in budget hearings. Additional information on steps 2 through 6 will be distributed at the information session.

  • Step 1: Attend a Mandatory Budget Hearing Information Session (Attendance will be taken. There is a budget penalty for not attending)

2025/2026 Budget Hearing Dates

Tuesday, January 7th, 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM (Location TBD)

Wednesday, January 8th, 8:30 – 9:30 PM (Location TBD)

Thursday, January 9th, 5PM – 6PM (Location TBD)

You will receive a follow-up email as soon as room locations have been confirmed.

  • Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the budget info packet. This packet will be distributed physically and digitally at the budget information sessions.
  • Step 4: Sign up for a 10-minute budget hearing time slot. The link to sign up for a hearing will be sent out after the last Information Session.
  • Step 5: Submit the budget hearing questionnaire.
  • Step 6: Attend your budget hearing.

Additionally, here are some reminders:

  1. Keep Spending your Budget
  • Please continue to spend your budget! One of the biggest factors in determining your organization’s budget for next year is their historical spending. If you do not spend your allocation this year, your budget for next year may be smaller.

2.       Additional Funding Resources

  • The Opportunity and Reserve funds are a great resource for new RSOs and RSOs in need of additional funding.
    • The primary purpose of the Undergraduate Student Government Reserve Fund is to fund unforeseen equipment replacement costs, equipment upgrade costsand equipment safety concerns
    • The purpose of the Undergraduate Student Government Opportunities Fund is to provide funding for startup costs of new organizations, unpredicted student organization expenses, or new initiatives of student organizations that were not previously budgeted for. 
  • In order to receive funds from this account you must submit a written request here, meet with the Ways and Means Committee, and then have your request voted on by the general USG body. This is a process that takes time, so please submit your request several weeks before you need to make a purchase. Do not use the Funding Request tool on Involvement Link, use the google form (same link as above).

For any questions, email usg-treasurer@mtu.edu

Completing Your RSO Officer & Advisor Training – FAQ’s

It’s time for our yearly Registered Student Organization Officer and Advisor Training! Training includes the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Advisor. You have been added to a training path in Involvement Link made especially for your position. 
This training will guide you through the various expectations, policies, requirements, resources, and general operating standards of Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) at Michigan Tech.
You are required to complete all training items by Wednesday, September 28th, 2022 at 5 pm, in order for your RSO to complete the yearly re-registration process. When you have completed all training items, make sure you notify your RSO’s president so that they may move forward with RSO re-registration.  

Detailed Instructions

1. Navigate to https://www.involvement.mtu.edu/involvement/paths. If necessary, Log in using your MTU ISO.

2. Scroll down to the list of training modules and click “Expand All” to reveal the required training items

3. In each section of training, there will be a video to watch along with additional information which may appear after clicking “READ MORE”. The information below the video will include vital information, links, and instructions you will need to complete your training.

4. When you have completed watching each video, make sure you click the “Mark Complete” button at the bottom of the section, enter the date, and the requested reflection, and then be sure to click “Submit”. This will submit your progress to Student Leadership & Involvement and will make sure that you get credit for each section. You will need to click this button on all training items where it appears.

5. The final section, Training Confirmation, requires you to click on “Report Experience” to complete. When using this tool, you will be prompted to complete the RSO Training Acknowledgement Form.

6. At the bottom of the RSO Training Acknowledgement Form, please do not change the options in the Path section “Please select any Path Items you believe this Experience fulfills:” as this will auto-generate the appropriate response – Training Confirmation

7. When complete, click “Submit” 

8. It will be necessary for you to wait for your submission to be approved by Student Leadership & Involvement before your training will be marked as 100% complete. Until it is approved by SLI, you will see a green hourglass next to the appropriate training item.

9. Within 1-2 business days, Student Leadership & Involvement will approve your submissions or return them for revision. When your training progress is listed at 100% please email your RSO’s president to let them know they may proceed with re-registration. If you are the President, make sure your other Officers complete their training and then proceed with re-registration.


When is the deadline to complete training? – Thursday, September 29 at 5:00 PM. But we encourage you to complete your training early to avoid any potential complications with RSO re-registration.

I completed all of the sections but my progress bar does not say 100% complete, what’s up with that? – If you just finished, don’t worry! It will take the SLI staff a couple business days to check all of the progress that you made. If it has already been a couple business days, shoot us a message at rso@mtu.edu and let us know so we can look into it.

I’m the President of my RSO and I submitted my org re-registration but it hasn’t been approved, why? – Often, the biggest reason that we are unable to approve RSO re-registration is because all of the officers and advisor have yet to finish their training. Confirm with them that they are 100%!

I’m the President of my RSO, but I’m also the secretary of another org, why do I have to take all of these trainings? – Don’t worry! If you are the President, you do not have to take any other training! If you hold more than one officer position in general, you only need to complete one officer training. Please complete the training according to this priority order: President, Treasurer, Vice President, Secretary.

We haven’t heard from our Advisor and we want to complete our re-registration, what should we do? – Let us know right away by emailing rso@mtu.edu so we can start helping you find a new advisor… don’t wait until the deadline to tell us!

I’m signed up for the Secretary training, but I’m the Vice President, now what? – First, make sure your RSO Roster lists you as the correct position. If it does not, make sure that you, your primary contact, or your president updates it RIGHT AWAY! Next, shoot us an email at rso@mtu.edu and let us know of the error so we can move you into the correct training before you complete any sections that you may not have to.

I’m having other issues with training that aren’t addressed here, what should I do? – We are sorry to hear that! You can either email rso@mtu.edu, stop by MUB 112, or call 906-487-1963 and let us know what your issue is so we can assist.

Summer Programming 2022!

Join Student Leadership &  Involvement for some fun this summer.  We will be hosting fun events throughout the summer that you won’t want to miss!

Our summer events schedule includes a 90’s Throwback Crafts day, Plant-a-Palooza where you can adopt a succulent, a S’mores collab with IPS, Outdoor Yoga, Hanging Out complete with hammocks, and slack-lining, and of course – Root Beer Floats!

To keep up with all the fun that we have planned, follow us on Facebook and Instagram 

December is LIT-erary.

December is national read a new book month.  To celebrate this fun tradition, we are going to share some book ideas for you to enjoy over winter break. Here are some suggestions from avid book readers around campus. Enjoy 🙂

Holly Lorenz – Residence Education and Housing Services

What book do you suggest for Michigan Tech students?:

The Scholomance Series (A Deadly Education and The Last Graduate)

These felt like reading the Harry Potter books all over again but if the enemy were the magical school the students were sent to and the main character was an unknown nobody who couldn’t make the friends they desperately needed to survive. *Note: it DOES end on a cliffhanger in the second book and you’ll have to wait almost a full year for the next and final installment.

What is your all-time favorite book?:

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

The narrator and main character of this book is Death themself. It’s an interesting and different take on a World War II setting that I feel any reader would be able to connect with in some way or another.

Reading Buddy: Yuppsie

Liz Fujita – Electrical and Computer Engineering

What book do you suggest for Michigan Tech students?:

The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin

I think this will be classic sci-fi in the way that some of the books by Asimov, Herbert, or Leguin defined their eras. Maybe that’s thinking too big, but it’s a fantastic story, and it’s a good experience to read in a different storytelling/narrative style than we’re used to.

What is your all-time favorite book?:

The Lord of the Rings trilogy

It’s not as dense as people say it is – really. The world is so rich and beautiful! LotR is the first book I remember being read as a child other than Dr Seuss. Returning to Middle Earth is returning home.

Reading Buddy: Milano


At the end of the day, don’t let anyone gatekeep your reading. I think sometimes there is pressure to read “good” books – classics, or books that are popular in the moment, or ones that are on so-and-so’s book list – and that if you don’t read those things you’re “not really reading anything worthwhile.” Do not let this attitude fool you! Reading is valuable, no matter the genre, the medium, the story.

Ashley Eschbach – Residence Education and Housing Services

What book do you suggest for Michigan Tech students?:

The Fire Keepers Daughter by Angeline Boulley

This book was enjoyable because it had a bit of everything. It was well written, had a mystery, some action and even some romance. One of the most enjoyable parts was that it is based in the Upper Peninsula. As a resident of the UP, it was fun to learn about places that I’ve been and learn more about the culture of the UP and the Ojibwe reservation.

What is your all-time favorite book?:

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

This is my favorite book because it is about the choices that we make and how those choices can shape and haunt our futures. In all of his books, Hosseini takes the reader to Afghanistan and really explores the culture and traditions. Some major themes that I made it enjoyable to me were friendship (and what it means to be a friend), guilt and redemption. The Kite Runner is not the happiest of stories but stays with you for a long time.

Erin Eberhard – Graduate Student

What book do you suggest for Michigan Tech students?:

The Lost Apothecary – Sarah Penner

It is a mix between present day and traveling back in time. So you have a main character going through problems in the present day and trying to deal with that by exploring mysteries of the past.

What is your all-time favorite book?:

Harry Potter Series – JK Rowling

Honestly, these are the books I return to the most. It is like returning to a familiar world when I go back to read them and the nostalgia of remembering reading them for the first time. I get lost in the wizarding world every time.

Last Thoughts:

Reading is the best! Escaping into the world the book creates in your head has been a way for me to get through grad school.

What does leadership actually mean?

Leadership – what a buzzword. It’s a skill you might list on your resume, but what does it actually mean? Ask five different people, and I can almost guarantee that you will get five different answers. Maybe they will point to similar traits of a leader – integrity, determination, competitiveness, courage. Then again, perhaps they won’t. Someone else might say charisma, empathy, and self-control – all of which could oppose the other traits listed. You see, while we talk about this grand concept of “leadership,” we also know that it can vary based on the person. We likely will all identify Greta Thunberg, Jeff Bezos, and Angela Merkel as leaders. However, their values and their personality characteristics certainly differ. So what does leadership mean? How do you develop leadership as a skill? I invite you to come find out.

You recently received an email introducing you to the LeaderShape Institute. As explained, the Institute is a four-day immersive retreat focused on leadership development. It’s not a standard leadership retreat, though. The unique thing about LeaderShape is that it embraces the idea that leadership is not any one thing or that you have to hold a particular position or title to be a leader. At the Institute, you will take self-assessments to identify your leadership strengths and characteristics. You will participate in team-building challenges to experience the benefits of trust in relationships. You will work with a small group of other students and a mentor to discuss your values and reflect on your priorities. And, throughout the entire process, you will develop a vision – a bold change for the future in your community, group, cause, or organization back home.

Ultimately, leadership is about impact – how you generate that impact and where you want it to occur is up to you. The choices you make every day could be demonstrating your leadership skills, or they could be holding you back. The LeaderShape Institute is your opportunity to take time away from the routine and structure of life as a student to reflect on the decisions you are making, and perhaps, choose to lead boldly in a new direction.

LeaderShape this year will be held January 4-7th, 2022, at the Ford Center in Alberta, MI. Thanks to the support of donors, the program costs just $100 per student attendee – a cost that can be further subsidized by sponsorship here on campus. If you want to establish your definition of leadership, build confidence in the traits that make you a strong leader, and create a vision for the impact you want to have on the world – apply today: https://leadershape.org/Applications/Apply/3963.

Not ready for a week’s commitment? Come get acquainted with leadership here on campus in other ways! Throughout the academic year, Student Leadership and Involvement offers a rotating selection of leadership development opportunities – most notably, our HuskyLead series. There is still one event left for this semester! Join us tomorrow, November 16th at 4:00 PM in the MUB Superior Room to learn about the Campus Resources You’re NOT Using and check back soon to our HuskyLEAD webpage for a complete list of our spring events.

New School Year- SLI Staff Introductions

Jessie Stapleton
Director of Student Leadership & Involvement

Jessie is the Director of Student Leadership & Involvement, a member of Phi Sigma Sigma, and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Northern Michigan University and a Masters of Science in Education from the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse.  She is an avid Green Bay Packer fan, she’s mildly obsessed with her cat Charlie, and loves driving her ’66 AMC Rambler Rebel.  In her spare time, she enjoys baking, reading, camping, and ice fishing.

Favorite Snack: Cheese
Favorite thing to do outside of work: Camping

Rochelle Spencer
Assistant Director of Student Leadership & Involvement

Rochelle is the Assistant Director of Student Leadership & Involvement.  She is a Michigan Tech Alumni (go Huskies) and got her Masters at Saginaw Valley. Aside from working at SLI, Rochelle also teaches a fun workout class called Pound, which encourages participants to rock out while they work out. She loves to read books and drink lots of coffee. In her free time, you can find her at the Crossfit gym or hanging out with her cat, Liam. 

Favorite Snack: Popcorn. Peanut Butter. Ice Cream.
Favorite thing to do outside of work: Crossfit and hang out with my cat

Danielle Meirow
Coordinator of Student Leadership & Involvement

My name is Danielle Meirow and I am the new Coordinator for Community Service and Leadership Programs for Student Leadership and Involvement. I may look familiar though because I have worked at Michigan Tech for the past two years as a Residence Education Coordinator, primarily in East McNair Hall. I am originally from St. Clair Shores, MI where my family still resides, but I moved here from New York City where I attended NYU to earn my Master’s Degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences and Women and Gender Studies from Grand Valley State University. I currently advise Broomball here at Tech and am actively engaged in the greater community through my involvement with the Parade of Nations planning committee and the Keweenaw Young Professionals.

Favorite Snack: Cafe Cheese Curds with both marinara sauce and ranch. I am working hard to get my fill before moving out of the residence halls!
Favorite thing to do outside of work: Walk my dog Jack. He’s my best friend and a complete mama’s boy

Mark Holmgren
Coordinator of Student Leadership & Involvement

Mark is the new Coordinator for Registered Student Organizations for Student Leadership and Involvement. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting and Chemistry from Northern Michigan University and a Master of Arts Degree in Higher Education from the University of Michigan. As a UP native, Mark enjoys hiking/running on the numerous trail systems, camping, kayaking, and taking saunas. When not outside, he enjoys sitting in coffee shops and watching films.

Favorite Snack: Chips & Salsa
Favorite thing to do outside of work: Spending time with others

Sarah Porter
Office Assistant of Student Leadership & Involvement

Sarah is the Office Assistant of Student Leadership & Involvement. She holds an Associate’s Degree in Environmental Sciences and hopes to continue her education here at Michigan Tech. During her free time, she enjoys baking and rock-hounding off Lake Superior. She enjoys hiking to places with tall trees or deep rivers, even an occasional dive into the water. She’s also an avid painter and loves working with clay.

Favorite Snack: Mangoes or Hot Cheetos or Pizza
Favorite thing to do outside of work: Go on adventures with my Husband or cuddle with my dog, Benji

Molly Fitzgerald
Student Worker

Hi y’all! My name is Molly Fitzgerald (They/Them) and I’m a 2nd year Masters student with the Biology Department. Right now I am working on creating interesting and accessible scientific information in the form of children’s books, pamphlets, and posters. I love to be creative through my artwork, so taking that to the next level and marrying my creativity with my scientific background is my passion. I have a lovely cockatiel named Spud, and she is almost one year old. If I am not in lecture, work, or meetings, I am always with her! 

Favorite Snack: Watermelon! Or Ice Cream…
Favorite thing to do outside of work: Be with my bird, Spud, or to do some painting!

Tessa Mlinar
Student Worker

I am a fifth-year pre-med biology student from Duluth, Minnesota. I love hiking around the Keweenaw and have a goal to visit every National Park (I visited 8 this summer.) I am hoping to go on to Medical School this next year and stay in the Midwest to work with underserved communities. On campus, I am involved in research, clubs, tutoring, greek life, and Student Leadership and Involvement!

Favorite Snack: Salt and Vinegar Chips
Favorite thing to do outside of work: Cuddle my dog and watch reality TV 🙂

Hunter Malinowski
Student Worker

Hunter is a second-year student, majoring in computer science and psychology. She is originally from Canton, MI. On campus, she is the Vice President of Public Relations for the Panhellenic Council and the Vice President of Copper Country Coders. This semester, she is a University Innovation Fellow Candidate and also conducts research in the Mueller Lab. Additionally, she is a part of the Pavlis Honors College. Some of her hobbies include anything crafty, like crocheting, sewing, and making jewelry, as well as watching TV. Her all-time favorite TV show is Frasier.

Favorite Snack: Cosmic brownies
Favorite thing to do outside of work: Crochet and hang out with friends

10 Reason’s Why You Should Join a Student Organization

1. It’s fun!

One of the most important reasons to join a registered student organization (RSO) is to have fun! Meeting new people, making new friends, trying new things, and participating in activities will help you make the most of your Michigan Tech experience. What could possibly be better?

2. It looks great on a resume.

It’s true, it’s a competitive world out there. Your future employers will be extremely excited to hire someone who has had a great deal of experience and been relatively active throughout their college career, as opposed to someone who has simply gone to class. Being involved will ultimately make you a stronger and more well-rounded candidate for internships, co-ops, graduate schools, job opportunities, etc.

3. It’s a wonderful way to meet new people.

Joining an RSO gives you a convenient way to meet and spend time with other people–many of whom will likely share similar interests, values, and goals. This allows you to form lifelong friendships and expand your social circle, thereby placing you in closer contact with faculty/staff, members of the community, fellow students, and even possible new lifelong friends!

4. It helps to build community.

Since a lot of Michigan Tech students live quite far away from their family and friends back home, they may feel homesick at school. Getting involved enables you to re-establish a sense of belonging, create a chosen family, form an additional circle of friends, and will no doubt ease the transition from high school to college.

5. It’s an awesome way to develop crucial leadership skills.

Participating in a student organization not only teaches you leadership skills but also helps you broaden and improve those you already have. You’ll learn the best way to communicate with both individuals and large groups, and you’ll gain emotional intelligence as you develop new relationships. And you will be surprised to discover all kinds of fascinating new things about yourself by being involved in group activities and events. The management skills you learn as a result will be highly useful in the future when you must venture out into the real world and begin the ever-dreaded job search.

6. It allows you to discover your passions, strengths, and talents.

Joining an RSO presents many opportunities to learn more about yourself, your goals, your passions, and your strengths. You can also find out what you’re good at, what you enjoy (or what you don’t), whether that’s leading, event planning, generating ideas, or serving others. This self-awareness will be beneficial in your future. These can provide you with a sense of self-worth, lead you in new and unexpected directions, and–most importantly–help you succeed in life.

7. It’s the perfect way to maximize learning.

Remember that college is all about learning new information (about yourself, about others, about the world, and about life in general), yet oftentimes the best learning happens outside of the typical classroom setting. Being part of an organization allows you to put all of those things you’ve been learning in class to the test in real-world situations. You’ll get to learn what works and what doesn’t, and you’ll be able to take that knowledge back to the classroom, and then, of course, along with you in a future career. 

8. You’ll learn how to engage with diverse groups of people.

Chances are, the RSO you choose to participate in will include a diverse group of people — you’ll be faced with the same situation in the working world! Learning how different people respond and react to certain situations will help you develop your skills in presenting and implementing ideas, creating inclusive environments, and become a more effective leader.

9. You’ll get a break from your studies.

Concentrating on schoolwork is obviously important during a graduate program, but giving your mind a break is necessary (and beneficial). While taking part in your RSO, you’ll be able to socialize with like-minded individuals and actually learn as much from them as you would your schoolwork. And everyone needs a break once in a while–especially college students who are constantly swamped with school work. Getting involved is the perfect way for you to take some time out of your busy day to focus on hobbies, passions, or other activities.

10. It emphasizes the importance of teamwork.

Knowing how to work well with a team is an essential skill for any career. Being in an RSO teaches you how to do this by putting you in situations where you are required to take advice from others, as well as give your own.

So what are you waiting for???

Michigan Tech is full of wonderful opportunities for students to get involved, but RSO’s might just be the best option (in our opinion!). Joining an RSO and getting involved will not only enhance your overall Michigan Tech experience but will also introduce you to a world of endless opportunities. So what are you waiting for? Go out there and explore all the incredible things our awesome RSO’s has to offer! You can start by checking out our RSO’s on Involvement Link!


July is the perfect time to celebrate all the “hot spots” to explore in the Keweenaw!

Whether it’s hiking Bare Bluff or reading in a hammock somewhere along the beautiful shoreline, we want to see your favorite summer spots! Get creative and think outside the box.  We also want to know why your spot is so amazing.  Is it the view? A place where something memorable happened? Perhaps you go there to disconnect?  Whatever your reason, please include that with your photo so we can let others know why they should check out this place, too. Keep an eye on our social media for reminders, new spots to explore, and photo inspirations!  

For those of you with a competitive side, this is also going to be a photo contest! We will be posting all of the photos and descriptions on our Facebook page for people to vote and the winner will get a hammock!
To participate, you can submit photos and descriptions by emailing activities@mtu.edu from July 1 – 22.  Voting will take place on the Student Leadership & Involvement Facebook from July 25 – 31 and the photo with the most likes/reactions will be the winner!!! 

How to become a Community Partner with GivePulse

“Turning Care into Action”

An online community enabling everyone from non-profit agencies to volunteers to work together and impact the community.

Community Partners

Community Partners or Affiliates are groups that advertise their events to the Michigan Tech community in search of volunteers.

Benefits of Community Partners

  • One central space to seek out volunteers and advertise events.
  • Allows volunteers to sign up prior to the event leading to better event planning.
  • Events can be recurring, single day, or multi-day. This allows volunteers to sign up for various options that fit into their schedule and yours.
  • This is a great way to build a community between Michigan Tech and your organization.

How to become a Community Partner?

Type mtu.givepulse.com into your search bar.

Contact the Administrator with the following information:

  • Name of non-profit organization or group.
  • Description of organization or group.
  • Address (if applicable)
  • Point of Contact (POC) first and last name and email address.
  • The website associated with the organization or group (if applicable).

Once this is complete and the administrator approves your request you will meet with the administrator. They will orient you on how to advertise your events to Michigan Tech volunteers.

Listing Events and Volunteer Opportunities

There are many different names for volunteering: events, tasks, shifts, etc. The intention is the same, these are opportunities where volunteers are needed to undertake an act of service for the betterment of the community. GivePulse allows a central database to seek out these volunteers.

Advertising a volunteer opportunity is simple. All you need is the basic information of Name, Date, Participants needed, and Description. Opportunities can be both in-person and virtual and will be advertised right away. Whether this is pre-planned event months in advance or a result of an unexpected need, we welcome all to be put on GivePulse.