Save Version

Although a unique version of a page is saved automatically in the CMS version control system every time a page is published you may want to create a version manually. For example, after editing and saving a page several times you may want to save a version to have a point to revert to in case you do something wrong.

Pages List View

To save a version in the Pages List View you must have the item checked out. Click the More Actions option (… on the far right) for that item and select Save Version from the Review menu.

Save Version option in the Pages List View more actions menu.

Page Open

You can also access it from the More Actions menu in the Page Actions toolbar when you have a page open.

Save Version option in the More Actions menu of the page.

Completing Both Methods

In the window that pops up, you can click the linked text to see a preview of the page as it currently exists. It is recommended that you enter descriptive text for the Version Description as this will be viewable from the Versions screen later and can be useful to differentiate between versions. When you are done, click the Save Version button.

Save Version window.