Register Now for the McKay 3-on-3 Hockey Tournament!


Registration is now open for the 17th Annual Randy McKay 3-on-3 Hockey Tournament.

The tournament will be held April 2-5, 2015, at the John MacInnes Student Ice Arena. This year’s divisions are: Developing Mites (NEW!), Mites, Squirt House, Squirt Travel, PeeWee House, PeeWee Travel, Bantam, High School/Midget, Men’s Open and Women’s Open.

The tournament is a great time for competition and honing skills, accommodating all age groups and skill levels. The 3-on-3* is a unique brand of hockey. Play runs concurrently on each half of the ice surface (about 100 feet by 85 feet), which allows for quick games and fast action. *The Developing Mites division will play 4-on-4 without a goalie.

Early bird pricing (through February 20) is $180 per team and $25 per goaltender. After February 20, the cost is $200 for teams and $30 per goalie. Deadline to register is March 20.

For more information or to register for the McKay 3-on-3 Hockey Tournament, visit McKay 3-on-3 Hockey Tournament.