Month: February 2025

Navigating Campus Winters

While snow is a welcome sight for those who enjoy outdoor sports and recreation, not all winter activities are fun and games. Some require dedication and hard work—like snow removal! Thankfully, we have tools to help: the Yooper scoop, steel shovels, and for the really big jobs, heavy equipment.

Our flashback image takes us back to the winter of 1950, when the area’s first mechanical snowblower was deployed. Ernest C. Schmidt of Oskar proudly poses with the machine on Liminga Road, taking a break from clearing snow for the Houghton County Road Commission.

Today, modern plows and high-powered snowblowers keep our roads and sidewalks clear. But we’d love to hear—how did you navigate campus through the snow when you were a student? Let us know in the comments!

About the Archives

The Michigan Technological University Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections houses a wide variety of print, graphic and manuscript resources related to the history and culture the Copper Country and Michigan Technological University. If you would like to research in the archives, appointments are available from 1-5 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Appointments may be requested by calling (906) 487-2505 or by filling out the request form on the archives website. If you have any questions regarding archives services, collections, or remote research help, please reach out to (906) 487-2505 or e-mail us at The Michigan Tech Archives can also be found on Facebook (Michigan Tech Archives), Instagram (@michigantecharchives), and X (@mtuarchives).

Celebrate Alumni Reunion 2025

Alumni Reunion 2025 will be from July 31–August 2, and we look forward to celebrating with all alumni and friends, especially those from our honored classes: 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2015. While we eagerly wait for the weekend to arrive, we encourage alumni from our honored classes and anyone attending to share their excitement and memories from wherever they are! What are you most looking forward to during Reunion Weekend? What is your favorite memory from your time as a student? Who are you looking forward to reconnecting with? Do you recognize yourself, or any friends in the photos? Share in the comments!

If you have photos that you would like to share from your time on campus, please email them to We will use them in future Reunion promotions and include them in the slideshow that plays during the weekend.

Do you have a recent milestone you would like to share with the Michigan Tech alumni community? Check out Class Notes—your go-to source for reading about the latest happenings in the lives of fellow alumni, including new jobs, promotions, retirements, news coverage, awards, government appointments, and weddings… and share your own!