Michigan Tech students join in international PACE contest

PAMDMichigan Tech students participated with other university students in an multi-year international competition to design a Portable Assisted Mobility Device (PAMD) through the Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education (PACE) program. There were 7 international teams and 45 universities from around the world involved, showing the “collaborative engineering” purpose of the PACE program. At the 2014 PACE Global Annual Forum in Turin (Italy) the projects were evaluated by an international team of judges including GM/Opel, Siemens, PLM Software, Autodesk, Oracle, and HP.  

New Community-linked Seminar through Carnegie Museum of the Keweenaw

90351923_F5Qkg-LProfessor Bill Rose has unveiled a new kind of seminar series which is hoped to reach the non-university community—he said: “I have lived here for 45 years, but I haven’t done a good job for the local community. I’d like to change that, now that I am retired. How does the university help the local community? How do we communicate? I have found that non-university residents are inhibited about coming to campus—-many feel isolated from the university community.  

MTRI Research Featured at Michigan Tech

IMG_0430The staff of the Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI) in Ann Arbor was on campus on Friday, Sept. 19, to conduct a poster session in the Dow Atrium (sixth-floor campus entrance). MTRI scientists and engineers were also available to discuss projects, collaborations with Michigan Tech departments and staff, and areas of research interest. The session is intended to outline the institute’s current activities and to explore opportunities to develop new working relationships. Examples of research included: Signature Study for Vehicle-Animal Collision Avoidance, 3D Wireless Bridge Inspection, Wave-Ice sensor network, EPA Costal Wetland Mapping, Monitoring Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) in the Great Lakes, Characterization of Unpaved Road Condition Through the Use of Remote Sensing: Road Condition Data Collection and Analysis, Application of Geospatially Enabled Geographic Response Plans for Oil Spill Response in the Western Basin of Lake Erie and more. See more examples at MTRI Posters

See Pictures of the MTRI Poster Session

View video clips of examples of some of the MTRI projects

MTRI, a research center of Michigan Technological University, is a recognized leader in the research, development and practical application of sensor and information technology to solve critical problems in national security, protecting and evaluating critical infrastructure, bioinformatics, earth sciences and environmental processes.

Engineering Professor and Author Offers Fresh Perspective on Learning

sep10Barbara Oakley, a professor of industrial and systems engineering at Oakland University and author of several books, will be at Michigan Tech Sept. 10-12 as part of the Visiting Women and Minority Lecturer/Scholar Series. She will give a public talk on “Learning How to Learn” at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 11, in Fisher 135. A presentation for the First Year Engineering Classes only will be at the Rozsa Center at 6 p.m. on Wednesday September 10.  

Michigan Tech in Global Trajectory Optimization Competition


The Michigan Tech Space Trajectory Optimization Team was ranked 20 in the 7th Global Trajectory Optimization Competition. This Competition is an event that takes place every one-two years over roughly one month during which the best aerospace engineers and mathematicians worldwide challenge themselves to solve a “nearly-impossible” problem of interplanetary trajectory design.  

Active Learning Center (ALC) formerly the “Fishbowl”

IMG_9813vInformation Technology invites you to attend the Active Learning Center’s open house on Friday, Aug. 22, from 1 to 4 p.m. in ME-EM 120. The Active Learning Center (ALC), formerly known as the ME-EM “Fishbowl.” has been completely transformed into a technology-rich collaborative learning space, featuring 72 student computer stations, three instructor stations and 29 collaboration LCD monitors hung from the ceiling. Staff will be on hand to provide tours and demonstrations.  

Alex Mayer appointed Charles and Patricia Nelson Presidential Professor

image56405-persMichigan Tech has appointed Alex Mayer as the Charles and Patricia Nelson Presidential Professor. Mayer, who holds a joint appointment in the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, is recognized for his outstanding efforts to bring water-related research, education and outreach to the forefront at Michigan Tech.  

One of Greatest Places to Live in America: Houghton

IMG_9635bOutside magazine named Houghton among the 16 best places to live in America, mentioning that Michigan Tech students double the town’s population during the school year. The article also notes Tech as one of the largest employers, praises the Nordic ski trails and mentions that Tech will host the National Cross-Country Skiing Championships in 2015 and 2016. See The 16 Greatest Places to Live in America.