Category: Modern Languages

In Praise of Football: Poetics, Aesthetics, Politics, & Identities of the Ball with Guest Speaker Daniel Noemi Voionmaa

On Friday, April 4th at noon visiting Speaker Daniel Noemi Voionmaa will be giving a public talk titled “In Praise of Football: Poetics, Aesthetics, Politics, and Identities of the Ball” in EERC 103.

This event is free and open to all. Dr. Voionmaa is Professor of Cultures, Societies, and Global Studies at Northeastern University. He will be visiting Spanish classes throughout his visit in addition to the public talk.


On December 18, 2022, 1.5 billion people watched the penalty kicked by Gonzalo Montiel, at Lusali Stadium in Doha, that gave Argentina its third World Cup. Probably, many more heard about it in the following days. Indeed, Qatar’s World Cup was the epitome of global sports entertainment: the world was not only one, but it was also, literally, a globe, a foot-ball. The 2026 USA-Canada Mexico World Cup is expected to surpass those numbers.

Not a long time ago, in 1930, Argentina had played its first final (without so much success: Uruguay won 4 to 2). The Estadio Centenario was packed; perhaps a few thousands listen to it on the radio (we don’t have the exact numbers), nobody watched it on TV (that happened only in 1954, and just for a few Central European countries. Color came in 1970). Many things have changed in football since that evening in Montevideo, in 1930, no doubt. However, if we were able to hear a conversation of a group of friends after a football match in 1930 and in 2025, we would be surprised how similar they are. Like in life –a comparison many times drawn—change and continuity are simultaneously present. Like life, football can be thought and analyzed from many points of view: tactics and strategies on the field, attitudes of fans in the stands, the politics it involves, a never-ending market-oriented paraphernalia, nationalist discourses, philosophical discussions – postmodern takes, existentialist reverberations, post-structuralist analyses, psychoanalytical insights–, and a myriad of cultural and artistic artifacts and productions. Football, soccer, fútbol, calcio, futebol is, as Eduardo Archetti once said, a mirror of our societies (and ourselves), but also a mask that covers and hides who we are and who we want to be.

In these remarks, I will attempt to show, using specific examples, how football has not only created a vast and multilayered imaginary, one in which politics and economics play a key role; but also that it has produced an artistic and poetic corpus that, perhaps, is as attractive as the beautiful game itself.

2025 Modern Languages Film Series Announced

Modern Languages at Michigan Tech is proud to present our Spring 2025 Film Series!

The films this year, under the theme “Dystopian Futures” will screen on consecutive Wednesdays at 7pm in Fisher 135, and are free and open to the public.

Still from "We Might As Well Be Dead showing a woman in a security uniform laying on the floor of a cramped apartment. Next to her another woman's head can be seen through the mail slot of a closed door with her hair hanging through.

We Might As Well Be Dead

Screening March 12, 2025

Sinelnikova 2022 | Germany

Security officer Anna lives with her 16-year-old daughter in a remote high-rise on the edge of a forest. The building provides its occupants a safe haven until the caretaker’s dog disappears and irrational fear spreads.

Still from the film showing a gray, dystopian landscape with a small doorway to an elevator shaft in the middle of the frame. A figure in a full-face oxygen mask walks to the left.

Aire: Just Breathe

Screening March 19, 2025

Tonos 2024 | Dominican Republic

In the year 2147, a virus as a result of a Great Chemical War has left all men on the planet sterile, bringing humanity to the brink of extinction. Biologist and scientist Tania tries to inseminate herself to ensure the survival of the human species, assisted by an artificial intelligence system called VIDA. However, everything changes when Azarias appears, a traveler with a dark past and possibly one of the last men on the planet.

An attractive young woman lays in a rectangular black tub filled with black liquid below a large half-circle window with washed-out white light shining through.

The Beast

Screening March 26, 2025

Bonello 2023 | France

In the near future the rise of AI has led to humans being deemed useless because their emotions compromise their decision-making. Gabrielle undergoes a procedure that will purify her and get rid of her emotions, a procedure which involves delving into their past lives.

Please join us for this great lineup of films from around the world!

For more information about Modern Languages minors at Michigan Tech, visit

Café Français French Conversation Hour

Parlez-vous français? Join us!

French conversation hour will take place in Walker 120C (in the HDMZ) twice monthly on Wednesdays through March. Whether you are a complete beginner, or a native French speaker looking to use your mother tongue, stop by for some casual conversation and cultural exchange. All levels of French are welcome!

  • Jan. 15
  • Jan. 29
  • Feb. 12
  • Feb. 19
  • March 12
  • March 26

For more information or to be added to our mailing list for French-related events, contact

La Peña Spanish Conversation Hour

La Peña Spanish Conversation Hour will meet every other Tuesday in Walker 120A (in the HDMZ) for the spring semester.

The dates are:

  • Jan. 14
  • Jan. 28
  • Feb. 11
  • March 4
  • March 18
  • April 1

Join us for our next La Peña Spanish conversation hour!

All levels of Spanish are welcome, and you don’t need to be taking a Spanish class to participate. Stop by, chat and stay for a board game or bring your own!

¡Hasta pronto!

Modern Languages & Cultures Open House to Take Place August 19th 2024

There will be an open house for the modern languages program on Monday, August 19th from 1:30-3:30 pm in Walker 120A. Students are invited to come with any questions they may have about Modern Language & Cultures Minors, courses, social activities as well as meet faculty members and fellow students.

Those who have not already taken placement tests may do so at this time as well, or beforehand:

Exception: Students who scored high on the AP or IB exam are automatically given a waiver for third-year courses.

Modern Languages Spring Celebration 2024 Scheduled for Wed. April 10

Modern Languages & Cultures is happy to host a celebration of our Minor students, especially those graduating this Spring and Summer 2024 with a minor in French, German or Spanish. We will gather on Wednesday, April 10th, 6-7.30PM in Walker, 134.

Mingle with us, play games, sing karaoke songs in the four languages, meet people and have fun! Taste a snippet of our foods.

Celebrating language minors at the 2023 Modern Languages Spring Celebration.

Alumni Student Social in Dresden Scheduled for May 10, 2024

Stephanie Rowe, German professor in the Humanities Department, is hosting an Alumni Student event on Friday, May 10, 2024 during the faculty-led study abroad program Topics in Germany.  Event details and RSVP can be found on the alumni event page Dresden, Germany Alumni Student event, organized by Stephanie Rowe (’95), Associate Teaching Professor, MTU.

Alumni are invited to join the students for an evening on their study abroad, including a leisurely stroll through the Zwinger grounds, where students and alumni will have an opportunity to get to know each other, dinner at the Sophienkeller, and a walk past the porcelain Fürstenzug to Neumarkt, where we will cap of the evening  with a concert in the Frauenkirche.

Victor Wiesen Awarded SURF Scholarship for Summer 2024

Congratulations to Victor Wiesen on a successful proposal for the SURF scholarship!

Victor is interested in examining the environmental impact of traditional practices of preparation and disposition of remains and comparing those impacts with “green” or “natural” burial practices. In this initial stage of research, Victor will utilize ethnographic research methodology to reveal attitudes and compare social and cultural practices and beliefs surrounding end-of-life disposition practices in Germany and the United States. When we understand the impediments to reducing the environmental impact of these cultural practices, we can more effectively map a pathway to preferable funereal practices. This research reflects a critical aspect of sustainability, especially when one considers that within one lifetime, 8 billion dispositions will take place. Through this type of research, we can potentially accomplish this with minimal impact on the planet.

Stephanie Rowe, Associate Teaching Professor in Humanities, is the faculty mentor for this research. Victor Wiesen is a first year ME student.

Modern Languages Film Series Returns for 2024

The annual film series sponsored by Modern Languages returns this week for spring 2024! Each of the languages offered, French, Spanish, and German, will be represented by one of the films, which all screen at 7pm in Fisher Hall and are free and open to the public!

Here is the lineup for this year:

Thursday March 21


Demers 2020, Canada
When a transnational pipeline leads to a successful Québec sovereignty referendum, a small border road becomes a lightning rod of conflict between the new Québec military, the Canadian Armed Forces and two indigenous women who traverse the border frequently.

Wednesday, March 27

Argentina, 1985

Mitre 2022, Argentina
A team of lawyers takes on the heads of Argentina’s bloody military dictatorship during the 1980s in a battle against odds and a race against time in order to bring justice to victims of the junta.

Thursday, March 28

The Silent Revolution

Kraume 2018, Germany
Based on the true story of a group of twelfth-grade students in East Germany who decide to show their solidarity with the victims of the 1956 Hungarian uprising by staging two minutes of silence during lessons.

For more information on Modern Language minors at Michigan Tech, visit