Hello, my name is Nathan Anderson, and I just graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Scientific and Technical Communication (STC). Since the STC program covers so much material, there were many areas I could focus on while at Michigan Tech. My portfolio highlights more of the graphic design and web design side of the program, though I have learned much about writing and rhetoric—two elements that are often very foundational to effective communication.
Beyond the classroom, I have been involved heavily in Cru, formerly Campus Crusade for Christ. Through this organization, beyond learning many leadership skills, I have also been able to practice what I have learned in the classroom in “real-life” situations. As shown in my portfolio, I have made the website for Cru and designed many publications such as table tents, posters, fliers, logos, and more.
Although my current job as a direct care staff at a Christian therapeutic boarding school doesn’t appear to be the best fit for my degree, there are plenty of opportunities for writing technical documentation and I hope to teach some of the teens in my care how to do some web design. I am open to wherever God leads me and I know that what I have learned at MTU has prepared me to face the many challenges that will come in my future.