Category: Awards

Duan a finalist in the Student Paper Competition

Ran DuanRan Duan, a PhD candidate in engineering physics, has been named a finalist in the Student Paper Competition of the 2014 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, cosponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Antennas and Propagation Society and the Union of Radio Science.

As a finalist, Duan has been been invited to present a poster on his paper titled “Multiband Unidirectional Cloaking Based on Geometric Optics” at the symposium in Memphis, July 6-11. He will also receive a $1,250 award to help him attend the symposium.

Duan won Michigan Tech’s Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award for the fall 2013 semester.

Duan’s research is on an invisibility cloak being developed by Associate Professor Elena Semouchkina (ECE/Physics). An invisibility cloak is a device that allows electromagnetic waves such as microwaves or light to bypass objects, essentially making them invisible.

From Tech Today.

Physics Grads Receive Travel Grants

Graduate Student Government Travel Grant Award Winners for Spring 2014

Travel grants for spring 2014 have been awarded. Among the Presenting Travel Grants ($ 250) recipients are physics graduate students Chad Brisbois, Kamal B. Dhungana, Boyi Hao, Joseph Niehaus, Bishnu Tiwari, Gaoxue Wang, and Kevin Waters.

The full list of graduate recipients can be accessed online.

Travel grants are awards that help subsidize cost of attending and presenting at conferences. These awards are sponsored by the Graduate Student Government (GSG) and the Graduate School. For more information on travel grants, please visit the webpage.

Should you have any questions, contact the GSG treasurer Jennifer Winikus (

From Tech Today.

Amanda Shaw is an Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award Recipient

Amanda ShawAmanda Shaw, who is an MS candidate in Physics, is a Spring 2014 recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award. Amanda was nominated by the Department of Physics and recognized for her accomplishments by the Graduate School at Michigan Tech. Amanda’s advisor is Alex Kostinski.

A certificate of recognition for this award will be presented at the Graduate Research Colloquium Banquet that is held in the spring.

View the PHOTO GALLERY and ABSTRACT BOOK for the event.

Outstanding GS Teaching 2014
Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award, Graduate Research Colloquium 2014

Ashim Chakravarty is an Outstanding Scholarship Award Recipient

Ashim ChakravartyAshim Chakravarty, who is a PhD candidate in Engineering Physics, is a Spring 2014 recipient of the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship. Ashim was nominated by the Department of Physics based on his GPA, originality in research, professionalism, work ethic, and other selection criteria. Ashim’s advisor is Miguel Levy.

A certificate of recognition for this award will be presented at the Graduate Research Colloquium Banquet that is held in the spring.

View the PHOTO GALLERY and ABSTRACT BOOK for the event.

Outstanding GS Scholar 2014
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Graduate Research Colloquium 2014

2013 Outstanding SPS Chapter

SPSThe Michigan Tech chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) has been selected again as one of the Outstanding SPS Chapters. The recognition is based on chapter interaction with SPS national programs, the professional physics community, the campus community, and the public. The Michigan Tech chapter is part of Zone 09. SPS Chapter Awards are selected by Zone Councilors and Associate Zone Councilors of the SPS National Council.

Fewer than 10% of all SPS chapters are recognized as outstanding.

Michigan Tech’s SPS chapter was also recognized in the SPS National Council’s publication “Effective Practice” which provides tips and hints for SPS groups to be effective.

Society of Physics Student Chapter Honored

“This is the 4th consecutive year that the chapter has been named an outstanding, chapter,” said Associate Professor and SPS Advisor Will Cantrell (Physics). “Michigan Tech’s SPS chapter being named as an Outstanding Chapter is a testament to the work and enthusiasm of its members—not just now, but for the past several years.”

Read more at Tech Today, by Erika Vichcales.

Matt Beals is an Outstanding Scholarship Award Recipient

Matthew BealsMatthew Beals, who is a PhD candidate in Atmospheric Sciences, is a Fall 2013 recipient of the Outstanding Scholarship Award. Matt was nominated by the Department of Physics and recognized for his accomplishments by the Graduate School at Michigan Tech.

A certificate of recognition for this award will be presented at the Graduate Research Colloquium Banquet that is held in the spring.

Debasis Datta Inducted into CSA Academy 2013

Dr. Debasis Datta was inducted into Michigan Technological University’s Academy of Sciences and Arts on September 13, 2013. Datta graduated with a PhD in Physics from Michigan Technological University in 1994. His research work at Tech resulted in ten publications in American Physical Review. Following the completion of his postdoctoral work, he started his career in Information Technology in 1996 as a software engineer in the IT services industry. During his 16 year IT career, Debasis worked at DaimlerChrysler, PeopleSoft, Oracle and General Motors Corporation where he is currently employed.

Read more from the Dean’s Comments at the 2013 induction ceremony.


Debasis Datta at CSA Academy
Ravi Pandey, Devashree Datta, Debasis Datta, and Donald Beck

Photos of Cantrell’s Distinguished Professor Ceremony

Last spring Will Cantrell was named a 2013 Michigan Distinguished Professor of the Year by the President’s Council, State Universities of Michigan. Cantrell was recognized for his outstanding contributions and dedication to the education of undergraduate students.

The President’s Council has posted a photo gallery of the award presentation event, which included Michigan Tech Provost Max Seel and co-recipients of the award.

Learn more about teaching award recipients from the Department of Physics at Michigan Tech.

Group Presentation