Shekhar Joshi Named Interim Chair in Biological Sciences

Shekhar JoshiProfessor Chandrashekhar Joshi has been appointed as the interim chair of the Department of Biological Sciences for the 2012-13 academic year, while the department conducts a search for a new chair.

According to Bruce Seely, dean of the College of Sciences and Arts, the college and the department are “borrowing” Joshi from the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science for the year to insure that the department continues the progress made over the past three years in revitalizing its program of graduate education and research.

Read more at Tech Today.

Insurance Technology Education Programs Among Top 11 in Nation

IST SchoolsDean Bruce Seely, College of Sciences and Arts, noted that other degrees at Tech also prepare students for work in the insurance industry beyond the computer technology arena. In particular, the actuarial sciences concentration in mathematical sciences opens doorways to another specialty sector of insurance and the financial services industries. Seely said, “Actuarial sciences is a good example of one of the strengths of Michigan Tech–our ability to provide targeted programs that meet real needs in our ever-changing society.”

Read more at Tech Today.

Math’s Actuarial Science Concentration Singled Out

“Our math department has been extremely responsive to industry needs with its outstanding bachelor’s degree program in actuarial science,” said Bruce Seely, dean of the College of Sciences and Arts. “Providing targeted programs to meet real needs is one of Michigan Tech’s unique strengths.”

Read more at Tech Today by Jennifer Donovan.

Farewell Gathering for Chair Steve Carr and Staff Assistant Sandy Kalcich

The campus community is invited to a farewell gathering honoring the service of two members of the CS family who will be moving on to new opportunities. Chair Steven Carr will be joining the faculty at Western Michigan University as chair of the Computer Science Department. Sandy Kalcich will be moving over the bridge to join the staff of the Van Pelt and Opie Library… [read more]

Jackson National Teaches Recruiters, Colleges and Technology Professionals the Value of Working in Financial Services IT

To develop IT professionals with skills that met the firm’s needs, Jackson ($120 billion in assets) began intern and training programs. The insurer was subsequently able to identify schools, such as Michigan Tech in nearby Houghton, Mich., whose [computer science] students were better trained and of a high quality in terms of their intellectual abilities, attitude and work ethic… [read more]