Category: Events

Michigan History Day Takes Place Saturday

Michigan History DayAlmost a hundred elementary, middle and high school students will compete at the District 1 regional event for Michigan History Day on Saturday, March 1, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Michigan Tech in the MUB. Finalists in the youth, junior and senior divisions will move on to the state contest on April 26 at Saline Middle School.

Michigan History Day is an educational program of the Historical Society of Michigan and offers a fascinating opportunity to move social science beyond routine learning. Students perform research on an individually chosen topic. They then present their work through the disciplines of writing, art, literature, music, drama and/or visual communications.

“We are expecting a lot of great entries this year,” said Tamara Barnes, Michigan History Day state coordinator. “The students applied this year’s theme—Rights and Responsibilities in History—to create a variety of performances, exhibits, papers, websites and documentaries. We’re excited to see what topics in history come out of this year’s competition.”

Participants from District 1 include students from Houghton-Portage Township Schools, Hancock Public Schools, Lake Linden, Chassell, and Dollar Bay. The public is invited to attend the event. The District 1 competition is sponsored by Michigan Tech.

From Tech Today.


The MHD District 1 coordinators, John Robins and Steven Walton, would like to thank the generous sponsorship of the Dept. of Social Sciences (MTU), the University Archives and Historical Collections (MTU), and the Quincy Mine Hoist Association. IN addition, we would like to thank the two dozen volunteers who will be helping judge, staff tables, and make sure the A/V is operating properly.

Dan Schneider Social Sciences Colloquium Friday

Daniel SchneiderDan Schneider will present “A First-Hand and Historical Perspective on the Practice of Letterpress Printing.” on Friday, Feb. 28, at 4 p.m., in AOB 201. Schneider is a master’s student in Social Sciences and the letterpress printer at the Copper Country Community Arts Center in Hancock. He will be talking about letterpress printing as a work process.

From Tech Today.

SS at Graduate Research Colloquium 2014

GRC2014 Graduate Research Colloquium
Memorial Union Building Ballroom

Wednesday, February 19th

Human Impact (A2)
Building Information Models: The 3D Digital Documentation of Heritage Resources – John Arnold, Social Sciences

1:00 PM – 2:20 PM: Environmental Studies and Advances in Environmental Protection – Upper Peninsula (B2)
1:20 PM – 1:40 PM: Assessing How Environmental Concerns Impact an Industrial Heritage Landscape – Emma Schwaiger, Social Sciences
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM: Prolonging Disaster (Un)Recovery: “Culturally-Irrelevant” Fish Consumption Advisories in the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community – Valoree Gagnon, Social Sciences

Thursday, February 20th
Environmental Studies and Advances in Environmental Protection (A2)
Social Influence of Family on Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowners’ Land Management Practices – Jennifer Riehl, Social Sciences
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Sustainability (B2)
12:00 PM – 12:20 PM: Forestry Certification Schemes and Biopower: Can SFI and FSC Ensure Sustainability of Woody Biomass Feedstocks? – Brad Barnett, Social Sciences

More Abstracts, Presenting Author

Building Information Models: The 3D Digital Documentation of Heritage Resources – John D. M. Arnold, Industrial Heritage and Archeology, Department of Social Sciences

View the Abstract Book | View the Photo Gallery | View the Results

John Arnold
John Arnold
Jennifer Riehl 2013 Poster
Social Influence of Family on Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowners’ Land Management Practices
Brad Barnett 2014 Poster
Brad Barnett

Michigan History Day Judges Sought for March 1

NHDThe Department of Social Sciences is pleased to be hosting the Michigan History Day District 1 competition on March 1 at the MUB. This year’s topic for National History Day is “Rights and Responsibilities” and the students’ projects will address this theme in some manner. Up to 200 primary and secondary students from schools in the western half of the UP will be visiting to showcase their papers, exhibits, performances, websites and video documentaries.

Because of the expected high turnout this year, we are looking for additional judges to help review the students’ contributions and provide constructive feedback on their projects. The competition takes place Saturday, March 1, from 9 to 1 p.m. (judges will be finished by noon), those judging paper submissions will have up to ten days beforehand to read and score them on provided rubric sheets, even if they are not able to be there that day. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Steve Walton in Social Sciences at or 978-3272.

From Tech Today.

SFRES Forum Friday with Richelle Winkler

The School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science will host a SFRES forum on Friday, Feb. 21, at 3 p.m., with a social to follow at 4 p.m. Richelle Winkler, assistant professor of sociology and demography (SS) will present “Demographic Change and Implications for Wildlife Management: Focus on Deer Hunters,” in room G002 Forestry Building with the social in the building’s atrium. All are invited to attend.

From Tech Today.

New Energy Boomtowns Discussed Monday

Richard Stedman, of Cornell University’s Department of Natural Resources, will give the talk: “’Game changers’: Analyzing the Emergence and Impacts of New Energy Boomtowns” Monday, Feb. 10 at 4 p.m. in the MUB Alumni Lounge B. It will cover his rural sociological work on emergent energy technologies and development, including the Marcellus Shale. All are welcome. Stedman’s talk is sponsored by the Department of Social Sciences, Environmental and Energy Policy Graduate Program, and School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science.

From Tech Today.