Author: activities

Completing Your RSO Officer & Advisor Training – FAQ’s

It’s time for our yearly Registered Student Organization Officer and Advisor Training! Training includes the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Advisor. You have been added to a training path in Involvement Link made especially for your position. 
This training will guide you through the various expectations, policies, requirements, resources, and general operating standards of Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) at Michigan Tech.
You are required to complete all training items by Wednesday, September 28th, 2022 at 5 pm, in order for your RSO to complete the yearly re-registration process. When you have completed all training items, make sure you notify your RSO’s president so that they may move forward with RSO re-registration.  

Detailed Instructions

1. Navigate to If necessary, Log in using your MTU ISO.

2. Scroll down to the list of training modules and click “Expand All” to reveal the required training items

3. In each section of training, there will be a video to watch along with additional information which may appear after clicking “READ MORE”. The information below the video will include vital information, links, and instructions you will need to complete your training.

4. When you have completed watching each video, make sure you click the “Mark Complete” button at the bottom of the section, enter the date, and the requested reflection, and then be sure to click “Submit”. This will submit your progress to Student Leadership & Involvement and will make sure that you get credit for each section. You will need to click this button on all training items where it appears.

5. The final section, Training Confirmation, requires you to click on “Report Experience” to complete. When using this tool, you will be prompted to complete the RSO Training Acknowledgement Form.

6. At the bottom of the RSO Training Acknowledgement Form, please do not change the options in the Path section “Please select any Path Items you believe this Experience fulfills:” as this will auto-generate the appropriate response – Training Confirmation

7. When complete, click “Submit” 

8. It will be necessary for you to wait for your submission to be approved by Student Leadership & Involvement before your training will be marked as 100% complete. Until it is approved by SLI, you will see a green hourglass next to the appropriate training item.

9. Within 1-2 business days, Student Leadership & Involvement will approve your submissions or return them for revision. When your training progress is listed at 100% please email your RSO’s president to let them know they may proceed with re-registration. If you are the President, make sure your other Officers complete their training and then proceed with re-registration.


When is the deadline to complete training? – Thursday, September 29 at 5:00 PM. But we encourage you to complete your training early to avoid any potential complications with RSO re-registration.

I completed all of the sections but my progress bar does not say 100% complete, what’s up with that? – If you just finished, don’t worry! It will take the SLI staff a couple business days to check all of the progress that you made. If it has already been a couple business days, shoot us a message at and let us know so we can look into it.

I’m the President of my RSO and I submitted my org re-registration but it hasn’t been approved, why? – Often, the biggest reason that we are unable to approve RSO re-registration is because all of the officers and advisor have yet to finish their training. Confirm with them that they are 100%!

I’m the President of my RSO, but I’m also the secretary of another org, why do I have to take all of these trainings? – Don’t worry! If you are the President, you do not have to take any other training! If you hold more than one officer position in general, you only need to complete one officer training. Please complete the training according to this priority order: President, Treasurer, Vice President, Secretary.

We haven’t heard from our Advisor and we want to complete our re-registration, what should we do? – Let us know right away by emailing so we can start helping you find a new advisor… don’t wait until the deadline to tell us!

I’m signed up for the Secretary training, but I’m the Vice President, now what? – First, make sure your RSO Roster lists you as the correct position. If it does not, make sure that you, your primary contact, or your president updates it RIGHT AWAY! Next, shoot us an email at and let us know of the error so we can move you into the correct training before you complete any sections that you may not have to.

I’m having other issues with training that aren’t addressed here, what should I do? – We are sorry to hear that! You can either email, stop by MUB 112, or call 906-487-1963 and let us know what your issue is so we can assist.

Hosting Your RSO Elections on Involvement Link

Organization officers have the ability to create elections within their organizations. To create an organization-based election, follow the instructions below.

Defining Election Parameters

Head to the Action Center for your organization, and then click on Elections in the organization tool drawer. If you do not see this tool you do not have access to manage this tool for your organization.  From here, click the Create Election button.

Identify the Name of the election, if it should include instructions and any additional (custom) instructions that should be included.

Below that, you can choose if your election should be active and the date range your election should be available. When the election is set to Active and it falls within the date range, users will be allowed to access the ballot.

You can also choose to display an alert on the organization’s homepage when the election is active and voting is open by checking the next box. The last option is whether or not to allow users outside your organization should be allowed to vote in the election– checking the box will limit it to only users within your organization roster.

When you’re finished with these settings, hit Create.

Setting up the ballots

You can create as many ballots as needed. Each ballot can be accessible to the general user population or any number of eligibility lists. A user will see each ballot they are designated to see. To start creating your ballots, click Create Ballot.


Enter the name of your ballot, then determine if the ballot should be general access by selecting Enable or Disable. If you select Disable, you’ll be prompted to enter settings for each of the available eligibility lists.

Eligibility lists are set up by campus administrators and are shared to organizations. If you are not seeing an eligibility list that you expect to see, contact your campus administrator.

Setting Definition
Allow Users on the list can access the ballot
Deny Users cannot access the ballot, and supersedes being on an allowed list
Ignore List will not be used for the ballot, users cannot access the ballot

Once you’re fine with your eligible users access, click Create to advance to the next page. You’ll now be taken to the form builder with a limited selection of question types.

Please see Form Building for complete instructions on creating or editing questions. The builder will automatically save your progress as you create questions. At any time, you can revise the title and access of your ballot by clicking Form Properties in the upper right corner.

When you’re finished, click Back to Ballots in the upper left corner. Repeat this for any additional ballots you need to create within the same election. Once all your ballots are ready, be sure to set your election to Active to ensure users can vote when the election starts, and the prompt to vote will display on your organization homepage if requested.

Seeing the Election Results

Navigate to your organization’s Action Center through the Manage view of your switchboard. Open up the organization tool drawer and select Elections. 


Select the election you want to view. From there, you can click on the Results tab to browse the ballot results.


You can select the “Export All Votes” button to download your results into an excel file or you can view the snapshot of the current results displayed on the “Results” page. Click on a specific ballot in order to view individualized ballot response counts. The option to Export All Voters will only appear for community administrators and will not appear for general organization officers.

HuskyLEAD Student Professional Development Series – Spring 2017

JANUARY 24 -APRIL 11, 2017


USG Financing/Budgeting – Tuesday, January 24 – 6pm-7:30pm – Fisher 135
This session will contain all of the information student organizations need to know to apply for Student Activity Fee funding for the 2017-2018 academic year.  Topics will include the time line for budget submissions and information regarding budget hearings and allocations.  This presentation is mandatory for student organizations wishing to receive an SAF (Student Activity Fee) allocation for next year. 

Managing Organizational Conflict – Thursday, February 16 – 7pm-8pm – Alumni Lounge

Conflict can occur within any group. Learning how to prepare for situations involving conflict can help individuals and organizations prevent some situations from happening and resolve the ones that do happen quickly.

Making a Smooth Organization Transition – Thursday, March 23 – 6pm-7pm – Alumni Lounge

Don’t leave next year’s officers out in the cold.  Come learn the essentials of making a smooth organization transition into the next school year.  Remembering just a few items will keep your organization going strong year after year.

Assessment – Tuesday, April 11 – 6pm-7pm – Ballroom A1

Is our organization on the right track? Are we providing programs and activities that meet our mission? Come to this interactive, workshop to learn how to effectively create outcomes for your organization and develop the tools necessary to access them. 

If you have any comments or suggestions about HuskyLEAD speakers or ideas for future topics please contact us at!

Homecoming 2016!


Sunday, September 25

  • Pi Mile – 10:00 AM, Walker Lawn
  • Soccer vs. Grand Valley State – 12:00PM, Sherman Field
  • Kickball Tournament – Softball Fields 1-4, 2:00-4:00PM
  • Tug-of War – Softball Fields 1-4, 2:00-4:00PM
  • Window Painting – SDC, 4:00-6:00PM

Monday, September 26

  • Career Fair Cookout – 11:00AM-3:00PM, CareerFEST Tent

Tuesday, September 27

  • Career Fair

Wednesday, September 28

  • Homecoming Court Dinner – Great Lakes Research Center 202, 6:00PM

Thursday, September 29

  • Trails Relay – Tech Trails, 4:30PM
  • Spotlight Night – Homecoming Talent Show – 8:00PM, MUB Ballroom A

Friday, September 30

  • Cardboard Boat Races – Houghton Waterfront Park, 4:00PM
  • Volleyball vs. Findlay – 5:00PM, Varsity Gym
  • Soccer vs. Findlay – 7:00PM, Sherman Field

Saturday, October 1

  • Women’s Tennis vs. Northwood, Gates Tennis Center
  • Homecoming Tailgate – Lot 24, 11:00AM-1:00PM
  • Football vs. Saginaw Valley State – Sherman Field, 1:00PM
  • Volleyball vs. Wayne State – 4:00PM, Varsity Gym