Author: Emilie Sander

Budget Hearings, Important Dates, and Financials, Oh My!

Happy January RSO Officers!

Welcome back for the spring semester! Please take note of the following important updates:

Updated Roster and Officers for Budget Hearings

As we gear up for budget hearings, it’s crucial to have your organization’s roster and officers up to date on Involvement Link. A current and accurate roster is essential for budget allocations and ensures that your organization is eligible for funding. Take a moment to review and update your roster and officers on Involvement Link. If you encounter any challenges or have questions, please contact our SLI team at

Key Dates for Student Organizations:

  • Spring Involvement Fair:
    • Date: Tuesday, January 21st, 6:30 – 9:30pm
    • Location: Memorial Union Building Commons, Ballroom, and MakerSpace
    • See Spring Involvement Fair Website for more info
  • RSO Budget and Hearing Sign Up Submission Deadline
    • Date: Sunday, January 26th at 11:59pm
    • See the SLI Blog with the info email for more info

Stay informed about other important dates for student organizations by visiting the following link: RSO Dates to Know. This page outlines crucial deadlines, events, and milestones to help your organization plan effectively. Be sure to mark these dates on your calendar to stay ahead of the curve.

Effective Financial Management:

  • HuskyLEAD: Creating An Effective Student Org Budget
    • Date: Thursday, January 30th, at 4pm
    • Location: Memorial Union Building Alumni Lounge A

Financial management and planning are vital to your RSO’s short and long-term success. Budgeting allows your organization to plan and program for the upcoming year more effectively allowing you to stress less. RSOs are required to keep track of organization finances and remain in good financial standing.

Here are some tips for effective financial management:

  • Budget Planning: Create a detailed budget that accounts for all expenses and income sources.
  • Record Keeping: Maintain accurate and organized financial records for transparency and accountability.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct periodic audits of your organization’s financial transactions to identify any discrepancies.
  • Funding Opportunities: Explore diverse funding opportunities, including grants, sponsorships, and fundraising events.

Budgeting Tools can be found at the bottom of RSO Finances on our website.

Your commitment to the success of your organization is truly commendable, and we appreciate the effort you put into creating a vibrant and engaging campus community. If you have any further questions or need additional support, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

Thank you for your attention to these matters, and we wish your organization continued success in the upcoming semester!

Have a fantastic semester,

Student Leadership and Involvement

RSO Budget Hearings with USG!

Hello RSO Treasurers and Presidents, 

December is the time to start thinking about budget hearings! This is the process we use to determine Student Activity Fee Budgets for the upcoming school year. Any RSO wanting to receive funds from the Student Activity Fee must participate in budget hearings.

Here is a full list of what you will need to do to participate in budget hearings. Additional information on steps 2 through 6 will be distributed at the information session.

  • Step 1: Attend a Mandatory Budget Hearing Information Session (Attendance will be taken. There is a budget penalty for not attending)

2025/2026 Budget Hearing Dates

Tuesday, January 7th, 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM (Location TBD)

Wednesday, January 8th, 8:30 – 9:30 PM (Location TBD)

Thursday, January 9th, 5PM – 6PM (Location TBD)

You will receive a follow-up email as soon as room locations have been confirmed.

  • Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the budget info packet. This packet will be distributed physically and digitally at the budget information sessions.
  • Step 4: Sign up for a 10-minute budget hearing time slot. The link to sign up for a hearing will be sent out after the last Information Session.
  • Step 5: Submit the budget hearing questionnaire.
  • Step 6: Attend your budget hearing.

Additionally, here are some reminders:

  1. Keep Spending your Budget
  • Please continue to spend your budget! One of the biggest factors in determining your organization’s budget for next year is their historical spending. If you do not spend your allocation this year, your budget for next year may be smaller.

2.       Additional Funding Resources

  • The Opportunity and Reserve funds are a great resource for new RSOs and RSOs in need of additional funding.
    • The primary purpose of the Undergraduate Student Government Reserve Fund is to fund unforeseen equipment replacement costs, equipment upgrade costsand equipment safety concerns
    • The purpose of the Undergraduate Student Government Opportunities Fund is to provide funding for startup costs of new organizations, unpredicted student organization expenses, or new initiatives of student organizations that were not previously budgeted for. 
  • In order to receive funds from this account you must submit a written request here, meet with the Ways and Means Committee, and then have your request voted on by the general USG body. This is a process that takes time, so please submit your request several weeks before you need to make a purchase. Do not use the Funding Request tool on Involvement Link, use the google form (same link as above).

For any questions, email