Hello Class of ’59!

Dear Classmate,

Welcome to the Class of 1959’s 60th reunion web page! It’s a special year for the members of the Class of ’59 as we will celebrate a milestone Michigan Tech anniversary! During Michigan Tech’s Alumni Reunion—this year August 1, 2, and 3, 2019—select classes will celebrate special anniversaries. Included in this group is this year’s sixty-year reunion class—the Class of 1959! Special tables/sections will be set aside at events to encourage class members to gather. It’s a chance for us to share stories and remembrances, and catch up on each other’s lives since our days in the Copper Country!

This web page will serve as a way for us to communicate with you during the months leading up to the reunion. We can share specific plans with you or let you know when reunion registration information will go out in the mail. Hopefully, this page will also encourage enthusiasm for the reunion and convince people to return to campus in August for the celebration. In addition, the 60-year class traditionally conducts a special fundraising project throughout the year to commemorate this noteworthy reunion. This page will also provide information on this class reunion gift effort. If you haven’t made a contribution in 2018–19, please consider doing so now. While all gifts (no matter the designation) will count in our reunion gift total, we are placing special emphasis on securing gifts for our Class of 1959 Endowed Scholarship Fund.

Included here are some items specific to the class of 1959—several gift statistics, as well as a current class donor honor roll. Please check this web site from time to time between now and August to stay up-to-date on reunion news and activities!

Here’s to Michigan Tech!

Mel Visser

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