Day: September 3, 2014

REMINDER: Fall Programming Begins September 8 @ Mich Tech Rec


Michigan Tech Community Programs offers awesome class options to fit your personal fitness level and style. In the studio, pool or on the ice, our youth classes will also keep your little husky active, engaged and having fun. 
DOLLAR DAYS – New to Community Programs? Want to change up your workout? Try out a class THIS WEEK for only $2, September 2-6! Click here to view schedule.
FALL 2014 COMPLETE PROGRAM GUIDE –  Check out the awesome line up of adult and youth classes. Dates, times, prices and all of the details are available to view here. Join us anytime and Commit to be TechFit!
For more information on Community Programs, visit On Facebook at Michigan Tech Recreation and on Twitter @MichiganTechRec.