Get Your Erg On Session 2 Begins October 25

Get Your Erg On with our certified instructor who will guide you through the basics of rowing and will coach you through fun and challenging workout sessions all on the SDC’s brand new ergometers in our new rowing facility! At a low registration cost, you can get a great full-body workout that can be adjusted to meet the abilities of anyone! The initial sessions will focus on general stroke technique and progress to workouts that represent on-water sprints and head races.

Location: SDC Rowing Studio (2nd floor) 
Dates/Times: October 25- December 6, 2021 (No class November 22) Mondays, 6:00-6:50 p.m.
Deadline to register: October 22, 11:59 p.m. 

We look forward to seeing you Get Your Erg On soon!
