Sign up today for the next OAP Kayak Safety Clinic!
Wednesday, March 24, 8-10pm
SDC Pool
Ages 8 & up
MTU students FREE
SDC members $5
General public $10
Sign up today for the next OAP Kayak Safety Clinic!
Wednesday, March 24, 8-10pm
SDC Pool
Ages 8 & up
MTU students FREE
SDC members $5
General public $10
Beginning Monday, March 15, the SDC Fitness Center will have updated hours of operation.
Registration is open for two Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL) courses Saturday, March 20 and Saturday, April 10 at the SDC. This is the premier course in the state of Michigan. The Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners (MCRGO) course covers what you need to carry a loaded weapon safely in open spaces. Rental equipment is available for an additional fee. Students receive a copy of the course material on the day of class. Must be 20 years of age or older, no experience necessary. Class size is limited.
Register now for Junior Huskies Swim Clinic!
March 20 – April 24
Saturdays, 8-8:40am
SDC Pool
This class is for advanced swimmers ages 6-17 years looking to improve their swimming skills and fitness levels.
Cost: $60 /participant
Registration closes March 18.
It’s time to register for the next session of Adult Huskies Swim Clinic! Open to swimmers 18 & up looking to improve their skills & fitness levels in a group setting.
March 16-April 1
Tuesday/Thursday 7-7:50pm
SDC Pool
Registration closes March 14.
The SDC will observe reduced hours over spring break Friday, March 5, through Sunday, March 14. Regular building hours will resume Monday, March 15.
Join the OAP for an evening snowshoe hike at Pilgrim Community Forest! Thursday, March 4, 6-9pm. Snowshoes provided, limited transportation available. There’s still time to register. Sign up today!
Join Allison for Spin, a fast-paced music driven class where you’re guaranteed a sweat session that keeps you motivated and having fun. Spin class will teach the basics of biking and will challenge participants’ aerobic fitness through climbing, sprinting and power workouts while using music to motivate and provide engaging workouts.
Thursdays, 6:15-7:05pm
SDC Fitness Studio
This class is included in the HuskiesFit Ultimate Punch Card. No day passes.
Join Allision for HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Wednesday and Friday at 7am in the SDC Fitness Studio!
HIIT is a high energy, full-body workout incorporating aerobic and resistance training in one session. Burn calories and build strength utilizing kettlebells, dumbbells, resistance bands and body weight.
This class is included in the HuskiesFit Ultimate Punch Card. No day passes.
Get your Erg on! Join members of the MTU Rowing Club as they guide you through the basics of rowing technique and coach you through fun and challenging workout sessions — all on the SDC’s brand new Ergometers (Ergs)! Initial sessions will focus on general stroke technique and progress to workouts that represent on-water sprints and head races. Open to all skill levels. Indoor rowing is a great full-body workout that can be adjusted to meet the abilities of almost anyone!
Session 1 March 15-31 (registration closes March 12)
Session 2 April 5-21 (registration closes April 2)
Monday/Wednesday, 6:00-6:50pm
Ice Arena Blue Line Room
MTU Student Session $21
General Public $30
No day passes. This class is NOT included in the HuskiesFit Ultimate Punch Card.