Class of ’90 Stats and Facts

Michigan Tech from the air

  • Total Graduates: 1067
  • Top 3 Majors: ME-EM 23%, Civil Engineering 7%, Electrical Engineering 21%
  • 1987 The Library installs two personal computers for student use.
  • 1990 the City of Houghton installed its first two traffic signal lights. No longer could students say that they were 88 miles from the nearest traffic light in Ishpeming.
  • 1990 The Memorial Union Building reopens after extensive renovations and expansion, paid in large part by a fee surcharge approved by students. The Alumni Association also provided funds for this project and the “Alumni Lounge” was created.

Main Reunion Page

A Message from Your Class Reunion Chair

Michigan Tech from the air

Dear Class of 1990

Alumni Reunion 2020 begins Thursday, August 6, with virtual content being posted on the reunion website. While this is not the way we would have liked to hold reunion, the Alumni Engagement staff has put together some fun content for us to see what’s going on at Tech and rekindle those memories of the Copper Country.

Be sure to log on to our Class of 1990 page and comment at the bottom of the page to share a memory or share what you’re up to now.

Also, if you haven’t contributed to our class gift effort yet, please consider doing so. Gifts of any amount to any area of campus will help current students and show what Michigan Tech means to us.

I look forward to interacting with you during our virtual reunion. Congrats on reaching this 30-year milestone!


Sean Fernstrum
Class of 1990 Reunion Chair

Main Reunion Page

Class of ’80 Gift Effort

Michigan Tech from the air

It is a long-standing Michigan Tech tradition for the honored Reunion classes to have a friendly gift competition. Help show everyone that your class cares the most. Members of the Class of 1980 are invited to make a contribution in support of the reunion gift program and to honor all that we have achieved.

  • Class donations to date: $213,123.35
  • Members donating: 100 (6.3%)

Honor Roll

All class of 1980 members who give toward the Class Reunion Gift effort will be included on the class honor roll, but there will be a special emphasis placed on the Class of 1980 Endowed Scholarship Fund.

New gifts made between July 1, 2019, and the end of reunion (August 8, 2020)—no matter the size or designation—are counted in the reunion gift total.

Gifts can be made by mail, by phone, or online. Multiyear pledges (up to five years) are also encouraged, as the entire pledge amount will be included in the project total.

The honor roll is updated periodically. If you have made a gift and your name is not yet on the list, please email us or call 906-487-2400.

Michael D. Abbott
Thomas E. Abramson
Randall F. Absolon
Betsy M. Aller
James C. Bates, P.E.
Timothy H. Bedenis
William A. Bertoldi Jr
Michael D. Bertsch P.E.
Steven E. Bradford
Dr. Karl E. Burgher
Holly M. Cote
Mary B. Dettl
Cynthia F. Dreyer
Theodore E. Dreyer
Raymond H. Duelfer Jr
Douglas R. Failing
Barry C. Felton
Domonique C. Fontana
Kenneth D. Foster P.E.
Ricky S. French
Thomas C. Geske
Elizabethe G. Gilreath
Melissa R. Goodwin
Richard M. Hackbarth M.D.
Joseph H. Havens
Robert E. Heger P.E.
Steven C. Hein
Arnold J. Herberg
Craig A. Holmes
Jeffrey T. Jack
Joseph D. Jacobsen
David B. Jahn
Sally M. Jennings
Dana M. Johnson
Gregory P. Jonas
Dr. Jean-Celeste M. Kampe
Ellen J. Kehoe
Carol-Ann Ley
Stephen R. Makowski
Douglas R. Manley
Lynne D. Mannard
Carl J. Manoogian
Brian M. Marietta
Duane A. Mariotti
Keith A. Miesel
Lawrence E. Miller
Paul R. Miller
Barbara E. Montgomery
Teri C. Mullen
Kenneth S. Murphy

Peter A. Negro
Timothy J. Nelson
Wendy K. Norton
Bruce S. Oman
Steven P. Onsager P.E.
Greggory A. Parker
Robert E. Parssinen
Mukund R. Patel
La Rae S. Paulson
Anita R. P. Paulssen
Dennis F. Petrucci
Suzan C. Phelps
Joseph G. Potts
Ralph A. Prescott
Robert D. Procunier
Kenneth G. Raiche
Sharen K. Robertson
Michael O. Roe
David H. Rosseau
Gordon T. Salt
Donald A. Scanlon
Ronald S. Schowengerdt
Ray A. Schumacher
Alan J. Sipinen
Michael W. Smaby P.E.
W. Bertram Smith
Laura J. Songer
Jerome L. Stawara Jr
Michael R. Straight
Michael D. Stremlow
Barbara H. Swan
William P. Swan
Steven T. Sylvester
Raymond J. Tibbles
Joseph A. Tinetti
Dr. Steven L. Tomsovic
Ann E. Urbaniak Straight
Vincent J. Ursini
Ellen W. Vanderboom
Joanie E. Walcheski
Donna T. Walters
Dr. Daniel L. West
M. Bridget Wetzel
Sandra L. Whaley
Stephen J. Wuori
Thomas M. Young
Dennis Allen Zebell P.E.
David R. Ziegler
Steven K. Ziemke

Updated August 4, 2020

Main Reunion Page

Class of ’80 Stats and Facts

Michigan Tech from the air

  • Total Graduates: 1261
  • Top 3 Majors: ME-EM 16%, Civil Engineering 10%, EE 12%
  • 1977 Board of Control approves a trial plan for a limited 24-hour visitation program in the residence halls. This contentious issue of Women’s rights had been debated on an ongoing basis since the early 70s, the right of women to have the same freedoms in the residence halls as men.
  • 1979 Winter Carnival theme was “Snowy Scenes from the Silver Screen” A Canadian band, the “Guess Who” performed two concerts
  • 1980 Hockey Huskies win the Great Lakes Invitational Hockey Tournament for the fifth year in a row.

Main Reunion Page

A Message from Your Class Reunion Chair

Michigan Tech from the air

Dear Class of 1980

Alumni Reunion 2020 begins Thursday, August 6, with virtual content being posted on the reunion website. While this is not the way we would have liked to hold reunion, the Alumni Engagement staff has put together some fun content for us to see what’s going on at Tech and rekindle those memories of the Copper Country.

Be sure to log on to our Class of 1980 page and comment at the bottom of the page to share a memory or share what you’re up to now.

Also, if you haven’t contributed to our class gift effort yet, please consider doing so. Gifts of any amount to any area of campus will help current students and show what Michigan Tech means to us.

I look forward to interacting with you during our virtual reunion. Congrats on reaching this 40-year milestone!


Jerry Philo
Class of 1980 Reunion Chair

Main Reunion Page

Class of ’70 Gift Effort

Michigan Tech from the air

It is a long-standing Michigan Tech tradition for the honored Reunion classes to have a friendly gift competition. Help show everyone that your class cares the most. Members of the Class of 1970 are invited to make a contribution in support of the reunion gift program and to honor all that we have achieved.

  • Class donations to date: $1,339,452.50
  • Members donating: 103 (10.5%)

Honor Roll

All Class of 1970 members who give toward the Class Reunion Gift effort will be included on the class honor roll, but there will be a special emphasis placed on the Class of 1970 Endowed Scholarship Fund.

New gifts made between July 1, 2019, and the end of reunion (August 8, 2020)—no matter the size or designation—are counted in the reunion gift total.

Gifts can be made by mail, by phone, or online. Multiyear pledges (up to five years) are also encouraged, as the entire pledge amount will be included in the project total.

The honor roll is updated periodically. If you have made a gift and your name is not yet on the list, please email us or call 906-487-2400.

Arthur W. Abramson
Donald J. Ahola
Richard C. Aiken
Michael A. Aimone P.E.
Thomas A. Ala
Ronald C. Amadio
Terry L. Anderson P.E.
Kathleen J. Beauchamp
John A. Benaglio
Raymond M. Berg
Ronald M. Bergeron P.E.
Michael L. Borta P.E.
Larry C. Brown
Michael E. Brunet P.E.
Martin J. Burger
Ronald N. Buswell
James D. Carpenter
John R. Chamberlain P.E.
Stephen C. Coburn
Gene P. Contardi
Thomas Leonard Drielick, PE
Ira J. Eick
Raymond A. Fischer
Dr. Michael F. Fleming
Dean G. Fletcher
William J. French III
H. Paul Gay
Marvin K. Gayfield, II
Robert B. Gemignani
Sandra L. Gersky
Stephen G. Goranson
Glen L. Gray, PhD, CPA
Dr. Thomas R. Greenlee
Lawrence E. Groff
Thomas E. Hamilton
John M. Hedin Jr
Michael S. Herman
George W. Hicks, P.E.
William T. Hicks II, P.E.
Douglas G. Hinton
Donald D. Horton III, P.E.
James C. Hudson
Richard L. Jauron
Stanley J. Jefferson
Dr. Mahesh C. Jha P.E.
Paul F. Johnson Jr
W. Thomas Johnson
Stephen L. Kamykowski
Daniel G. Keane
Charles A. Keskimaki
Lorraine A. Klemm
Robert W. Klemm
Leonard A. Krumm P.E.

Mark H. LaFond
Alan R. Larsen
Samuel A. Leonard
Lt. Paul A. Lindstrom Jr
Casimir A. Litwinski
Philip A. Luedtke
Robert E. Martin, Sr.
Joseph B. Masterson Jr CSP
James A. Mattson
Gordon F. Meuse
Ronald E. Mizia
Warren J. Noble
Thomas M. Paniwozik
Arthur V. Parzych
Robert L. Pawling
Eric G. Peterson
Michael W. Peterson C.P.A.
James L. Porth
Edward A. Prebihalo
Ronald G. Ray
Ronald E. Rintamaki
Joseph H. Rowe II
Terrance S. Samolewski
Alan J. Schneider
David A. Sleeper
Richard W. Snyder
Thomas C. Spence
William J. Sproule
Robert J. St. Pierre
Michael R. Sterk
Thomas T. Stoner
Gary R. Strobel
Richard L Strohkirch
Kim A. Sturm
David A. Talford
Joyce J. Ten Haken
Richard E. Ten Haken
Ronald W. Thomas
Ronald J. Uutala
Dennis A. Van Liere
Peter J. Wacker
Stephen P. Watters
Brian A. Watts
Franklin C. Wheatlake
Susan P. Wheatlake
James C. Wiester Jr
Frances H. Worley
Robert H. Yonker
David A. Zawacki
James J. Zechlinski P.E.

Updated August 4, 2020

2020 Golden M Inductees

Main Reunion Page

Class of ’70 Stats and Facts

Michigan Tech from the air

  • Total Graduates: 907
  • Most Popular Majors: ME-EM 18%, Civil 14%, Business 13%
  • 1968-70—Concerts on campus included Neil Diamond, Linda Ronstadt, John Denver, Bob Seeger, Oliver, James Cotton Blues Band, Pair Extraordinaire, Ian & Sylvia Tyson, and comedians Dave Klayman, Dick Gregory, and Fred Smoot
  • 1969—Hockey Huskies win the Great Lakes Invitational Hockey Tournament in Detroit for the first time.
  • 1969—Football Huskies win the NIC title.
  • 1969—A six-foot rotating lighted globe is installed in the library

2020 Golden M Inductees

Main Reunion Page

A Message from Your Class Reunion Chairs

Michigan Tech from the air

Dear Class of 1970

Alumni Reunion 2020 begins tomorrow with virtual content being posted on the reunion website. While this is not the way we would have liked to hold reunion, the Alumni Engagement staff has put together some fun content for us to see what’s going on at Tech and rekindle those memories of the Copper Country.

Be sure to log on to our Class of 1970 page and comment at the bottom of the page to share a memory or share what you’re up to now.

Also, if you haven’t contributed to our class gift effort yet, please consider doing so. Gifts of any amount to any area of campus will help current students and show what Michigan Tech means to us.

We look forward to interacting with you during our virtual reunion. Congrats on reaching this 50-year milestone!


Richard (BSBA) and Joyce (BSBA) Ten Haken
Class of 1970 Reunion Co-Chairs

2020 Golden M Inductees

Main Reunion Page

Class of ’65 Stats and Facts

Michigan Tech campus from the air

  • Total Graduates: 456
  • Top 3 Majors: ME-EM 18%, Civil Engineering 18%, Business 12%
  • 1964—the new Physics and Mathematics Building was dedicated to the late James Fisher, Jr., who had been Professor and Department head of Mathematics and Physics for over 40 years, on the faculty for 50 years
  • 1964-65—Concerts on campus included Newport Jazz, Rooftop Singers, Julie London, and Kaleidoscope
  • 1965—Hockey Huskies win the NCAA Division I Men’s Ice Hockey National Championship for the second time in Providence RI. The team included Tony Esposito, who went on to be a NHL hockey star.

Main Reunion Page

A Message from Your Class Reunion Chair

Michigan Tech campus from the air

Alumni Reunion 2020 begins Thursday, August 6, with virtual content being posted on the reunion website. While this is not the way we would have liked to hold reunion, the Alumni Engagement staff has put together some fun content for us to see what’s going on at Tech and rekindle those memories of the Copper Country.

Be sure to log on to our Class of 1965 page and comment at the bottom of the page to share a memory or share what you’re up to now.

Also, if you haven’t contributed to our class gift effort yet, please consider doing so. Gifts of any amount to any area of campus will help current students and show what Michigan Tech means to us.

I look forward to interacting with you during our virtual reunion. Congrats on reaching this 55-year milestone!


Paul Fernstrum
Class of 1965 Reunion Chair

Main Reunion Page