What are the implications of being on probation?

Students who are not making satisfactory progress toward a degree are placed on academic probation. Academic probation is a strong warning to students that their scholastic performance is less than that expected by the University.  A student seeking an undergraduate degree is placed on academic probation when any of the following is true:

  1. The University cumulative GPA is below 2.00.
  2. The GPA for the most recent semester is below 2.00.
  3. The cumulative departmental GPA is below 2.00, based on at least 16 credits.

Students on probation are limited in the number of credits they may take.  For more on probation, go to the Registrar’s website (search for probation Michigan Tech).

What is the Order of the Engineer?

From Tech Today, May 1, 2014:

The Department of Chemical Engineering conducted its first Order of the Engineer Ring Ceremony on Thursday, April 17, 2014. Fifty-four students and faculty were inducted and took a solemn obligation to themselves to “uphold devotion to the standards and dignity of the engineering profession.” The inductees were presented with a stainless steel ring worn on the fifth finger of the working hand to remind themselves of this obligation. KRC Director Jay Meldrum was the keynote speaker and talked about examples of unethical decisions or acts he observed during different stages of his career and the decisions he made.

For more on the Order of the Engineer, see their website.

By what date must I register for my courses?

The last day to register for a course is the last day of week 1 of the term (Friday, 5pm).  Courses do fill, however, so it is advisable to register well before that.  In Chemical Engineering, the main technical courses do not fill, meaning, we will keep adding seats to accommodate all students who wish to take the courses.  Lab sections do fill, however, and you may not get your first choice of lab section if you wait until the last minute to register.

Outside of the Chemical Engineering program, courses do sometimes fill up, and again, lab sections fill.  If you find that you need a section that is full, please contact the Departmental coordinator for the department offering the course.  This person  may be able to get you into the course or may put you on a waiting list.  The coordinators have a good idea of whether a new section will be added or whether one more person can be squeezed into the course.

For first and second year General Education courses, there are hard limits on the numbers of seats offered, but there are often good substitute courses you can take to keep making progress in your degree.  If UN1015 Composition is full, for example, take UN1025 Global Issues.

A class that I planned to take has a time conflict with another class; can I take them both?

It is not a good idea to take classes that you know you cannot attend portions of.  There are circumstances, however, when this is a reasonable thing to do, such as when two classes conflict but do not meet for all of their scheduled time periods.

To allow for this, you may register for two classes with overlapping times under the following conditions:

  1. You obtain the Time Conflict Permission Form
  2. Fill out the form with the course names and CRN numbers (from BanWeb)
  3. You obtain the signatures of the instructors of both courses.  It is not sufficient to obtain the signature of the instructor who says you may skip his/her lectures–Both signatures are required.
  4. Turn in the completed form to the Registrar’s office.  If you wish to register for the course during your registration time slot, you must submit this form well before your expected registration time.

Continuous Enrollment Rules on BS/MS

The Dean of the Graduate School, Jackie Huntoon, sent an email updating the continuous enrollment rule as it applies to the BS/MS program.

Students must be continuously enrolled. The idea behind these is that students begin the MS immediately after completion of the BS. The way these programs are all set up is that as soon as students complete the BS they are considered to be enrolled in the MS and they therefore must adhere to the graduate level continuously enrollment policy – like all other graduate students. If they don’t remain continuously enrolled they will be dropped from the program and have to reapply – and if they reapply they can’t be in the “accelerated program” since the Senate policy requires that students apply prior to graduation with the BS. This could have financial implications for students (loss of ability to double count credits) so it is important that they understand this. Kristi Isaacson (kris@mtu.edu) is the point person for the accelerated master’s programs so if you have a question – feel free to contact her.

(by email 20Feb2014)

I cannot register for my UN class. I am getting a class restriction error. What should I do?

If you are having difficulty enrolling in your UN class due to a “class restriction” error, then please read the directions below:

First-Year Students

If you are a first-year student and are bringing in AP, dual enrollment, or transfer credit then you may no longer have the freshman class standing that is required to enroll in the freshman UN classes (Compositions and Global Issues). You will need a class restriction waiver. Usually these waivers are put in place ahead of time by the Registrar’s office.  You can see if you already have this waiver by going to the “Check Your Registration Status” page on Banweb.  If you don’t have the waiver then you must go to the Student Services Center in the Admin building.  Tell them you are a first-year, and they should automatically give you the waiver.

New Transfer Students

If you are a new transfer student and you no longer have the freshman class standing that is required to enroll in the UN classes then you will need a class restriction waiver.  Usually these waivers are put in place ahead of time by the Registrar’s office.  You can see if you already have this waiver by going to the “Check Your Registration Status” page on Banweb.  If you don’t have the waiver then you must go to the Student Services Center in the Admin building.  Tell them you are a new transfer student, and they should automatically give you the waiver.

Second-Year Students

If you are a second-year student who is trying to take Compositions (now UN 1015) you will not automatically get a waiver.  The policy of the Registrar’s office is to allow first-year students and new transfer students to register ahead of all others seeking to enroll in the first-year General Education classes.  After the first-year students have completed registering (after Wednesday of the second week of registration) the restrictions on class will be lifted from the courses and anyone can register.  If you think you should be allowed to register ahead, please go to the Student Services Center in the Admin building and request to get added to the class you seek.


If you are a returning Michigan Tech student who chose not to take the UN classes in their usual semester then you will need to wait until the freshmen have enrolled in their classes.

Registration for spring semester:  Class restrictions on spring semester UN classes will be lifted at the end of the second week of registration. An email from the Michigan Tech Registrar’s Office will be sent out once these class restrictions have been removed and you will be able to register for these classes at that time.

Registration for fall semester:  The class restrictions for fall semester UN classes are usually not removed until the end of Orientation week in the fall, after the new freshmen have enrolled in the classes.

Registration for summer semester:  Summer semester UN classes do not have any class restrictions.

I am planning to graduate next semester. What do I need to do?

Congratulations!!  All of your hard work is about to pay off.

The semester before your final semester you need to do the following three things:

  1. Review your online degree audit on Banweb.  It is important to realize that while the online degree audit is very convenient to use, you should not just blindly trust everything that it does.  That is because it does not always place your classes in the best spot on your audit.  If you find any problems or have questions about your online degree audit then schedule an appointment with the ChE academic advisor.
  2. Apply for graduation.  This application is online on the Registrar’s Office webpage.  Under Students, click on Graduation.  The link to the Application for Graduation is on this page.
  3. Once you have registered for classes for your final semester complete a final review of your online degree audit.  At this point all of the areas on your audit should be green, meaning complete, with RGIP (registered in-progress) classes.  The only areas that should be red are the last two sections on your audit:  Repeated Courses: and Courses not used to complete degree requirements:, which are always red.  If you find any problems with your audit then schedule an appointment with the ChE academic advisor.