The Advance Matrix Process-University Programs (AMP-UP) teams have been established and there has been two rounds of meetings held for the Initiative teams and one round for the Process Teams. A google web-site has been established to assist these team with agendas, minutes, reference materials, and task management.
All teams have discussed the importance of setting data standards (i.e. define how to group STEM departments, define reporting of Faculty, Academic Administrative, Tenure and Non Tenure, etc). The University Climate Study Committee and the Unit Climate AMP-UP team met together to begin coordinating their efforts. The Programs Team is starting to create an inventory of internal department level programs in each of the three areas (Scholarship/Research, Climate, Dual Careers) as well as benchmark with programs at other universities. The Continuous Improvement Team has three requests in place. One for a dual career focus group, one for dual career data collection, and another to hold a kaizen to standardize the administration of data for research, teaching, and other.