Tag: Systemic Racism

Systems hardwired with bias or lack of access. Presumed standards or policies that exclude or function differently for different individuals or those with specific characteristics.

ADVANCE Weekly Roundup: More Evidence of Bias in Government Research Funding Agencies

In a previous Weekly Roundup, we highlighted a meta-analysis of funding by the National Science Foundation over a 10-year period.  To review, in 2019, NSF funded 31.3% of proposals from White scientists but only 22.4% for Asian scientists; the overall funding rate was 27.4%.  This translates into a single-year award surplus of 798 grants for . . .

ADVANCE Weekly Roundup: Biases in NSF Funding Create Surprising Disparities

Systemic biases, including biases in funding, are detrimental not only to individual careers but also to the quality of scholarship, the academic research endeavor, and shared commitments to integrity, meritocracy, and fairness.  This week’s article from the New York Times [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/04/science/asian-scientists-nsf-funding.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare] reports that white PIs are more likely to be successful at NSF than any . . .

ADVANCE Weekly Roundup: Programs to Diversify Role Models in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine)

An engineer friend once told my wife that my daughter, who was considering majors in college, was not the right type to be an engineer. Too often, we develop preconceived ideas of what a scientist, engineer, or artist is expected to look like. We use such stereotypes to simplify the complex world around us. This . . .

A&A Session for Chairs/Unit Leaders

During Academic Forum on Wednesday, it was mentioned that the ombudsperson talks to ~2 faculty per week.  This rate is consistent with results from Michigan Tech’s Work, Live, Learn Survey which found that 31.6% of women disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement that they felt supported and mentored during the tenure-track years or the 22.4% who . . .

Dissolving the margins: LEANING INto an antiracist review process

Cultures in academia were established more than a century ago when everyone hailed from the same demographic.  While cultures have slowly evolved, fair treatment according to student/faculty needs have not all been addressed which means inequity remains deeply rooted in academia. Systemic inequities can manifest in a number of ways, including the peer review process. . . .