Juneteenth Tweet Summary

1. In honor of our country’s newest national holiday, Juneteenth, ADVANCE at Michigan Tech will be sharing a new resource each hour (approximately) on Black culture and systemic racism in academia. The complete list will be posted on our blog ADVANCE Newsblog – MTU Blog site for the ADVANCE initiative

2. The BARC (Building an Anti-Racist Classroom) Collective has a Suggested Reading List (https://barcworkshop.org/resources/recommended-reading/…) featuring classics and contemporary work on racism, anti-racism, and decolonizing the academy. Also foster Principled Space in classrooms.

Principled Space

The BARC collective begins each session with a ground-clearing practice that sets a levelled foundation upon which to build our work and relations in the workshop space. Artist and activist Hanalei…


3. See past @AWIS program with Dr. Malika Grayson, author of Hooded: A Black Girl’s Guide to the Ph.D., for a conversation about surviving and thriving in STEM despite experiencing Imposter Syndrome and other challenges.

Whats Next Webinars – AWIS


4. Experiences in science are varied. For a perspective that will change the way you think, read Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein’s (54th Black American woman Ph.D. in physics) (http://cprescodweinstein.com/my-origin-story) book, The Disordered Cosmos (https://boldtypebooks.com/titles/chanda-prescod-weinstein/the-disordered-cosmos/9781541724709/… ). #DisorderedCosmos

The Disordered Cosmos

From a star theoretical physicist, a journey into the world of particle physics and the cosmos — and a call for a more just practice of science. In The…


5. A community group is reading the book, “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together” by Heather McGhee. Author interview podcast on NPR helps summarize discriminatory laws and practices that negatively impact society.

‘Sum Of Us’ Examines The Hidden Cost Of Racism — For Everyone

Author Heather McGhee draws on a wealth of economic data to make the case that discriminatory laws and practices that target African Americans also negatively impact society at large.


5. Sabrina Nawaz’s in Forbes: “Commit To Inclusion: Establish Anti-Racist Team Norms” 95% of senior managers are white and establish comfy – to them – team norms. Alternatives enable understanding of BIPOC faculty experiences to better position for success

Commit To Inclusion: Establish Anti-Racist Team Norms

If you are looking to get the most out of a diverse team, don’t go it alone. Enlist the help of your team to create inclusive norms that allow everyone to make an ordinary day yield extraordinary…


6. POCSquared offers a blog and podcast dedicated to “putting people of color into the equation” in STEM fields.

Putting People of Colour Into The Equation


7. Great read to learn and understand the difficulties Black scientists continue to face when seeking funding for their research. #fundblackscientist @Lola_UMich @kellystevenslab @KristynMasters @dr_princess @drkahaynes

8. Concluding tribute to our newest national holiday, Juneteenth. Let’s support communities & elevate excellence of Black scientist @BlkInEngineering @BlackInBME @BlackInChem @BlackInBiophys @BlackInRobotics @BlackInCardio @BlkInComputing @BlackInCancer @BlackinNanotech @BlackInMath

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