Coleman-Kaiser Participates in Lean Community of Practice Activities

by Associate Vice President for Administration

Theresa Coleman-Kaiser, senior associate vice president for administration, traveled to Grand Rapids March 16 for a quarterly meeting of the board of directors of the Michigan Lean Consortium (MLC). In her role as board vice president, Coleman-Kaiser coordinated a presentation by Cheryl Ronk, president of the Michigan Society of Association Executives, on best practices for governing boards.

On Jan. 31, Coleman-Kaiser was invited to participate in a live online event presented by Lean Frontiers Direct. This event brought together a group of thought leaders and practitioners who each presented 40-minute webinars on themes from the Shingo Award-winning book “The Toyota Way to Service Excellence” and featured co-authors Jeff Liker and Karyn Ross. Coleman-Kaiser presented “Case Study: My Journey Developing Coaches for Leadership Excellence.” Her session was framed around her personal journey of developing leaders as coaches of continually developing teams. A practical framework was offered as a starting point for developing your own coaching practice. This online session is available for viewing by anyone at Michigan Tech through the end of April. Contact Brenda Randell for login instructions.

Coleman-Kaiser was also recently interviewed by MLC founder Debra Levantrosser as a guest on the Michigan Business Network podcast The Leaning Edge. In this six-minute interview, Coleman-Kaiser talked about her practice of coaching people to achieve their own vision of Leadership Excellence.

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