Golden M Inductees

Congratulations to our newest batch of Golden M alumni. The Class of 1970 celebrates its 50-year milestone in 2020. Here are the inductees into the 2020 Class of Golden Ms.

Maan S. Abdul-Baki
Arthur W. Abramson
Richard L. Acker
Anton Adam
Barry J. Adams
Donald L. Adams II
Donald J. Ahola
Richard C. Aiken
Michael A. Aimone P.E.
James C. Aittama
Thomas A. Ala
John T. Allen
William S. Allen
Carla J. Alspaugh
William C. Alward
Ronald C. Amadio
Dr. Joel E. Andersen
Andy M. Anderson
Keith W. Anderson
Michael A. Anderson
Terry L. Anderson P.E.
Dr. Charles A. Andrews
James W. Andrews
Stephen C. Andrews
Nicholas J. Antonopulos
Charles R. Apap
Keith N. Apelgren, M.D.
Dr. Judith C. Archibald, D.D.S.
Gerald E. Arndt
R. David Arndt
Tore Arnhoff
Gary D. Arnold
George A. Arnold Sr
Joseph E. Asiala
Kenneth R. Aulich
Edmond N. Avakian
Juan J. Avellan
William G. Babcock
Dr. Donald J. Baccus, M.D.
Glen E. Bahr
Michael P. Bahrman
Robert J. Baker
Robert F. Ball Jr
Dennis W. Barber
Steven A. Baril
Dr. Bruce A. Barna
Kathy E. Barnhart
Missak V. Barsoumian
Dr. Terry L. Bartel
James H. Basch
John C. Batchelder P.E.
Martin W. Bauer
Stephen R. Bearden
David M. Beauchaine
Kathleen J. Beauchamp
Dennis R. Bechard
John S. Beck
Paul T. Becker
Gordon Beckmann
David W. Beckner
Gary C. Bedord
Kenneth C. Behrendt
William D. Belden
John A. Benaglio
Norman D. Benedum
Robert A. Bennett
Andrew C. Berg
Raymond M. Berg
Ronald M. Bergeron P.E.
Michael S. Bergstrom
Daniel N. Berlin
Col. Louis R. Best
Jeri A. Betts
Jeanne K. Beville
Robert A. Bienkowski
Thomas F. Biernat
Paul R. Bilgen
Wallace B. Binder, Jr.
Thomas E. Bingham
Gary H. Binoniemi
Gary R. Bird
Carl E. Blaksley
Robert M. Blank
James R. Block
Richard M. Blood
John W. Bolton
Danny L. Booth
Stanley P. Borawski
William E. Boros
James E. Borro Jr
Michael L. Borta P.E.
R. Paul Bowen
Thomas C. Bowers
Herbert J. Boxer
Thomas L. Brayak
David A. Bredekamp
Marilyn A. Brissette
Leslie J. Broker
Larry A. Brown
Larry C. Brown
Thomas K. Bruin
Michael E. Brunet P.E.
Ann M. Bruttomesso
Frank A. Bruttomesso
John D. Bryant
Karen J. Bryant
Mark W. Buckley
Dennis M. Budzyn
David W. Buffenbarger
Timothy M. Bulera
LtCol. George H. Burger Ret.
Martin J. Burger
Janet C. Burkholder
William T. Burt
Walter C. Burville
Larry J. Bussone
Michele T. Bussone
Ronald N. Buswell
Dennis P. Buttleman
Kenneth W. Calder
Allan G. Camp
Robert G. Campbell
John W. Carless
James D. Carpenter
Oral W. Carper
Raymond L. Cassel
Lundy J. Castro
Don F. Cavaiani
John R. Chamberlain P.E.
Francis M Chan
Pak-Yan Chan
Thomas W Chandler
Chun-Tei Chang
William S. Chaplin
Roy D. Chapman
Paul W. Chappell
Walter W Chaput
James L. Chute
David W. Cima
Robert J. Cleereman
Dennis P. Cleland
William L. Cliffe
Daniel C. Clouser
Stephen C. Coburn
John F. Cole
William G. Collinson
Charles W. Condon
Dr. Michael T. Connor
Gene P. Contardi
Anthony L. Cooper II
Kenneth W. Copi
James L. Cornell
Rev. Stephen P. Cowen
James H. Cox
Howard W. Creswick Jr
James E. Croxall
John M. D’Amour
James E. Daniels
Maroun N. Daou
Charles B. Dashner
Kathleen D. Davies
Mary E. Davis
Philip E. Davis
Thomas L. Davis
Robert J. de Carle
Patrick N. DeGrand
Pierre C. Delago
Thomas J. Delaney
David G. Delforge
Dr. Edward J. DePuit
Kenneth F. Desjardine
James E. DeVault
David H. Dewar
Gerald P. Dion
Robert J. Dion
Thomas A. Doane P.E.
James C. Dobbins
Patrick J. Doherty
James F. Donaghue
Stephen P. Donner
Paul A. Dougovito
John J. Doyle P.E.
Robert A. Drake
Ronald R. Drenth
Thomas Leonard Drielick, PE
Richard L. Dubord
James F. Dudley
Paul J. DuPont PE
Gene M. Dworzanski
W. Thomas Easton
Mohammad Ebrahimzadeh
Frederick M. Eddy Jr P.E.
David W. Eldridge
Charles F. Emki
Clyde G. Engebos
Mary E. Engledow
Kathy L. Ennis
Terry O. Enslen
Dr. M. Eshaque
Floyd J. Evans
John R. Faber
Sami S. Fakhran
Richard J. Faleschini
Michael B. Fallat
Frederick M. Farrell
Theodore P. Feightner
Brian D. Ferguson
Theodore A. Finch, Jr. P.E.
Raymond A. Fischer
Paul S. Fisher
Oyvind Fjell
Robert D. Fleischmann
Dr. Michael F. Fleming
Dean G. Fletcher
H. David Fletcher
Timothy J. Flynn
David L. Formenti
Fred J. Fortman Jr
Harthan H. Foster
Jackson B. Fox Jr
William R. Freed
William J. French III
Charles R. Fricke III
Alan K. Fritz
Timothy D. Gales
Michael J. Gallagher
Steven L. Gallaway
Marilyn J. Gangwer
Gary D. Gardner
John B. Garland
David E. Gaun
H. Paul Gay
Marvin K. Gayfield, II
Robert B. Gemignani
Robert G. Gendzwill
Dr. Joel W. Gerdeen
Sandra L. Gersky
Ronald J. Giaier
John L. Gibbs
Larry R. Gifford
James F. Glova
Richard W. Good
Owen T. Goodman P.E.
Stephen G. Goranson
Gary J. Gorsalitz P.E.
John A. Gosler
Earl R. Graham
Gary M. Graham
James J. Graham
Phillip A. Grandmason
Glen L. Gray, PhD, CPA
Maj. Douglas J. Greening (Ret)
Dr. Thomas R. Greenlee
Donald J. Greiner P.E.
Lawrence E. Groff
Steven L. Groot
James L. Gruette
Eileen S. Guile PMP
Mary Jane Haapala
Robert A. Haapala
Dennis F. Hacker
Kathy A. Haglund
Joel D. Hamers
Thomas E. Hamilton
Robert W. Hamm
John G. Hanania
Donald L. Haney Jr
James E. Hanttula
Bruce A. Hardyniec
Eugene Harma
Thomas D. Harper
Patrick J. Harris
Robert A. Harsel
James B. Harvey
Dr. Abdolali Hashemi
Robert W. Haskins
Lawrence R. Hattan
L/Col.Kenneth L. Hawkins
Thomas G. Heck
Mohammad A. Hedayati-Nia
John M. Hedin Jr
Bernard P. Heethuis
Gordon R. Heidenga
Warren J. Heikkila
Harold H. Heikkinen
James J. Heirman
Dennis A. Helander
Michael J. Helmes
Robert A. Heltunen
Lawrence P. Hemming
William J. Hentgen
Michael S. Herman
Bruce A. Herr, Sr
H. William Herzog
James A. Hewett
William T. Hicks II, P.E.
Kenneth D. Hill
Michael W. Hill
Howard W. Hilshorst
Ronald A. Hiltunen
William J. Hindelang
Douglas G. Hinton
Diana S. Hockman
James H. Hoke
Robert D. Holben
Richard G. Holcomb
Charles E. Holwerda
Frederick J. Homburg Jr
Robert J. Hooper
Donald D. Horton III, P.E.
Steven M. Houghton P.E.
Harry J. House
Bill J. Howard
John Huang
James C. Hudson
Larry E. Hudson
Dr. Gordon J. Hughes Jr
John H. Hughes
Sajjad Hussain
Mark S. Hutchenreuther P.E.
Larry J. Hutchinson
Marvin L. Isles
John W. Isola
Thomas L. Ittner
Said Izadi
Lee W. Jackson
Dennis K. Jacobs
Jeffrey J. Jahnke
Richard L. Jauron
Stanley J. Jefferson
Adrian R. Jentoft
Richard H. Jewett
Dr. Mahesh C. Jha P.E.
Barbara T. Johnson
John E. Johnson
Paul F. Johnson Jr
Robert S. Johnson
Toby J. Johnson
W. Thomas Johnson
Walter L. Johnson
Donald A. Jones
Gerald R. Jones, Sr.
Harry P. Jones
John M. Jones
Richard E. Jones
James W. Juopperi
Walter J. Justice Jr.
Dennis A. Kachmarsky P.E.
Raymond B. Kaldor
Col. John J. Kalosis Jr
Stephen L. Kamykowski
Kenneth P. Kartje
Frederick S. Karwacki
Daniel G. Keane
Dennis R. Keating
Richard J. Kemmer
William B. Kemp
Gary E. Kent
Charles A. Keskimaki
Anthony D. Kiel
Michael R. King
Dale I. Kintgen
David G. Kissinger
Donald R. Kitson
Lorraine A. Klemm
Robert W. Klemm
Michael S. Kolky
Sidney A. Konell
Thomas L. Korntved
Gunnar J. Korpinen
Dennis H. Koski
Richard P. Koski
Michael V. Krenitsky Jr
Daniel W. Kretz
Craig E. Kreyger
Joseph A. Krismanick
Leonard A. Krumm P.E.
Gary W. Krupa
Dr. Hiroshi Kubo
Richard J. Kunec
Capt. Theodore Kuschel Jr
Kurt W. Kuure
Douglas G. Laakso
Lon P. LaBumbard
Douglas R. Laiho
Gary M. Laitinen
Jeffrey C. Lamb
Thomas S. Langdon
Gerald A. LaRoy
Michael C. Larrabee
Alan R. Larsen
Alton L. Larsen
David A. Larsen
Dr. Paul A. Larson
Richard B. Larson
George A. LaTendresse
I. Barbara LaTendresse
Philip J. Laux III
Mel K. Lawson

BG. Mitchell R. LeClaire Ret.
Col. William E. Lee Jr (Ret)
Michael J. Lefebvre, PE
Linda D. Lehtinen
Eugene M. Lehtola
Michael R. Leitzke
Daniel D. Lemke
L/Col.Robert F. Lemon Jr.
Robert A. LeMonds
Christopher A. Lenicheck
Samuel A. Leonard
Vincent Lettieri
James H. Lewis
J. Gordon Lewis
Gary W. Libby
Richard J. Liebmann
Joe H. Lindley
William E. Lindquist
Lt. Paul A. Lindstrom Jr
Jon W. Linnard
Gary W. Little
Thomas E. Littlefield
Casimir A. Litwinski
Julie K. Livas
Gary R. Lowe
Philip A. Luedtke
Gerald M. Lukach
Mark E. Lund
Paul R. Lundell
Capt. Roger C. Lundin
James L. Luttinen
Ronald J. Lux
Marlin L. Lystila
Michael D. Lytwynec
George S. Maalouf
Cdr. David B. MacFarland, Jr.
James A. Mahon
Dennis J. Maki
Forrest O. Maki
Richard W. Maki
Kundan L. Malik
Ronnie J. Mallory
Michael W. Malloy
Susan M. Malloy
G. William Mankinen
Joel D. Manns
A. Peter Marinis
Thomas L. Marino
Dale W. Mars
Dr. Edward T. Marsh
Paul H. Marshall
Thomas E. Martens
Gary V. Martin
Ivan E. Martin
Robert E. Martin, Sr.
Marvin A. Mashlan
Joseph B. Masterson Jr CSP
Abe W. Mathews Jr
Paul R. Mattinen
James A. Mattson
Thomas G. May
Donald M. Mazany
Timothy J. McClellan
James J. McFall
Michael J. McGovern
Patrick M. McGrain
Dr. Patrick J. McGrath
Lois J. McGunegle
John F. McKana, Jr.
Richard J. McMonagle
Ronald N. McNabb
Brian P. McNicholl
George R. McPherson
Gordon A. McRae
George G. Meadows
Douglas I. Mercer
Gordon F. Meuse
Duane R. Meyer P.E. C.C.E.
Marten W. Meyer
Gerald J. Miatech Jr
Phillip C. Micheau
Dennis L. Miller
Joseph S. Minier
Gregory L. Miron
Lawrence J. Mislinski
Ronald E. Mizia
Dr. Dennis P. Mlot
Linda D. Mlot
John C. Moden
Don T. Moore P.E.
Theodore B. Morrison P.E.
Myron H. Moss
Douglas J. Mouch
Henry E. Mouchahoir
Thomas C. Moyle
Thomas H. Mroz
Betty J. Mueller
David C. Mueller
William A. Mueller
Harry E. Munn
Capt. Roy E. Munzel
Donald L. Murray
Donald W. Murray
Rudolf R. Nahhas
Elwood A. Narhi
Dennis C. Nelson
Warren E. Nelson
Cheryl L. Neville
Richard James Newell P.E.
Dr. Gary E. Nichols
Jon L. Nichols
Robert A. Niemela
Sally Champine Niemi
Paul R. Niesen
Carol L. Niggemyer
Richard C. Nigh
Warren J. Noble
Alan L. Noga
James T. Nolan
Robert W. Nolingberg
Camilo Novoa
Matthew C. Nowak
Ronald E. Nowicki
Ralph R. Noyes
Michael P. O’Connell
Jerry E. O’Neill
Col. Thomas J. Oldenburg
Dr. Thomas E. Oldfield
Stephen A. Onisko
John A. Opitz
Robert K. Opland
Thomas J. Ortwein
Barry K. Osborn
Christopher A. Otis
Sadullah Ozturk
Eric J. Paavilainen
Stanley L. Pakula
Robert E. Palmer
Thomas M. Paniwozik
Thomas A. Partanen
Arthur V. Parzych
Vasantbhai K. Patel
James W. Paul
Robert L. Pawling
David F. Penkevich
Ronald E. Penpraze
David L. Perry
John M. Pessagno
Heikki O. Petaisto
Robert J. Peters
Wayne D. Peters Jr
Alexander J. Peterson P.E.
Eric G. Peterson
Michael W. Peterson C.P.A.
Gerald R. Phillips
Richard L. Pichiotino
Roy T. Pickler
Dr. Timothy R. Pinchback
Glen A. Pinnell
Stephen N. Pipkorn
Kenneth G. Piwarski
Eugene G. Plant
Arthur A. Plotkin
Dr. Thomas J. Pokora
Steve J. Polich
Michael J. Pond
Dale E. Popula
James L. Porth
David L. Postler
R. Lee Pratt
Edward A. Prebihalo
Alexander M. Prusi P.E.
Richard T. Pullum
Charles J. Pycha III
Gregory S. Pyke
Pamela J. Quayle
Orfan Rabbat
Michael R. Raehl
Timothy J. Raimer
Terry A. Rammacher
William N. Raplenovich
Paul D. Rauscher
Ronald G. Ray
Bruce J. Raymaker
Thomas C. Raysin
Stephen W. Reilly P.E.
David B. Repke
Gerald J. Richards
John A. Richards
Thomas J. Rinne
Ronald E. Rintamaki
Charles V. Roberts
Bruce W. Robertson
Jack D. Robinson
John L. Rodgers
Anthony C. Romero
Allan R. Roozee
David O. Ropponen
Raymond J. Rought
Joseph H. Rowe II
Gerald R. Ruotsala
Michael E. Ryan
Roger T. Saari
Rafik W. Salameh
Terrance S. Samolewski
Dr. L. Bogue Sandberg
Sally K. Santeford
Thomas W. Saur
William E. Savela
Barry V. Sawchuk
Afram M. Sawma
Sami A. Sayegh
Allan W. Scheive
Steven R. Schelling
John L. Schick
Donn J. Schlotec
Joel R. Schlukebir
Charles L. Schmidt
Alan J. Schneider
Dennis R. Schnotala
Arnold F. Schoeck
George P. Schubert P.E.
Eric F. Schulte
John R. Schultz
Leroy P. Schultz
William A. Schumacher
Keith J. Searl
Jon B. Sebba
Paula K. Seiter
Charles L. Selander
Edmund V Self Jr
Daniel J. Seppa
John M. Shabel
Timothy E. Shade
Bansilal N. Shah
Thomas H. Sharp
Daniel F. Shauger
Marvin D. Shepherd
Frank D. Sherman
William G. Shields
Edward I. Shillington P.E.
R. Scott Sickler
Steven D. Siedentopf
Thomas E. Silverblatt
R. Mark Simeoni
Donald H. Simmons
Serak A. Simon
Robert M. Simons
John G. Sims
Brien D. Sirola
J. Michael Skippen, P.E.
Kevin B. Slattery
David A. Sleeper
James F. Smith P.E.
Michael L. Smith P.E.
Richard W. Snyder
William W. Snyder
Thomas K. Song
Gary P. Sparrow
Thomas C. Spence
William L. Spietz
Douglas R. Sporte
Rev. Gregory M. Sprau
Daniel L. Spreitzer P.E.
William J. Sproule
Robert J. St. Pierre
Thomas J. Stafford
Paul W. Stark
Michael R. Sterk
John W. Stevens
Eilene S. Still
JoAnne R. Stimac
Eugene L. Stone
Thomas T. Stoner
Gary E. Storms
Terry A. Stoychoff
Gary A. Strack
Gary R. Strobel
Richard L Strohkirch
David D. Sturkol
Kim A. Sturm
Gary L. Sundin
Michael T. Sutkowi
Gary F. Swagart
Monte M. Swan
Jeffrey L Swanson
Kenneth O. Sweet
David R. Swetich
Stephen M. Szymanski
Raymond M. Tabar
Edwin D. Tafelski
David A. Talford
Michael A. Tasson P.E.
Frank W. Taylor
William G. Teer
Joyce J. Ten Haken C.P.A.
Richard E. Ten Haken
Joseph F. Tencza
Victor M. Tepedino
James F. Tercha
Lawrence R. Tetzlaff
Richard H. Thole
Ronald W. Thomas
Camiel E. Thorrez
Aykut Tolunay
Mark J. Toner
Donald K. Topliff
Frank P. Traczyk Jr
Terrence M. True
James T. Tulk
Alan D. Tuomisto
Stephen M. Turner
John V. Twork
Robert J. Ulaszek
Ronald J. Uutala
Paul B. Valenti
Dennis A. Van Liere
Dr. Ronald L. Van Wieren
Kenneth VanderHeide
Douglas L. VanDyke PE
Robert P. Veale
Ronald Vedova
James M. Vencato
Richard L. Verburg
Thomas C. Vicary
Patricio Villarroel
James A. Visintainer P.E.
Terry L. Vrable
Peter J. Wacker
Richard F. Wadleigh Jr
Karl F. Wagner
Lee P. Waibel
Roger L. Wakelam
Bruce J. Waldo
Steve Z. Walicki
John R. Walker
Martin J Walker
Michael F Walker
Wolfgang Walther
John E Ward Jr
Edward F. Watkins
David J. Watson P.E.
Stephen P. Watters
Brian A. Watts
Donald P. Weaver Jr
John M. Weber
Jerome B. Weeden
Jerome M. Weedman
Kenneth S Wells
Sandra L. Wells
Jon E. Wennerberg
James O Wester
Michael C. Wetzel
Franklin C. Wheatlake
Susan P. Wheatlake
Edward J. White
Robert R. White
Susan O’Neill White
Donald S. Whitens
John S. Wiegand
James C. Wiester Jr
William K. Wilke
Dr. Harold L. Wilkinson
Claude N. Williams Jr
David E. Williams
Michael F. Wilmers
Terrance C. Wilson
Gary K. Wiltse
Richard R. Windnagel
Lum R. Wing
Helmut Winter
Monte J. Withee
Dale M. Witt
Ted T. Wittig
Russell A. Wolf
James N. Wood
Stephen J. Wood
B. Thomas Woodroffe
Frances H. Worley
George E. Wright
Dennis J. Wyllie
Warren C. Yohe
Robert H. Yonker
Theodore J. Zanon
David A. Zawacki
James J. Zechlinski P.E.
Lcdr. Terrance W. Zline
James F. Zook
Christopher D. Zoppa
Jeffrey D. Zutler

2020 Golden M Inductees

Main Reunion Page

Pasty Recipe

Michigan Tech Dining Services uses the following recipe for making Cornish Pasties. What is your recipe or variation that you like? Share in the comments below!

Pastry Ingredients:

  • 4 cups cold all-purpose flour (cold)
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt
  • 8 ounces Crisco (cold)
  • 1 cup ice cold water

Filling Ingredients:

  • 1 # raw skirt steak, diced
  • 2 cups peeled, diced, red potatoes
  • 2 cups diced yellow onions
  • 2 cups shredded rutabaga
  • 2 ¼ teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1 ¾ teaspoons black pepper
  • 4 knobs butter

Egg Wash:

  • 1 egg with a little water added, beaten well


1.       In a chilled bowl, thoroughly combine flour and salt. Once combined, gently rub the Crisco onto the flower to form large flasks for a flaky crust.

2.       Add water and mix until the dough just comes together. Form dough into 4 disks, individually wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate until set.

3.       To make the pasty filling combine the onion, potatoes, and rutabaga in a bowl. Mix in the salt and pepper.

4.       On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough into 4, 10” disks.

5.       Place ¼ of the filling mixture near the top of each 10” pastry round. Top with beef, place a knob of butter on the beef, and then add a pinch of flour and salt and pepper on top.

6.       Wet edge of pastry with a little water. Fold to seal. Crimp edges with a tool or fork, brush each pastry with egg wash, and bake 45-50 minutes at 400﮿F. 

Emergency Fund Impact

Thanks to donations from alumni and friends, 280 students have been helped through emergency funds. More than $117,000 has been distributed to help students suffering financial hardship because of COVID-19. Support for any of these funds will have an immediate impact on our students!

Husky Emergency Assistance Fund | Give Now
76 undergraduate students received $27,648
38 graduate students received $14,278.28
11 employees received $5,289

Graduate Emergency Assistance Fund | Give Now
70 graduate students received $35,000 (thanks to a $100,000 lead donation from Chang Park)

Betty Chavis Fund
38 undergraduate students received $15,385 
4 graduate students received $2,343

International Fund
52 graduate students received $21,917 
2 undergraduate students received $745

Remembering Tom Hruby and Raymond Kauppila

Thomas F. Hruby, 93, a longtime Houghton resident, died on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, at Gardenview Assisted Living and Memory Care. He was born July, 13, 1926, in Cleveland, Ohio, a son of the late Alois and Lillian (Vevra) Hruby.

Tom was a WWII veteran of the United States Merchant Marines serving from 1944-46, completing numerous trans-Pacific voyages.

Following his discharge, Tom earned a Bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering from the Michigan College of Mining and Technology (Michigan Tech). His early post-college years were spent in Cleveland and Detroit as writer and editor for several industry publications.

Tom returned to Houghton and Michigan Tech in the late 1950’s-early 60’s and in his near 40 year tenure at the university held successively responsible positions in external and alumni relations.

Tom was a longtime and active member of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish of Hoighton, where he served as an usher and Eucharistic Minister for shut-ins. Tom was all about family. He volunteered for many of the parish’s special programs for communities of need in Houghton. He was very kind and generous to his church families in need, especially during the holidays often opening his home to folks. Although Tom wished to keep his donations to others anonymous, they were well appreciated.

Tom loved sailing on the blue waters and in the challenging winds of Lake Michigan, and reveled in the cross country skiing afforded by the Upper Peninsula’s long winters. Necessarily giving up sailing and skiing in his later years, he was a daily walker.

Tom is survived by his sister, Jane Hruby Hanlon and her husband Robert; as well as nine nieces and nephews. Besides his parents, he was also preceded in death by brothers, Louis and Joseph; and a sister, Mary Louise.

A Memorial Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10 a.m. on Thursday, July 9, 2020, at St. Ignatious Loyola Parish in Houghton, with Fr. John Martignon as celebrant. Arrangements are being handled by the Jukuri-Antila Funeral Home of Hancock, Antila Funeral Service, Inc. Online condolences may be expressed to the family at

Raymond William Kauppila, 91, most recently of 1600 Mill Creek Court, Marquette, passed away on Sunday, June 14, 2020, while in the loving care of family and the Lake Superior Life Care & Hospice. He was formerly of 424 W. Ridge St., Marquette; and longtime Hancock resident.

Raymond was born in Iron Mountain, on February 17, 1929, son of the late Ida H. (Kuja) and Swan W. Kauppila.

Ray was a graduate of the Eben High School, Class of 1946. Ray Kauppila earned bachelor degrees in both Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics from the University of Michigan in 1951. He was first employed by Standard Oil in Whiting, Indiana, from 1951-1955 and then at Cliffs Dow in Marquette from 1955-1957. Ray then came to Tech as a teacher in 1957 and received an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan Tech in 1960. He left Michigan Tech briefly to earn his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1968.

Kauppila served Michigan Tech as a teacher and researcher from 1957 until his retirement in 1988, other than a brief stint with P & H Crane in Escanaba from 1979-1980. He came to Tech after working in the industry for several years, bringing to the design curriculum an invaluable background, steeped in the realities of industrial design, yet firmly based on a foundation of mathematical and engineering science. His inquiring mind and his uncompromising quest for excellence left its mark on a generation of design students in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Few were unaffected by his intensity in the classroom and his insights in the design laboratory.

While at Michigan Tech he served a stint as chief engineer at the Keweenaw Research Center and maintained strong ties with the mining industry through his pioneering work in roof bolting. He was instrumental in the implementation of what is now called the Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory, and was a lead designer of the BAJA automobiles at Tech. Ray was never one to rest and after “retirement” worked as a consulting engineer at U.P. Fabricating from 1997-2012 and had also taught at NMU from 1991-1992.

He was a member of the Independent Apostolic Lutheran Church in Negaunee. Ray served on the Board of Review in Hancock, was a board member at AMCAB and had served numerous other boards and provided engineering expertise for many organizations, along with being a patent holder and enjoyed machine design.

Raymond is survived by three daughters, Susan (Gregory) Bovid of Midland, Audrey (William) Johnson of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Kandace (Tim) Reckinger, of Hartland, Wisconsin; a son, Rick (Pam) Kauppila of Negaunee; two brothers, Rolland W. (Linda) Kauppila of Dayton, Ohio and Rodney W. (Barbara) Kauppila of Rudyard; nine grandchildren, Adam (Britta) Kauppila, Janel Kauppila, Christopher (Karen) Bovid, Nicholas (Kristen) Bovid, Stanley (Jami) Bovid, Elena Davis, Jennifer (Jonathan) Walter, Lauren (William) Crowder and Aaron Reckinger; 13 great-great grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and a host of brothers and sisters in faith.

Ray was preceded in death by his wife, whom shared 65 years of marriage with, Irene E. (Besonen) Kauppila on Sept 24, 2017, and a brother, Wallace S. Kauppila who died in his childhood.

Graveside funeral services will be held at the Trout Creek Cemetery at 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 20, 2020 with Mike Peterson officiating.

Pallbearers will be Stan, Nick and Chris Bovid, Adam Kauppila., Aaron Reckinger and John Kauppila.

Ray’s obituary may also be viewed at where relatives and friends may leave a note of remembrance.

William Jennings Powers, July 31, 1930 – April 24, 2020

PENSACOLA, Fla. — William Powers died peacefully on April 24, 2020 in the comfort of his home in Pensacola, Fla. Born on July 31, 1930 in Davenport, Iowa; he was the son of the late LaVern and Orpha Powers. In 1950, he enlisted into the US Air Force and served honorably. He is survived by his wife, Sally Powers, his three children Mary Mach, William Powers and Matthew Powers (Merrily), and his grandchildren, Jason Powers, Karrie Hilts, Abra Mach and Morgan Mach.

Bill Powers arrived at Michigan Technological University in 1970 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he had been a member of the faculty in English and Director of Freshman-Sophomore English. He spent the next 30 years successively, as the Head of Humanities, the Dean of Sciences and Arts, then as Vice President of Academic Affairs, and at the last as Michigan Technological University’s first Provost.

He believed that university faculty can become administrators, but they also have a continuing faculty teaching responsibility. He taught a course each term and was published – becoming the co-author of one book, the author of chapters in three other books and roughly forty pieces, including papers, short fiction and poetry.

Graveside Funeral Rites will be held on Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 3 pm at Raleigh Memorial Park.

Condolences to the family at

Obituary and image courtesy of Mitchell Funeral Home at Raleigh Memorial Park.

What You Said About Tech in April…

From “Alumni Work to Fight COVID-19” on Alumni News

“The COVID19 Pandemic is challenging the healthcare facilities around the globe like never before. As the Chief Engineer for EWB-USA, Mike is leading a EWB / Rotary Team in Guatemala to improve the infrastructure of healthcare facilities so they are ready for the increased caseload. Work includes an increase water supply, water storage, hospital triage areas and expanded waiting rooms.” – Michael P.

“Bruce Rossman (’81 Scientific & Technical Communications) is lead media relations specialist at Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids. He is part of the team working to share Spectrum Health’s efforts in the medical response to COVID-19 and educate the public regarding social distancing, best practices in slowing the spread of this disease, and Spectrum Health’s research initiatives.” – Bruce R.

“Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases such as the novel Coronavirus disease, COVID-19 and Ebola pose a significant threat to global society and test the public health community’s preparedness to rapidly respond to an outbreak with effective diagnostics and therapeutics. Recent advances in next generation sequencing technologies enable rapid generation of pathogen genome sequence data, within 24 hours of obtaining a sample in some instances. With this data, one can quickly evaluate the effectiveness of existing diagnostics and therapeutics using in silico approaches.” – Mychal I.

“Translational Genomics Research Institute (Darrin Lemmer ’98) in Flagstaff, Arizona developed a genomic test for COVID-19 and set up a clinical lab to test patient samples for all of Northern Arizona. In addition, TGen is sequencing positive samples from the entire state to be able to compare and analyze the SARS-CoV-2 genome to determine the source of introductions into Arizona as well as the presence and rate of community spread within the state.” – Darrin L.

“Glen Sachtleben (‘74 Forestry) is with FEMA in Atlanta working the FEMA Regional effort to support eight states and six tribes in the southeast U.S. fight against COVID19. Recently battled the Easter Sunday tornado outbreak at same time and ready to respond to hurricane season June-November in a COVID19 environment.” – Glen S.

From “Zoom Backgrounds” on Alumni News

“These are all fantastic! My coworkers will be treated to these on Zoom in the coming weeks. Thank you! – April W.

“Yay! I’ve been looking for a Zoom background.
The sunset lift bridge pic will work great.
Thanks.” – Julie B.

“Great idea and great execution. 🙂” – Eric L.

From “Vote for Former Husky Tony Esposito!” on Facebook

“He should be a shoe-in. No brainer.” – Aaron A.

“About time, eh?!” – Curtis H.

“Amen to that 🏒” – Stan S.

Still Snow on Ripley

The Copper Country woke up to a dusting on snow on May 8, adding to our 2019-20 season total. See where this year’s 186 inches of snow ranks against our historical records.

Whether it was snow on your graduation day or something else, what are your memories of spring snow in the Keweenaw?

Of course, there’s still snow on Mont Ripley. Will it last until June? Check out the Ripley webcam to see how much remains.

Giving Tuesday Now

#GivingTuesdayNow is a global day of giving and unity set to take place on May 5, 2020, as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. The event will mobilize GivingTuesday’s global network of leaders, partners, communities and generous individuals.

How you can participate:

Make a gift to the Husky Emergency Assistance Fund (HEAF)
The HEAF has been established to help provide financial relief for the Michigan Tech campus community (students and employees) who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of crises (including COVID-19). Donate to the HEAF.

Support any area of campus
A gift to Michigan Tech or any specific area of campus will help us prepare students to create the future. Give now.

Donate food or resources to the Husky Food Access Network
The on-campus food pantry has helped hundreds of students in their time of need. Make a financial donation or email to coordinate a food donation during social distancing protocol.

Use your time or skills in the COVID-19 response
Michigan Tech alumni are putting their education and ingenuity to work to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. See what others are doing and add your story.

On the last GivingTuesday (December 3, 2019) the global giving day generated $2 billion in giving, just in the United States, and inspired millions of people worldwide to volunteer, perform countless acts of kindness, and donate their voices, time, money, and goods. The additional giving day planned for May 5, 2020 is being deployed in response to needs expressed by communities and leaders around the world.

Join the movement! Make a gift to Michigan Tech on Tuesday, May 5!

Zoom Backgrounds

In response to the widespread use of Zoom for virtual meetings during stay-at-home orders, here are images you can use as virtual backgrounds in Zoom. For instructions on how to set up a virtual background, see the instructions below.

To download images:
On a PC:
• Right click the image (before clicking the magnifying glass).
• Open image in a new tab.
• Go to the new tab and right click on the image.
• Select “save image as.”
On a Mac:
• Click the magnifying glass.
• Right click and select “save image as.”

To set an image as your virtual background in Zoom:
• Open
• Go to settings (on the home screen, click the gear icon in the upper right corner).
• Select Virtual Background from the left column.
• Click the + symbol to add new images.