Class of ’60 Gift Effort

Michigan Tech campus from the air

It is a long-standing Michigan Tech tradition for the honored Reunion classes to have a friendly gift competition. Help show everyone that your class cares the most. Members of the Class of 1960 are invited to make a contribution in support of the reunion gift program and to honor all that we have achieved.

  • Class donations to date: $1,109,502.84
  • Members donating: 62 (13.9%)

Honor Roll

All class of 1960 members who give toward the Class Reunion Gift effort will be included on the class honor roll, but there will be a special emphasis placed on the Class of 1960 Endowed Scholarship Fund.

New gifts made between July 1, 2019, and the end of reunion (August 8, 2020)—no matter the size or designation—are counted in the reunion gift total.

Gifts can be made by mail, by phone, or online. Multiyear pledges (up to five years) are also encouraged, as the entire pledge amount will be included in the project total.

The honor roll is updated periodically. If you have made a gift and your name is not yet on the list, please email us or call 906-487-2400.

Noel J. Alarie
Henry A. Black Jr
Jerald A. Blumberg
Roger E. Bokeny
George S. Brunner
Margaret M. Buchmann
David R. Courtney, Jr
Thomas R. Forsch
Gary B. Fort
Phillip V. Frederickson
David L. Funston
Arthur R. Garfield P.E.
James A. Gottstine
Kenneth L. Graesser
Gary C. Hammond
John E. Hansen
Ronald O. Harma
Edwin A. Heribacka
Anna M. Hradel
Thor A. Jackola
Dr. Joe A. Jenney
Leonard A. Johnson
Thomas E. Joiner, P.S. & P.E.
Marlene C. Jordan
Peter R. Kamarainen
Elgin J. Karklins
Dr. C. Daniel Kealy
John S. Kirby
John M. Kosiancic
Raymond G. Latvala
Adele M. Liimatta
William J. Lubitz

Frederick F. Maki
William D. Maki
William J. Millar
Jon A. Neely
Dr. Michael E. O’Neill
Allan D. Pedersen
John A. Petrusha
Stanley C. Rajala
William A. Redman
Robert H. Richards
Ross E. Roeder
Daniel M. Romes P.E.
Delmar J. Scelonge
Thomas W. Schmucker
Bruce C. Sdunek
Joyce L. Shelso
Dr. Richard B. Sher
Dr. Thomas C. Simonen
James E Sorenson
Daniel A. Stock
Frederick A. Subosits
Andrew Tczap
Anton B. Usowski
Daniel E. Walls
Franklin P. Weigold
George B. Whitman
Richard H. Wibbelmann
Robert A. Wickman
Clayton R. Willman

Updated August 4, 2020

Main Reunion Page

Class of ’60 Stats and Facts

Michigan Tech campus from the air

  • Top 3 Majors: ME-EM 24%, Civil Engineering 19%, EE 18%
  • 1959 – Two buses brought fifty-two women to Michigan Tech for the Winter Carnival Sno-Ball. A tradition begins.
  • 1959 – Harold Meese is named Dean of Students (a post he held until 1983)
  • 1960 – The Sheldon Heights (Lower Daniell Heights) Apartments were opened for married students.

Main Reunion Page

A Message from Your Class Reunion Chair

Dear Class of 1960

Alumni Reunion 2020 begins Thursday, August 6, with virtual content being posted on the reunion website. While this is not the way we would have liked to hold reunion, the Alumni Engagement staff has put together some fun content for us to see what’s going on at Tech and rekindle those memories of the Copper Country.

Be sure to log on to our Class of 1960 page and comment at the bottom of the page to share a memory or share what you’re up to now.

Also, if you haven’t contributed to our class gift effort yet, please consider doing so. Gifts of any amount to any area of campus will help current students and show what Michigan Tech means to us.

I look forward to interacting with you during our virtual reunion. Congrats on reaching this 60-year milestone!


Ron Harma
Class of 1960 Reunion Chair

Main Reunion Page

Class of ’95 Gift Effort

Michigan Tech campus from the air

It is a long-standing Michigan Tech tradition for the honored Reunion classes to have a friendly gift competition. Help show everyone that your class cares the most. Members of the Class of 1995 are invited to make a contribution in support of the reunion gift program and to honor all that we have achieved.

  • Class donations to date: $34,562.50
  • Members donating: 57 (3.3%)

Honor Roll

All class of 1995 members who give toward the Class Reunion Gift effort will be included on the class honor roll.

New gifts made between July 1, 2019, and the end of reunion (August 8, 2020)—no matter the size or designation—are counted in the reunion gift total.

Gifts can be made by mail, by phone, or online. Multiyear pledges (up to five years) are also encouraged, as the entire pledge amount will be included in the project total.

The honor roll is updated periodically. If you have made a gift and your name is not yet on the list, please email us or call 906-487-2400.

Dr. Muniappan Anbarasu
Richard D. Ashley
Christopher J. Baumgartner
Lloyd A. Beethem
Patrick G. Bentley
Tera M. Blauwkamp
Brent W. Carlson
Melissa M. DeLano
James R. Dickson
Douglas M. Fox
Chad D. Halverson
Jason R. Heine
Matthew J. Hoffmann
Mark J. Hurley
Sara M. Hurley
Dr. Nicholas Jordache
Eric P. Jung
Mia M. Kemppainen
Lynnette K. Klucinec
Kristin J. Kolodge
Sean M. Kolodge
Jason A. LaCosse
Derrick S. Levanen
Teck-Shiun Lim
Aimee L. Macnowski
Michael L. Martin
Cheryl A. McCutcheon
Charlene R. McQuarter

Marvin R. Mealman
Tanya E. Mealman
Dennis R. Melchi
Luverna K. Menghini
Eric S. Mulzer
David S. Niec
Nathalie E. Osborn
Robert D. Palazzolo
Kari R. Palmer
Michael W. Palmer
Brent L. Peterson
Upendra P. Puntambekar
Daniel Rellis
Dr. Kathryn A. Remlinger
Jeremy L. Russell
David M. Ryan
Heather L. Schierloh
Anthony G. Senger
Nathan B. Sevener
Scott R. Stilson
Eric D. Sutherland
Ann Nee Tay
Lisa K. Townsend-Moore
Carissa J. Tyo
Matthew A. Tyo
Kevin W. Vollmert
Lisa A. Vollmert
Christopher L. Wojick
Jodie L. Wollnik

Updated August 4, 2020

Main Reunion Page

Class of ’95 Stats and Facts

Michigan Tech campus from the air

  • Total graduates: 1,228
  • Top 3 majors: ME-EM (20%), Civil Engineering (10%), Electrical Engineering (11%)
  • 1992 the Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) starts the new tradition of “Oozeball” at Spring Fling. This mud volleyball tournament quickly became a Tech Tradition
  • 1994 Coed residence hall is renamed McNair Hall for Fred W. McNair, president of Michigan College of Mines (1899-1924)
  • 1994 Bowing to pressure from parents, students and faculty, President Tompkins calls off classes as Tech closed for a full day because of cold temperatures

Main Reunion Page

A Message from Your Class Reunion Chairs

Michigan Tech campus from the air

Dear Class of 1995

Alumni Reunion 2020 begins Thursday, August 6, with virtual content being posted on the reunion website. While this is not the way we would have liked to hold reunion, the Alumni Engagement staff has put together some fun content for us to see what’s going on at Tech and rekindle those memories of the Copper Country.

Be sure to log on to our Class of 1995 page and comment at the bottom of the page to share a memory or share what you’re up to now.

Also, if you haven’t contributed to our class gift effort yet, please consider doing so. Gifts of any amount to any area of campus will help current students and show what Michigan Tech means to us.

We look forward to interacting with you during our virtual reunion. Congrats on reaching this 25-year milestone!

Mark and Sara Hurley
Class of 1995 Reunion Co-Chairs

Main Reunion Page

Golden M Club Reunion 2020

Michigan Tech from the air


There are no dues. No officers. But this VIP group is as exclusive as it gets. Welcome to the club, Golden Ms! We honor you and all Michigan Tech alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago. We recognize and applaud your half-century milestone with a pinning ceremony to recognize your achievements and show how much you are appreciated, valued, and cherished as part of the Michigan Tech family.

Our 2020 inductees hail from the Class of 1970. This year we also celebrate the 60th reunion of the Class of 1960 and the 55th reunion of the Class of 1965.

Where Has Life Taken You?

Share your Tech memories. Don’t forget pictures!

Broomball: A Tech Tradition

With three dedicated rinks, scoreboards, and live webcams, broomball has become one of Tech’s top traditions. According to this site, broomball began on campus in the early 1990s. Do you still have your broom? Comment below about your broomball experience.

Itching to get back in the game?
The 11th annual Alumni-Student Broomball Tournament is scheduled for Winter Carnival (February 7-8). Register here by January 16.

Editor Update — Feb. 10, 2020
Thanks to notes from many alumni (see below), we can report that, yes, broomball has been played by Tech students as far back as the 1950s. IRHC Broomball began in the 90s and continues to thrive. See how you can support a great broomball experience for our students.

What You Said About Tech in December…..

From “Color Timeline” on Facebook

“Spent many a day on the slopes in my freshman and sophomore years.” – Daniel H.

“This is where I learned to ski in 1964/65. Took advanced skiing from Fred Lonsdorf in 1967.” – Darrell J.

From “MTU Night” on Facebook

“I never watched hockey until a roommate told me how much fun games at MTU were. He was right! The best weekends were the NMU-MTU games. One game in Houghton followed by a road trip to Marquette for the next nights game, or vice versa! Great times that created even greater memories.” – Mike E.

“Wrangling up tickets to any home game we could get our hands! It was always a great night too watch hockey as an undergrad with friends, and even better if they won. As a figure skater I was part of the team the conditioned with them back in the late 90’s and performed between periods.” – Danielle M-C.

“My favorite Tech hockey memories were watching Tony Esposito and Al Karlander play. Watching these guys play made a lifelong hockey fan. Steve Yzerman has to my favorite all time Red Wing. Go Wings!” – Russ W.

“My favorite MTU moment was not only beating NMU for the WCHA championship in their own barn, but out-cheering an entire arena of NMU fans with a busload of misfits and a handful of pep band kids. Nothing feels sweeter than that.” – Glory C.

“MTU is where I first learned hockey, and attended many games while a student. Even went to some road games at NMU and the GLI. Great times with friends and the pep band!” – Lee B.

“My favorite memory of MTU Hockey was being a season ticket holder with my t hen boyfriend and now husband of 23 years. Great memories for us both!” – Kris D.

“My favorite Michigan Tech hockey memory was my first GLI game which was also my last game at Joe Louis Arena before it closed. We played (and beat) U of M. Sat just down from the Huskies Pep Band.” – Kristen J.

“Favorite MTU hockey moment was a few years ago with the WCHA championship at the Mac. That place was packed with as many people as possible. When we scored that goal in OT, I’m pretty sure I was jumping and cheering for at least 15 minutes. I don’t think that moment will ever be topped for me.” – Martin D.

“My favorite memory of Tech hockey was attending my first Tech hockey game while in High School during the mid 70’s and the excitement of the whole arena chanting to ZUKE ZUKE ZUKE who was fun to watch.” – Lorrie G.

“As a small child I sat behind the goal, against chain link fence instead of glass, and saw Tony Esposito lose his last game at Michigan Tech and Dee Stadium. As he walked through the crowd to get to the locker room he had tears streaming down his face. Indelibly etched memory many years later.” – Bruce B.

From “Return on Investment” on Facebook

“My mom and dad got the ultimate ROI… and they were almost as proud as I was!” – Jan B.

“No surprise there!!!” – Jay A.

“I don’t need to win the lottery. I graduated from Michigan Technological University.” – Gerald G.

From “Holiday Break” on Facebook

“Counting the minutes until everyone was ready to hit the road…the anticipation of being home, sleeping in, and going to GLI over the break.” – Brian W.

“Bumming a ride with friends to get to the Chicago burbs. Stopping at Hilltop for the big cinnamon roll and eating it on the way.” – Craig M.

“Riding with six of us in a large car but only one cassette tape listened to repeatedly: the Guess Who, No Sugar Tonight will forever remind me of that trip freshman year” – Becky S.

“Driving home in a snow storm every time.” – Jeff P.

“Coming back one winter we had to take 94 between Munising and Marquette. Came across a car of students that had missed a turn. Straight into very deep snow. Two carloads stopped, we lifted the car out of the snow and onto the road.” – Herbert H.

“Following tail lights on 28 heading into Munising on our way back to Tech, Thanksgiving, 1966. What a ride that was from the Bridge to Baraga. The afternoon after returning I went to the AD building for a transfer application, but I threw it away when I got back to the apartment.” – Morey N.

“Making south across the mighty Mac a few short hours before it was shut down due to high winds. Not sure what we would have done otherwise.” – Brad V.

The Snow Scoop – Ingenuity Born of Necessity

This story originally appeared in the February 1993 issue of Peninsula People, a regional publication printed for distribution in Hancock

Dave Walli’s varied career path has taken him in many directions but one job- barbering- prepared him for his current business as a snow scoop manufacturer and designer of copper art.

Dave Walli

“The clipper and the comb are in the same position as the brazing rod and the torch,” says former barber Dave Walli. “I was practicing brazing for all those years and didn’t know it.”

Walli and his wife, Gloria, both Copper Country natives, are the owners of Copper Art on Fifth Street in Calumet. They began their business in 1976, working out of their home in Laurium and moved the business to their current location in 1982. The building also houses the couple’s “sideline” business – Silver Bear Products – so named because the snow scoops they manufacture are made of steel and work like a bear. “Copper is our thing,” said Dave, “but the snow scoops fill the gap in the off season.”

According to Dave, he’s produced 10,000 snow scoops with an all-time high of 2,200 “one year when we had a lot of snow.” What year that was he- couldn’t recall, but most Copper Country winters have accumulations of at least 150 inches.

The scoops, which retail for $28.25 to $34.75 are available in three sizes and feature one-inch or three-quarter inch diameter handles with a built-in height adjustment.  Dave wholesales the scoops to Kmart, Holiday and Pamida stores in the Upper Peninsula. He’s also shipped snow scoops to a ski resort in Montana and fills orders from former U.P. residents who know the value of a snow scoop.

The workhorse portion of the snow scoop forms a still life when stacked in the basement at Dave Walli’s workshop.

And though snow scoops have been around since the 1920’s, Dave claims he has built “the better mouse trap.” “Our scoop features a kick bar/plate on the back.  It always has, otherwise it would have been just another snow scoop,” says Dave. The scoop, which also has a 16-gauge front edge, is designed for snow removal “not firewood retrieval,” Dave notes. “You can always tell when someone’s been improvising with their scoop. They’ll bring it into the shop for a repair and it has all kinds of dings and dents in it. That’s a sure sign of someone hauling wood or using it as a sled, which it is not.”

At this point, Dave took us outside for a demonstration. “You see, it’s really very simple. You push the scoop into the snow, and lift from the…”  We thought the sight of a shop owner scooping snow on the sidewalk was so interesting, we missed the instructions. Needless to say, when I got home that night and it was my turn to clean the driveway, I wondered if l was maneuvering the lightweight Silver Bear scoop in the proper manner.  Actually, Dave says even if you are a bit awkward with the scoop, it still does the job. “It’s not the back breaker that shoveling snow is and it doesn’t require any oil, gas or additional attachments,” says Dave. Good point.

“We did consider putting one ounce of oatmeal in a package and attach it with a ribbon to the handle and advertise it as a one-time starter on the scoop,” laughs Dave. “I still think it would be a good idea.”

Obviously, the Walli’s enjoy their business, rather businesses, because their copper art is an integral part of the family’s livelihood.

“We could make any number of scoops but the copper keeps us busy from May until October and then we’re making scoops all the time,” says Dave. “To make copper art you need skill, patience and desire because our copper art is not mass produced.”

Dave Walli, left, his son, Eric, and Walli’s wife, Gloria, are three people who persist in their dream to offer quality products which are both practical and beautiful.

During a tour of the Walli’s production area, Dave points out several dies he has made including one for thimbleberries surrounded by leaves. Sheets of 16, 22, and 24-gauge steel are stacked along one wall. Various pieces of machinery, including a Pittsburgh Lock Machine for shaping sheets of metal, occupy the back room and the basement of the Walli’s shop. “I’ve picked my equipment up piece by piece,” says Dave. “If I had to go out and buy it all at one time I’d really feel the bite, but going to auctions and word of mouth was how I obtained most of it.”

 Through the years, Dave says he and his family have come to realize that it is best to have fun while working. “I didn’t want a job that I dreaded going into. I wanted to feel good and have our customers feel good too,” said Dave. “We had demonstrations here last year in the shop, and the people just really enjoyed that. I think we’ll do more of that because it gets us involved with the customers and they get an understanding of what goes into the creation of copper art.”

One of the examples of copper art available at the shop owned by Dave and Gloria Walli. Snow scoops, a Copper Country necessity, are manufactured in the same building.

 Though the Walli’s produce a variety of copper art, they also handle commission work. One of Dave’s most recent projects was copper countertops for his daughter’s pastry shop. Though the most popular copper art at the Walli’s shop are angels and hummingbirds, a large variety of flowers, birds, buildings, jewelry, books, and photographs are on display as well. 

Copper Art is located at 111 Fifth Street in Calumet, home of the nation’s newest national park! The shop is open year-round and Dave will be glad to show you how to operate a snow scoop. Gloria, who is a bit shy, is always on hand to help with your copper gift selections.