Day: October 20, 2015

Rekhi Innovation Challenge Deadline Extended to Monday Oct. 26

Enterprise and Senior Design Teams and Advisors: here is your chance to secure funding for your innovative ideas! The deadline has been extended to encourage participation from more teams. A minimum of 5 teams is needed in order to hold the challenge.

The Vice President for Research Office and Pavlis Honors College are now accepting projects for the Rekhi Innovation Challenge, a crowdfunding competition whose aim is to promote student innovation and entrepreneurship through the use of Superior Ideas. This year, the Challenge has been opened up to any Enterprise or Senior Design teams whose projects include an innovative approach to an important design challenge or market need.

The competition runs from Nov. 1-Dec. 31 and projects must now be submitted by Oct. 26 in order to be considered. To participate, please see the information for teamsadvisors, and the application form.

Any questions can be directed to Natasha Chopp at

fall 15 rekhi innovation challenge
