Register for Ramon Goings and Joya Misra’s Final Research Webinars The ARC Network is excited to begin our series hosting members of the 2020-2021 Virtual Visiting Scholars (VVS) cohort to present on their VVS projects and discuss the implications of their findings! The VVS program annually supports 2-4 selected scholars to complete metasyntheses and meta-analyses of existing . . .
Safety in any workplace, whether corporate or academic, is not achieved by just providing students, faculty and staff with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to conduct their research or work safely. Creating safety in the workplace also includes intentionally crafting a psychologically safe environment where individuals feel they can speak up, express their concerns, and . . .
Research into Student Teaching Evaluations often focus on what such evaluations actually measure and the inherent biases about instructors that can disadvantage or advantage particular faculty. This article in Inside Higher Ed reports on a metastudy that addresses both measurement and equity biases in student evaluations and suggests strategic responses for higher education institutions. One . . .